29.2728, Calls: Historical Ling, Pragmatics, Text/Corpus Ling, Writing Systems/China
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Sat Jun 30 16:01:13 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-2728. Sat Jun 30 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.2728, Calls: Historical Ling, Pragmatics, Text/Corpus Ling, Writing Systems/China
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2018 12:00:32
From: Imogen Marcus [Imogen.Marcus at edgehill.ac.uk]
Subject: Written Language Use in Old and New Media
Full Title: Written Language Use in Old and New Media
Date: 09-Jun-2019 - 14-Jun-2019
Location: Hong Kong, China
Contact Person: Imogen Marcus
Meeting Email: Imogen.Marcus at edgehill.ac.uk
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Pragmatics; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Writing Systems
Call Deadline: 15-Oct-2018
Meeting Description:
(Panel organised by Imogen Marcus (Edge Hill University, UK) and Magdalena
Leitner (University of Zurich, Switzerland).
Language and new media is a rapidly emerging area of pragmatics which
considers a number of topics, including, for example, pragmatic innovations
emerging from the affordances and practices of digital communication,
interactional phenomena and broader meta-pragmatic issues, such as code choice
(Herring et al. 2013: 15). Research suggests that written language use in
digital spaces is highly innovative in its forms and functions, on both a
macro-linguistic level, in relation to larger units of discourse such as genre
and on a micro level, in relation to structural features.
Our panel, ‘Bridging the gap: pragmatic perspectives on written language use
in old and new media’, provides a space in which researchers are encouraged to
re-evaluate the assumptions and claims of digital communication research. It
examines the extent to which digital practices really are ‘new’. Are there
precedents to be found in earlier periods? Are there practices that
demonstrate continuity between the pre-digital and the digital age? Are there
practices that constitute genuine innovation within digital spaces? As various
scholars have pointed out, innovation and continuity in digital communication
practices need to be more carefully traced and differentiated (e.g. Herring et
al. 2013, Fritz and Jucker 2000: 1). Our focus is on written communication
that involves asynchronous interaction between at least two participants, that
is, participants do not have to be logged-in simultaneously or be in the same
physical space to communicate with each other. Examples range from letters on
paper and letter-like exchanges in print to digital communication, such as
email, instant messaging, text messaging, and the use of text on digital
platforms such as Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram.
Herring, Susan C., Dieter Stein and Tuija Virtanen. 2013. (eds.). Pragmatics
of Computer-mediated Communication. (Handbooks of Pragmatics 9). Berlin: De
Gruyter Mouton.
Fritz, Gerd and Andreas H. Jucker. 2000. Einleitung. In: Gerd Fritz und
Andreas H. Jucker (eds.). Kommunikationsformen im Wandel der Zeit: Vom
mittelalterlichen Heldenepos zum elektronischen Hypertext. (Beiträge zur
Dialogforschung 21). Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1-5
Call for Papers:
Priority will be given to paper proposals discussing digital orality,
especially how it relates to the residual‐manuscript orality of the Middle
Ages, the content structure of messages, such as the sequence of
conversational moves, narrative-interactional processes, pragmatic phenomena
such as implicature or presupposition and how they work in different digital
and non-digital modes of written communication, and the dynamics of
participation frameworks. Papers concerned with the material context of
letter-writing and its impact on the language of correspondence would also be
welcome. The panel invites speakers working within different historical
periods who may not otherwise join in conversation to promote fresh
discussions from a trans-historical perspective. We welcome presentations that
take as a primary focus the investigation of historical practices, digital
practices, or both.
Please submit abstracts to either Imogen.Marcus at edgehill.ac.uk or
magdalena.leitner at es.uzh.ch by the 15th October 2018. See this link for more
information regarding the submission process:
https://pragmatics.international/page/CfP .
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