29.2139, Confs: Applied Ling, Cog Sci, Lang Acquisition, Neuroling, Psycholing/Malaysia
linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu May 17 16:41:40 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-2139. Thu May 17 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.2139, Confs: Applied Ling, Cog Sci, Lang Acquisition, Neuroling, Psycholing/Malaysia
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 12:40:44
From: Theo Marinis [t.marinis at reading.ac.uk]
Subject: Connect Malaysia
Connect Malaysia
Short Title: Connect'M
Date: 16-Jul-2018 - 19-Jul-2018
Location: Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Contact: Theo Marinis
Contact Email: celm at reading.ac.uk
Meeting URL: https://www.reading.ac.uk/celm/news-events/16th-19th-july-2nd-international-connect-malaysia-connect-m-conference-2018/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science; Language Acquisition; Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics
Meeting Description:
I am very pleased to announce that the 2nd Connect Malaysia conference will
take place on 16-19 July 2018 at the University of Reading Malaysia. The
website is now up and running:
Connect Malaysia (Connect’M) is an international and interdisciplinary
conference that aims to bridge the gap between multiple disciplines
(linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, and education) by connecting
researchers from Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand in Malaysia, a
multilingual and multicultural society.
Following the successful 1st Connect’M conference with the theme ‘Connecting
Neuroscience and Evidence-based practices in clinical and non-clinical
research’, the 2nd Connect’M 2018 has the theme: ‘Language & Literacy in
Multilingual Societies’.
Connect’M 2018 will comprise three days of research presentations and thematic
roundtables and one day of knowledge transfer workshops.
Day 1- Literacy: the first day will focus on factors that contribute to
literacy attainment, including cognitive factors (e.g. phonological
awareness), environmental factors (e.g. home language and literacy
environment), and pedagogical factors (e.g. methods of literacy instruction).
Day 2 – Multilingualism in the classroom: will focus on multilingualism in the
classroom and will address issues of individual variability in bilinguals, the
use of translanguaging in the classroom and science and maths education in
multilingual classrooms.
Day 3 – Language assessment for mutilingual children: will focus on language
assessment for children growing up in multilingual societies, how to develop
language assessments for multilingual children and will include talks on
methods for the documentation of indigenous languages and language development
Keynote speakers:
1. Rhona Stainthorp & Daisy Powell (University of Reading)
2. Jeanine Treffers-Daller (University of Reading)
3. Stephanie Pillai (University of Malaya)
Invited speakers:
1. Alison Arrow (Massey University, New Zealand)
2. Ehab W. Hermena (Zayed University, Dubai) tbc
3. Rogayah Razak & Lim Hui Woan (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
4. Susan Rickard-Liow (National University of Singapore) tbc
5. Lina Mukhopadhyay (The English & Foreign Languages University, India)
6. Tamer Amin (American University of Beirut)
7. Ambigapathy Pandian (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak)
1. The impact of different types of instruction on literacy development
2. Multilingualism in the classroom
3. Language assessment for multilingual children
Knowledge transfer workshops:
1. Using software for psycholinguistic experiments - PsychoPy
2. Eye-tracking
3. ERP
To enable staff and students from middle and low income countries to attend,
there is a special rate for middle/low income countries based on the United
Nations World Economic Situation Prospects 2018 report – see registration
The Conference is organised by the Centre for Literacy & Multilingualism at
the University of Reading.
Organising committee:
Theo Marinis, Daisy Powell, Doug Saddy (University of Reading)
Rachel Pye (University of Reading Malaysia)
Rogayah Razak (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
Ngee Thai Yap (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
Monday 16 July:
9:30-10:00: Registration + coffee
10:00-10:10: Opening
Keynote: Rhona Stainthorp & Daisy Powell
Explicit literacy instruction: paving the way to independent reading
Ariana Loff, Pascale Engel de Abreu, Carolina Nikaedo, Rute Tomás, Veronique
Cornu, Romain Martin, Silke Fricke, Charles Hulme and Maggie Snowling
Enhancing Learning of Multilingual Children from a Linguistic Minority: A
Randomised Controlled Trial in Portuguese-Speaking Children from Luxembourg
Tze Peng Wong and Daisy Powell
Predictors of reading acquisition in Malay-English biliterate children
11:40-12:10: Coffee break
Ming Yean Sia and Julien Mayor
Carikan sebiji camling! How classifiers help bilinguals learn new words
Eleanor Luckcock, Rachel Pye and Carmel Houston-Price:
Language experience influences word learning strategy, which influences word
learning performance, in school-aged children
12:50-2:00: Lunch break + posters
Invited talk: Ehab Hermena: Literacy
Christine Xiang Ru Leong, Jessica Price, Walter van Heuven and Nicola
Effect of High Variability Phonetic Training under Adaptive Adverse Conditions
on Multilingual Malaysians' Speech Production Intelligibility
Fazyudi Ahmad Nadzri and Zahariah Pilus
The functions of the level tone in Malay ESL learners’ speech
Coffee break
4:00-4:45: Invited talk: Alison Arrow: Literacy
4:50-5:50: Roundtable: Literacy
Social programme: Visit to Johor Barhu
Tuesday 17 July
9:30-10:15: Keynote: Jeanine Treffers-Daller: Individual variability in
Nur Ainil Sulaiman and Khazriyati Salehuddin
Malaysian ESL Undergraduates' Knowledge on Academic Word: What the Students
Know, versus What the Teachers Expect
Ridwan Wahid and Aliza Alwi
Where does linguistics fit in second language education? Reality-checking with
in-service teachers
11:00-11:30: Coffee break
Dionysios Zoumpalidis
Home language use in a multilingual classroom: Why not conform to the language
policy? The case of the Moscow school with a Georgian ethno-cultural component
Zuraini Ramli and Anida Sarudin
Translanguaging in Bilingual Teaching and Learning at Public Universities in
Khazriyati Salehuddin, Rasyiqah Batrisya Md Zolkapli and Tunku Rafhanah Tunku
Foreign language learning: How an L2 can facilitate the process
12:30-2:00: Lunch break & Posters
Invited talk: Lina Mukhopadhyay: Translanguaging
Minati Panda, Shalini Yadav, Shitika Chowdhary and Nainy Rao
Urban Poverty, Multilingualism and Mathematics Learning: A comparative study
of slum and non-slum children in Delhi schools
Pushpanjali Bhagat and Minati Panda
Use of Psycho-semiotic Resources in a Multilingual Science Classroom in Delhi:
A Study
3:30-4:00: Coffee break
Invited talk: Tamer Amin: Science Education
Roundtable: Multilingualism in the classroom
Social programme: Conference dinner
Wednesday 18 July
Keynote: Stephanie Pillai: Indigenous languages
Elsie Marie Or
Promoting indigenous knowledge systems and language maintenance through the
Indigenous Peoples Education Program in Oriental Mindoro, Philippines
Mahananda Pathak
Using home language and state language to teach L2 literacy and language
skills: A study of young Assamese English learners
11:00-11:30: Coffee break
Sharimila Ambrose
Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
(ICF) framework to assess the language skills of multilingual/multicultural
Mada Alhassan and Theodoros Marinis
Investigating the Executive Functions of bilingual children with Autism and
Typical Development in Saudi Arabia
Jessica Price
Investigating the Effects of Language Background (Trilingual vs Bilinguals) on
Executive Function
12:30-2:00: Lunch break & Posters
Invited talk: Rogayah Razak: Language assessment
Kankan Das, Vasim Tamboli and Dr. Lina Mukhopadhyay
Patterns of use of verb argument structures and tenses in L1 and L2 retelling
Rungpat Roengpitya
Enhancing Multilingualism in a Language Classroom at a State University in
3:30-4:00: Coffee break
Invited talk: Julia Ai Cheng Lee: Language assessment
Roundtable: Language assessment for multilingual children
Posters to be presented in all three days:
Jon Clenton:
Lexical frequency profiles and speaking tasks
Nimrod Delante:
Intercultural Competence in the Multilingual/Multicultural Classroom: A Study
of Students’ Rhetorical Strategies in Accomplishing Learning Using Grounded
Muhammad Din:
Problems Faced by Pakistani ESL Learners in Translating Present Indefinite and
Past Indefinite Tenses from Urdu into English
Yusuf Ahmed Gwarzo:
A Cognitive Analysis of Chained Metonymies in Hausa Common Nouns
George Jacobs and Denise Dillon:
Promoting Critical Literacy: The Case of Promotional Materials for Burgers
Siti Komariah:
Representament of Sunda's Identity in Mapag Panganten (Lengser Sunda): An
Analisis of Semiotic
Samsiyah Malaheng and Dahlia Janan:
Reading problems in the Malay language among students in three Southern
terrirtories of Thailand
Hiran Perera-W.A., Khazriyati Salehuddin, Rozainee Khairudin, Eric Olmedo and
Alexandre Shaefer:
Neural correlates of poverty that affect decision-making abilities
Thursday 19 July: Advanced workshops
Workshop 1: ERP
Workshop 2: Eye-tracking
Workshop 3: PsychoPy
Social programme:
We are pleased to invite you to join us at the following events. Details
including costs will be released soon.
Monday 16 July: Johor Bahru
A coach will take delegates from the University of Reading Malaysia into
downtown Johor Bahru's hipster section, Jalan Dhoby. From there, you can
wander the streets, try the food and drink at cool cafes, visit temples and
shrines, museums and do a walking cultural tour. Here is a recent blog on
Jalan Dhoby:
Tuesday 17 July: Conference dinner
Our Connect M conference dinner will take place at a local seafood restaurant
on stilts, overlooking the Singapore Straits, with night views of Singapore
and the nearby Forest City. The restaurant is Halal, with bring-your-own
A pdf version of the programme can be downloaded at:
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