29.4405, Calls: Text/Corpus Linguistics/Switzerland
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Thu Nov 8 23:29:31 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-4405. Thu Nov 08 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.4405, Calls: Text/Corpus Linguistics/Switzerland
Moderator: linguist at linguistlist.org (Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2018 18:29:08
From: Daria Dayter [daria.dayter at unibas.ch]
Subject: Corpus Approaches to Social Media
Full Title: Corpus Approaches to Social Media
Date: 01-Jun-2019 - 01-Jun-2019
Location: Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Contact Person: Sofia Rüdiger Daria Dayter
Meeting Email: daria.dayter at unibas.ch
Web Site: https://icame40.ch/program/pre-conference-workshops/
Linguistic Field(s): Text/Corpus Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2018
Meeting Description:
(Session of 40th ICAME Conference)
Language-centered research on online interactions has been steadily gaining
momentum since the days of early Web 2.0. What started as a predominantly
qualitative endeavor (Herring 1996, Androutsopoulos 2006) has steadily evolved
towards large datasets and big data, especially in studies concerned with
social media. This trend can be exemplified with the work of Zappavigna (2012,
2015), the What’s up, Switzerland? project (Ueberwasser and Stark 2017), or in
sentiment analysis studies where computer scientists venture into the
territory of language analysis with varying degrees of success (see, e.g.,
Taboada et al. 2011, Mostafa 2013, Ordenes et al. 2017). Corpora creation in
this field, however, offers a set of new challenges that pre-internet or even
Web 1.0 researchers did not have to reckon with.
This workshop will therefore focus on the collection, analysis, and processing
of corpora of single- and multi-modal, synchronous and asynchronous
communication on different social media platforms and channels and the
challenges connected to these research endeavors. We invite submissions from
scholars working on a range of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, SMS and WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, gaming chats, blog comments
sections, wiki discussions, and YouTube comments. The contributions will
describe various aspects of data collection, annotation, processing, and
exploitation of machine-readable corpora for research in the humanities. The
workshop thus brings together language-centered research on interactive social
media in linguistics, communication studies, media studies, and social
sciences with research questions from the fields of corpus and computational
linguistics, language technology, and text analytics.
We intend to create a forum for corpus linguists to address the following
challenges of corpus-based linguistic studies in the realm of social media:
- Ethical issues of accessing and harvesting data and making it available as a
part of “open data” initiatives, especially in multimodal analysis when
removing an image impoverishes the analysis
- Legal issues of accessing and harvesting data, and the question of our
social responsibility as scientists outweighing legal concerns (cf. the case
of Fivethirtyeight sharing a corpus of Russian trolls’ tweets)
- Difficulty obtaining data which is often very rich in personal information
and subjects therefore being reluctant to donate their WhatsApp chats or
Facebook conversations
-Technical challenges of collecting and storing corpora (including how-to
talks, sharing experiences in using available tools such as Trendalyzer, Tweet
Visualiser, twXplorer, DiscoverText, Twitter StreamGraph, WebAnno)
- Annotation of social media corpora: inter-coder reliability; reconciling the
need for tailor-made annotation with the standardization drive
- Lemmatization, POS tagging, syntactic parsing, and named entity recognition
Call for Papers:
We welcome contributions which address the issues mentioned above as
standalone subjects, but also invite presentations approaching these matters
within the framework of concrete corpus-linguistic studies of social media,
for example, in the realm of sociolinguistics, discourse analysis,
translanguaging and code-switching, applied linguistics, multimodality, as
well as descriptions of social media registers. Abstracts of max. 500 words
(including references) should be submitted online via
https://www.icame40.ch/login. The deadline for abstract submission is 15
December 2018.
Notification of acceptance will be sent out by January 10.
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