29.4416, Confs: Gen Ling, Lang Acquisition, Neuroling, Psycholing, Typology/France
linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Fri Nov 9 18:59:06 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-4416. Fri Nov 09 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.4416, Confs: Gen Ling, Lang Acquisition, Neuroling, Psycholing, Typology/France
Moderator: linguist at linguistlist.org (Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
Homepage: https://linguistlist.org
Please support the LL editors and operation with a donation at:
Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2018 13:50:37
From: Liu Chang [changliu1120 at gmail.com]
Subject: Rencontres d’Automne de Linguistique Formelle 2018
Rencontres d’Automne de Linguistique Formelle 2018
Short Title: RALFe 2018
Date: 06-Dec-2018 - 07-Dec-2018
Location: Paris, France
Contact: Heglyn Leite
Contact Email: confralfe at gmail.com
Meeting URL: http://www.sfl.cnrs.fr/ralfe-2018
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics; Typology
Meeting Description:
This conference aims to bring together researchers working on formal
linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics) from different
perspectives, including comparative linguistics, typology, language
acquisition, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics.
Thursday 6 - Friday 7 December 2018
CNRS - UPS Pouchet, Salle de conférences
61 rue Pouchet
75017 - Paris
Invited speakers:
Rajesh Bhatt (Umass)
Daniel Büring (University of Vienna)
Itziar Laka (Universty of the Basque Country)
Sharon Rose (UCSD)
Registration is now open:
First you will have to preregister. Once you have preregistered you will
receive a confirmation email. Then you will receive another email once your
preregistration has been validated by the administrators. This second email
will include a link and will ask you to complete your registration. Once you
have completed this last step, a receipt will be automatically generated and
sent to your email.
To preregister, please go to:
Fees are as follows:
60EUR researchers before Nov 15 (included) - late registration: 90EUR
25EUR students/unemployed
0EUR members of the UMR 7023 - Structures formelles du langage
Jeudi 6 décembre / Thur Dec 6th 2018
Registration / Welcome
Invited speaker: Rajesh Bhatt (University of Massachusetts Amherst) (Chair:
Elena Soare)
''Deconstructing Correlatives: Individuals and Properties - the case of
Georgian 'rom' relatives''
''Linguistic internal and external factors in processing Chinese islands''
Jun Lyu
10:50-11:10: Coffee break
''Gaps in the paradigm: Tracking the emergence of indefinite pronouns in
Ricardo Etxepare (Chair: Ora Matushansky)
''Relating the distribution of pronouns and the availability of argument
ellipsis: Evidence from Tamil''
Ivana Jovović
''Encoding coreference on agreeing heads: Anaphoric agreement as Multiple
Louise Raynaud
12:40-14:30: Lunch
Invited speaker: Daniel Büring (Universität Wien) (Chair: Laurent Roussarie)
''Crosslinguistic Relational Focus Semantics''
''A context sensitive semantics for proper names''
Ido Benbaji
16:00-16:20: Coffee break
''Answering negative questions in American Sign Language''
Aurore Gonzalez, Kate Henninger and Kathryn Davidson (Chair: Carlo Cecchetto)
''Coordination vs subordination: Marking contrast in Catalan Sign Language''
Alexandra Navarrete-González and Giorgia Zorzi
17:20-17:40: Coffee break
17:40-18:10: ''The syntax and semantics of subcomparatives''
Laura Vela-Plo (Chair: Claire Beyssade)ì
18:10-18:40: ''Worlds are not enough: Quotation as a modality''
Jan Wislicki
20:00: Conference dinner
Vendredi 7 décembre / Fri Dec 7th 2018
Invited speaker: Sharon Rose (University of California San Diego)(Chair: Noam
''Vowel harmony in Gua and the syntax-phonology interface''
10:20-10:50: ''Word stress and phrasal intonation in Georgian''
Lena Borise
10:50-11:10: Coffee break
''Case competition under ECM. Evidence from Spanish dialects''
Lorena Castillo (Chair: Léa Nash)
''Further uses of estar in stative predications: Novel data from Old Spanish''
Ma Eugenia Mangialavori Rasia and Josep Ausensi
12:10-14:00: Lunch
14:00-14:30: ''The alternatives of bare and modified numerals''
Teodora Mihoc (Chair: Giorgio Magri)
14:30-15:00: ''Minimal sufficiency readings with a covert even''
Daniele Panizza and Yasutada Sudo
15:00-15:20: Coffee break
Invited speaker: Itziar Laka (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) (Chair: Patricia
''The OVO Hypothesis: Originating Variation from Order''
''Finding phrases: Does co-verbal visual information help adults and infants
parse speech?''
Irene de la Cruz-Pavía, Janet F. Werker, Eric Vatikiotis-Bateson and Judit
16:50-17:10: Coffee break
''The phrasal status of early English negative markers'' (Chair: Patricia
André Eliatamby
''8-month-olds use word frequency to establish the lexical categories of
function and content words''
Caterina Marino, Carline Bernard and Judit Gervain
Alternate speakers:
''A correlational cross-linguistic observation regarding sluicing'', Leyla
''Definiteness in the temporal domain'', Ruoying Zhao
''When agree bleeds movement: Evidence from Arabic'', Marwan Jarrah
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LINGUIST List: Vol-29-4416
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