29.4426, Summer Schools: Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science; Language Acquisition; Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics; Sociolinguistics; Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics: Bootcamp on quantitative methods in L2 research: Study design, regression modelling, social networks, replication studies, research synthesis and meta-analysis/Poland
linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Mon Nov 12 15:31:52 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-4426. Mon Nov 12 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.4426, Summer Schools: Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science; Language Acquisition; Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics; Sociolinguistics; Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics: Bootcamp on quantitative methods in L2 research: Study design, regression modelling, social networks, replication studies, research synthesis and meta-analysis/Poland
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Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
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Editor for this issue: Sarah Robinson <srobinson at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2018 10:31:45
From: Michal B. Paradowski [m.b.paradowski at uw.edu.pl]
Subject: Bootcamp on quantitative methods in L2 research: Study design, regression modelling, social networks, replication studies, research synthesis and meta-analysis/Poland
Bootcamp on quantitative methods in L2 research: Study design, regression modelling, social networks, replication studies, research synthesis and meta-analysis
Host Institution:
Website: https://l2research.ils.uw.edu.pl/
Dates: 10-Jun-2019 - 15-Jun-2019
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Focus: This bootcamp will provide an opportunity for students and early-career researchers to learn hands-on from the leading experts in the field of quantitative linguistic research. The school will place emphasis on study design, hypothesis formulation, measurements and the most frequent pitfalls and errors committed in the process. Each course will include hands-on sessions where the participants will be expected to “get their own hands dirty” by working in detail through case studies and either trying to detect methodological pitfalls, or perform analyses themselves. Responding to the recent groundswell of interest in replication research and meta-analyses in applied linguistics, the bootcamp will also take the participants through the major stages of completing a meta-analysis and of designing and executing one’s own replication study. Upon completing the workshop, the participants will be in a very strong position to both conduct and critically examine quantitative L2 stu
Statistics Outside the Ivory Tower: The Connections Between Hypotheses, Study Design, Measures and Analyses (Gunnar Jacob)
Regression Modelling for Learner Corpus and SLA Research (Stefan Th. Gries)
Research Synthesis and Meta-analysis in Applied Linguistics (Luke Plonsky)
Doing Replication Research in Second Language Acquisition (Kevin McManus)
Social Network Analysis in Applied Linguistics Research (Jeremi Ochab, Andrzej Jarynowski, Michał B. Paradowski)
Minimum Education Level: Undergraduate
Special Qualifications:
Minimum background prerequisites include knowledge of:
Fundaments of statistics
Familiarity with spreadsheets
(Ideally) familiarity with the R environment
Fluent use of English
Modern linguistic enquiry – as well as the leading journals in the field – are
now placing an increased emphasis on methodological rigour and on measures and
designs going beyond p-value reporting and traditional monofactorial analyses.
However, young researchers have few opportunities to grow familiar with the
more sophisticated state-of-the-art approaches and procedures and cutting-edge
interdisciplinary methodologies.
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Cognitive Science
Language Acquisition
Text/Corpus Linguistics
Tuition Explanation: The registration fee (estimated between €330 and €470; the final amount will
be known in winter) will cover:
admission to all the courses throughout the 6 days of the bootcamp
lunches, dinners, and tea/coffee breaks during the school, showcasing famous
traditional Polish cuisine
conference dinner
1-year license for SPSS (valid until April 2020)
We are able to keep the registration fee low due to the subsidies received by
the organiser.
Registration: 03-Nov-2018 to 15-Dec-2018
Contact Person: Michal B. Paradowski
Email: m.b.paradowski at uw.edu.pl
Apply on the web: http://linguistlist.org/easyabs/L2research
Registration Instructions:
Submissions are now being accepted and are welcome in a two-step process:
- an abstract of a research project the candidate would like to carry out
(300-450 words), submitted in a .txt, .doc or .pdf via EasyAbs
- a single 2-page .pdf file containing (merged):
- a Cover Letter specifying the applicant’s motivation to attend the school (1
- an up-to-date academic CV (1 page)
sent by e-mail to the bootcamp organiser at
Strict submission deadline: 15 December 2018.
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