29.4658, Calls: Text/Corpus Linguistics/Switzerland

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu Nov 22 21:45:40 UTC 2018

LINGUIST List: Vol-29-4658. Thu Nov 22 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 29.4658, Calls: Text/Corpus Linguistics/Switzerland

Moderator: linguist at linguistlist.org (Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
Homepage: https://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>

Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2018 16:40:13
From: Susanne Flach [susanne.flach at unine.ch]
Subject: Big Data and the Study of Language and Culture: Parliamentary Discourse across Time and Space

Full Title: Big Data and the Study of Language and Culture: Parliamentary Discourse across Time and Space 

Date: 01-Jun-2019 - 01-Jun-2019
Location: Neuchâtel, Switzerland 
Contact Person: Minna Korhonen
Meeting Email: minna.korhonen at mq.edu.au
Web Site: https://icame40.ch/program/pre-conference-workshops/big-data-and-the-study-of-language-and-culture-parliamentary-discourse-across-time-and-space/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Text/Corpus Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2018 

Meeting Description:

(Session of 40th ICAME Conference)

Conveners: Jukka Tyrkkö (Linnaeus University/University of Turku), Minna
Korhonen (Macquarie University) & Haidee Kruger (Macquarie
University/North-West University)
This session at ICAME 40 is dedicated to one specific type of large linguistic
and cultural data: parliamentary records. Although this field of research is
relatively young, parliamentary records have been used for research from a
variety of linguistic perspectives ranging from critical discourse analysis
and sentiment detection to historical sociolinguistics and register analysis.
As diachronic data, parliamentary records allow the analysis of language and
register change as well as of societal shifts reflected in language. While
providing unparalleled opportunities for the empirical investigation of both
language variation and change, parliamentary records also allow for the
investigation of how a comparable register is reshaped by different contexts
over time. These records also include varying amounts of metadata on speakers,
their political affiliations and backgrounds, and the topics of the debates,
and as such allow for the investigation of the role of individual speakers in
language variation and change. Furthermore, as a hybrid spoken-written
register, parliamentary records reflect the transformation from the actual
spoken parliamentary discourse to the written record which may involve
substantial editorial intervention, often altering spoken usage in the
direction of norms for formal writing. The practices of record-keeping and
transcribing parliamentary records have been varied across time and place, and
their effect on compilation practices and the choice of methods in linguistic
analyses has only recently been discussed in detail.

Call for Papers:

This session welcomes contributions from any linguistic perspective that use
one or more English-language parliamentary records as primary data. The
proposed papers should use quantitative methods, and make use of either the
entire archival dataset, or a substantial part of it.
Please see the session webpage (
language-and-culture-parliamentary-discourse-across-time-and-space/ ) for more
details of the full call.
The workshop programme will consist of full papers (20+10 mins) and
work-in-progress reports (10+5 mins). Abstracts of maximum 500 words
(including references) should be submitted online via
http://www.icame40.ch/login. When submitting an abstract, please select the
short title of the session under 'topic' rather than 'main conference'. The
deadline for abstract submission is 15 December 2018. Notification of
acceptance will be sent out by January 10.


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