29.4688, Calls: General Linguistics, Morphology, Syntax/Greece
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Mon Nov 26 20:56:45 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-4688. Mon Nov 26 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.4688, Calls: General Linguistics, Morphology, Syntax/Greece
Moderator: linguist at linguistlist.org (Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
Homepage: https://linguistlist.org
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2018 15:56:04
From: Athina Sioupi [sioupi at del.auth.gr]
Subject: Master Class with Artemis Alexiadou
Full Title: Master Class with Artemis Alexiadou
Short Title: MCAA
Date: 19-Mar-2019 - 19-Mar-2019
Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
Contact Person: Athina Sioupi
Meeting Email: demines at del.auth.gr
Web Site: http://demines.del.auth.gr/en/activities/events
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Morphology; Syntax
Call Deadline: 08-Jan-2019
Meeting Description:
On March 19, 2019, the “Deutsch-Mittelmeerisches Netzwerk Sprachwissenschaft“
(DeMiNeS) (German Mediterranean Network on Linguistics) will host a master
class for students and recent doctorate recipients with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.
Artemis Alexiadou (Linguistics, Humboldt Universität Berlin, Leibniz-ZAS).
The event will take place at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
The DeMiNeS („Deutsch-Mittelmeerisches Netzwerk Sprachwissenschaft”) is a
research network funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2017
Humboldt Alumni Award for Innovative Networking Initiatives to Athina Sioupi)
that supports the cooperation between Germany, Greece and other mediterranean
countries in the fields of research and teaching. The DeMiNes Network is part
of the Research Unit on (Experimental) Syntax and Heritage Languages at the
Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Preis 2014 to Artemis
Alexiadou) and the Center “Language, Variation, and Migration” at the
University of Potsdam.
Call for Papers:
Master, PhD students, recent doctoral degree recipients (within three years of
the degree at the time of submission) and postdoctoral researchers are invited
to submit abstracts of papers to be presented at the master class. Papers may
be submitted on any of the topics on which Prof. Alexiadou has worked,
including the syntax of NPs, and argument alternations. Preference will be
given to papers that approach these issues from a cross-linguistic
6 submissions will be selected for presentation. Each presenter will have 35
minutes for presentation and discussion with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Alexiadou and
the other participants. On the same day Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Alexiadou will give
a lecture for the participants and the Faculty of Philosophy of Aristotle
University (Departments of Linguistics). The lecture will also be broadcasted
via livestream in the internet and can be followed from around the world.
To apply to be a participant, please submit your proposal (max 500 words in
PDF format only, margins: 2.5 cm or 1 inch, font size: 12 points, Times New
Roman, spacing: single. An additional page for references, data, tables and
figures can be included) by email to demines at del.auth.gr . Submissions should
be anonymous, but please state your name, affiliation as well as your current
status, i.e. PhD or Postdoc, in your message; in case you have already been
awarded, the body of the email should contain the date of graduation. The
subject line of the email should be „MCAA Abstract“.
Participation is free.
Conference Topic Areas:
- Syntax and its interfaces with morphology
- The lexicon and interpretation
- Diachronic Syntax
- Heritage Languages
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 8, 2019.
Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2019
Date of the Master Class: March 19, 2019
Contact person: Athina Sioupi
Contact email: demines at del.auth.gr
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