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Mon Oct 1 19:38:37 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-3765. Mon Oct 01 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.3765, Review: AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW
Moderator: linguist at linguistlist.org (Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
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Editor for this issue: Jeremy Coburn <jecoburn at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2018 15:38:08
From: Helen Aristar-Dry [helen at linguistlist.org]
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EDITOR(S): Seržant, Ilja A.; Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena;
TITLE: Diachrony of differential argument marking
SERIES: Studies in Diversity Linguistics
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Language Science Press
ISBN13: 9783961100859
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3231.html
AUTHOR(S): Herijgers, Marloes Louisa Cornelia;
TITLE: Mortgage Communication Design
SUBTITLE: A multimethod approach to experts’ constraint management
SERIES: LOT Dissertation Series
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke
ISBN13: 9789460932748
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3344.html
AUTHOR(S): Seuren, Lucas;
TITLE: The Interactional Accomplishment of Action
SERIES: LOT Dissertation Series
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke
ISBN13: 9789460932762
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3244.html
AUTHOR(S): deCastro-Arrazola, Varun;
TITLE: Typological tendencies in verse and their cognitive grounding
SERIES: LOT Dissertation Series
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke
ISBN13: 9789460932847
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3268.html
AUTHOR(S): Macaro, Ernesto;
TITLE: English Medium Instruction
SUBTITLE: Content and language in policy and practice
SERIES: Oxford Applied Linguistics
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
ISBN13: 9780194403962
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3262.html
AUTHOR(S): Comfort, Kelly;
TITLE: Cien años de identidad
SUBTITLE: Introducción a la literatura latinoamericana del siglo XX
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Georgetown University Press
ISBN13: 9781626166530,9781626165670
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3240.html
EDITOR(S): Bertolini, Anne B.; Kaplan, Maxwell J.;
TITLE: BUCLD 42: Proceedings of the 42nd annual Boston University Conference
on Language
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Cascadilla Press
ISBN13: 9781574731866,9781574730869
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3245.html
EDITOR(S): Boas, Hans C.; Ziem, Alexander;
TITLE: Constructional Approaches to Syntactic Structures in German
SERIES: Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9783110457155,9783110454727
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3228.html
EDITOR(S): Kiss, Katalin E.; Zétényi, Tamás;
TITLE: Linguistic and Cognitive Aspects of Quantification
SERIES: Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Springer
ISBN13: 9783319915654
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3239.html
EDITOR(S): Sauerland, Uli; Solt, Stephanie;
TITLE: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22
SUBTITLE: Volumes 1
SERIES: ZAS Papers in Linguistics 60
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS)
ISBN13: 9781722837327
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3369.html
EDITOR(S): Sauerland, Uli; Solt, Stephanie;
TITLE: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22
SUBTITLE: Volume 2
SERIES: ZAS Papers in Linguistics 61
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS)
ISBN13: 9781722837730
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3370.html
AUTHOR(S): Olsson, John;
TITLE: More Wordcrime
SUBTITLE: Solving Crime With Linguistics
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Publishing (formerly The Continuum
International Publishing
ISBN13: 9781350029651,9781350029668,9781350029644
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3297.html
EDITOR(S): Sotirova, Violeta;
TITLE: The Bloomsbury Companion to Stylistics
SERIES: Bloomsbury Companions
YEAR: 2015 PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Publishing (formerly The Continuum
International Publishing
ISBN13: 9781441160058,9781350079441
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3343.html
AUTHOR(S): Bouissac, Paul;
TITLE: The Meaning of the Circus
SUBTITLE: The Communicative Experience of Cult, Art and Awe
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury Publishing (formerly The Continuum
International Publishing
ISBN13: 9781350044142,9781350044159,9781350044135
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3246.html
AUTHOR(S): Moran, Steven; Cysouw, Michael;
TITLE: The Unicode cookbook for linguists
SUBTITLE: Managing writing systems using orthography profiles
SERIES: Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Language Science Press
ISBN13: 9783961100903
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3247.html
AUTHOR(S): Zhang, Hang;
TITLE: Second Language Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese Tones
SUBTITLE: Beyond First-Language Transfer
SERIES: Utrecht Studies in Language and Communication
ISBN13: 9789004364790,9789004305977
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3248.html
AUTHOR(S): Sabino, Robin;
TITLE: Languaging Without Languages
SUBTITLE: Beyond metro-, multi-, poly-, pluri- and translanguaging
SERIES: Brill's Studies in Language, Cognition, and Culture
ISBN13: 9789004364592,9789004364585
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3227.html
AUTHOR(S): Seuren, Pieter A.M.;
TITLE: Saussure and Sechehaye: Myth and Genius
SUBTITLE: A Study in the History of Linguistics and the Foundations of
ISBN13: 9789004378155,9789004378148
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3261.html
EDITOR(S): Pons Bordería, Salvador; Loureda Lamas, Óscar;
TITLE: Beyond Grammaticalization and Discourse Markers
SUBTITLE: New Issues in the Study of Language Change
SERIES: Studies in Pragmatics
ISBN13: 9789004375420,9789004375406
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3368.html
AUTHOR(S): den Dikken, Marcel;
TITLE: Dependency and Directionality
SERIES: Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 154
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press
ISBN13: 9781107177567,9781107177567,9781107177567
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3260.html
AUTHOR(S): Lieber, Rochelle;
TITLE: English Nouns
SUBTITLE: The Ecology of Nominalization
SERIES: Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 150
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press
ISBN13: 9781316613870,9781316613870,9781316613870
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3266.html
AUTHOR(S): Nilsson, Per-Erik;
TITLE: Open Source Jihad
SUBTITLE: Problematizing the Academic Discourse on Islamic Terrorism in
Contemporary Europe
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press
ISBN13: 9781108448741,9781108448741,9781108448741
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3226.html
EDITOR(S): Heritage, John; Sorjonen, Marja-Leena;
TITLE: Between Turn and Sequence
SUBTITLE: Turn-initial particles across languages
SERIES: Studies in Language and Social Interaction 31
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3259.html
EDITOR(S): Berns, Janine; Jacobs, Haike; Nouveau, Dominique;
TITLE: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13
SUBTITLE: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 29, Nijmegen
SERIES: Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3295.html
EDITOR(S): Figueras Bates, Carolina; Cabedo Nebot, Adrián;
TITLE: Perspectives on Evidentiality in Spanish
SUBTITLE: Explorations across genres
SERIES: Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 290
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3342.html
EDITOR(S): Petré, Peter; Cuyckens, Hubert; D'hoedt, Frauke;
TITLE: Sociocultural Dimensions of Lexis and Text in the History of English
SERIES: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 343
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3341.html
EDITOR(S): Bouzouita, Miriam; Sitaridou, Ioanna; Pato, Enrique;
TITLE: Studies in Historical Ibero-Romance Morpho-Syntax
SERIES: Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 16
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3286.html
EDITOR(S): Bös, Birte; Kleinke, Sonja; Mollin, Sandra; Hernández, Nuria;
TITLE: The Discursive Construction of Identities On- and Offline
SUBTITLE: Personal - group - collective
SERIES: Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture 78
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3296.html
AUTHOR(S): Hölzl, Andreas;
TITLE: A typology of questions in Northeast Asia and beyond
SUBTITLE: An ecological perspective
SERIES: Studies in Diversity Linguistics
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Language Science Press
ISBN13: 9783961101023
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3318.html
AUTHOR(S): Ruijgrok, Bobby;
TITLE: Tapping into semantic recovery
SUBTITLE: An event-related potential study on the processing of Gapping and
SERIES: LOT Dissertation Series
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke
ISBN13: 9789460932892
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3366.html
AUTHOR(S): Pilkington, Olga A.;
TITLE: Presented Discourse in Popular Science
SUBTITLE: Professional Voices in Books for Lay Audiences
SERIES: Studies in Pragmatics
ISBN13: 9789004365971,9789004365964
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3387.html
AUTHOR(S): Strubel-Burgdorf, Susanne;
TITLE: Compliments and Positive Assessments
SUBTITLE: Sequential organization in multi-party conversations
SERIES: Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 289
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3444.html
EDITOR(S): Behme, Christina; Neef, Martin;
TITLE: Essays on Linguistic Realism
SERIES: Studies in Language Companion Series 196
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3386.html
EDITOR(S): Foolen, Ad; Hoop, Helen de; Mulder, Gijs;
TITLE: Evidence for Evidentiality
SERIES: Human Cognitive Processing 61
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3468.html
EDITOR(S): Mitkov, Ruslan; Monti, Johanna; Corpas Pastor, Gloria; Seretan,
TITLE: Multiword Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology
SERIES: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 341
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3547.html
EDITOR(S): Pae, Hye K.;
TITLE: Writing Systems, Reading Processes, and Cross-Linguistic Influences
SUBTITLE: Reflections from the Chinese, Japanese and Korean Languages
SERIES: Bilingual Processing and Acquisition 7
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3445.html
EDITOR(S): Beeching, Kate; Ghezzi, Chiara; Molinelli, Piera;
TITLE: Positioning the Self and Others
SUBTITLE: Linguistic perspectives
SERIES: Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 292
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3568.html
EDITOR(S): Cristofaro, Sonia; Zúñiga, Fernando;
TITLE: Typological Hierarchies in Synchrony and Diachrony
SERIES: Typological Studies in Language 121
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3520.html
AUTHOR(S): Pozdniakov, Konstantin;
TITLE: The numeral system of Proto-Niger-Congo
SUBTITLE: A step-by-step reconstruction
SERIES: Niger-Congo Comparative Studies
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Language Science Press
ISBN13: 9783961100989
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3385.html
EDITOR(S): Wegener, Rebekah; Neumann, Stella; Oesterle, Antje;
TITLE: On Verbal Art
SUBTITLE: Essays in Honour of Ruqaiya Hasan
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Equinox Publishing Ltd
ISBN13: 9781781796474,9781781794470,9781781794487
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3443.html
EDITOR(S): Herschensohn, Julia; Young-Scholten, Martha;
TITLE: The Cambridge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press
ISBN13: 9781108733748,9781108733748,9781108733748
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3442.html
EDITOR(S): Pérez-Vidal, Carmen; Lopez-Serrano, Sonia; Ament, Jennifer;
Thomas-Wilhelm, Dakota J.;
TITLE: Learning context effects
SUBTITLE: Study abroad, formal instruction and international immersion
SERIES: EuroSLA Studies
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Language Science Press
ISBN13: 9783961100934
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3470.html
AUTHOR(S): Patejuk, Agnieszka; Przepiórkowski, Adam;
TITLE: From Lexical Functional Grammar to Enhanced Universal Dependencies
SUBTITLE: Linguistically informed treebanks of Polish
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of
ISBN13: 9788363159269
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3469.html
EDITOR(S): Riesberg, Sonja; Shiohara, Asako; Utsumi, Atsuko;
TITLE: Perspectives on information structure in Austronesian languages
SERIES: Studies in Diversity Linguistics
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Language Science Press
ISBN13: 9783961101085
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3610.html
AUTHOR(S): Boudreault, Lynda;
TITLE: A Grammar of Sierra Popoluca
SERIES: Mouton Grammar Library [MGL]
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9783110411676
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3519.html
AUTHOR(S): Braber, Natalie; Robinson, Jonnie;
TITLE: East Midlands English
SERIES: Dialects of English [DOE]
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9781501510724
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3567.html
AUTHOR(S): Farrugia, George;
TITLE: Grammatical Gender in Maltese
SERIES: Studia Typologica 23
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9783110603941
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3538.html
EDITOR(S): Walker, Izumi; Chan, Daniel Kwang Guan; Nagami, Masanori;
Bourguignon, Claire;
TITLE: New Perspectives on the Development of Communicative and Related
Competence in Foreign
Language Education
SERIES: Trends in Applied Linguistics [TAL]
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9781501514289
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3628.html
AUTHOR(S): Cauchard, Aurélie;
TITLE: Spatial Expression in Caac
SUBTITLE: An Oceanic Language Spoken in the North of New Caledonia
SERIES: Pacific Linguistics [PL]
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9781501511547
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3545.html
EDITOR(S): Grießhaber, Wilhelm; Schmölzer-Eibinger, Sabine; Roll, Heike;
Schramm, Karen;
TITLE: Schreiben in der Zweitsprache Deutsch
SUBTITLE: Ein Handbuch
SERIES: DaZ-Handbücher
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9783110354225
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3467.html
EDITOR(S): Hövelbrinks, Britta; Fuchs, Isabel; Maak, Diana; Duan, Tinghui;
Lütke, Beate;
TITLE: Der-Die-DaZ – Forschungsbefunde zu Sprachgebrauch und Spracherwerb von
Deutsch als
SERIES: DaZ-Forschung [DaZ-For]
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9783110572940
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3640.html
AUTHOR(S): Pitzl, Marie-Luise;
TITLE: Creativity in English as a Lingua Franca
SUBTITLE: Idiom and Metaphor
SERIES: Developments in English as a Lingua Franca [DELF]
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9781501516887
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3546.html
EDITOR(S): Petrosino, Roberto; Cerrone, Pietro; Hulst, Harry van der;
TITLE: From Sounds to Structures
SUBTITLE: Beyond the Veil of Maya
SERIES: Studies in Generative Grammar [SGG]
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9781501515347
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3641.html
EDITOR(S): Seoane, Elena; Acuña-Fariña, Carlos; Palacios-Martínez, Ignacio;
TITLE: Subordination in English
SUBTITLE: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives
SERIES: Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL]
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9783110581034
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3680.html
AUTHOR(S): Woerfel, Till;
TITLE: Encoding Motion Events
SUBTITLE: The Impact of Language-Specific Patterns and Language Dominance in
Bilingual Children
SERIES: Studies on Language Acquisition [SOLA]
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9781501516498
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3518.html
AUTHOR(S): Zariquiey, Roberto;
TITLE: A Grammar of Kakataibo
SERIES: Mouton Grammar Library [MGL]
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9783110416350
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3471.html
EDITOR(S): Wright, Laura;
TITLE: Southern English Varieties Then and Now
SERIES: Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL]
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: De Gruyter Mouton
ISBN13: 9783110575217
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3609.html
AUTHOR(S): Sheyhatovitch, Beata;
TITLE: The Distinctive Terminology in Šarḥ al-Kāfiya by Raḍī l-Dīn
SERIES: Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics
ISBN13: 9789004377059,9789004369122
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3629.html
AUTHOR(S): Bergmann, Pia;
TITLE: Morphologisch komplexe Wörter im Deutschen
SUBTITLE: Prosodische Struktur und phonetische Realisierung
SERIES: Studies in Laboratory Phonology
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Language Science Press
ISBN13: 9783961101061
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3566.html
EDITOR(S): Roche, Jörg; Einhorn, Agnes; Suñer, Ferran;
TITLE: Unterrichtsmanagement
SERIES: Kompendium DaF/DaZ 6
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
ISBN13: 9783823392132,9783823382133
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3681.html
EDITOR(S): Burwitz-Melzer, Eva; Riemer, Claudia; Schmelter, Lars;
TITLE: Rolle und Professionalität von Fremdsprachenlehrpersonen
SUBTITLE: Arbeitspapiere der 38. Frühjahrskonferenz zur Erforschung des
SERIES: Giessener Beiträge zur Fremdsprachendidaktik
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
ISBN13: 9783823392453,9783823382454
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3751.html
AUTHOR(S): Adamzik, Kirsten;
TITLE: Fachsprachen
SUBTITLE: Die Konstruktion von Welten
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
ISBN13: 9783838549620,9783825249625
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3639.html
EDITOR(S): Fuß, Eric; Wöllstein, Angelika; Deppermann, Arnulf; Engelberg,
TITLE: Grammatiktheorie und Grammatikographie
SERIES: Studien zur deutschen Sprache 76
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
ISBN13: 9783823391074,9783823381075
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3679.html
AUTHOR(S): Busch, Albert; Stenschke, Oliver;
TITLE: Germanistische Linguistik
SUBTITLE: Eine Einführung
SERIES: bachelor-wissen
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
ISBN13: 9783823391319,9783823381310
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3688.html
EDITOR(S): Turner, Ken; Horn, Laurence;
TITLE: Pragmatics, Truth and Underspecification
SUBTITLE: Towards an Atlas of Meaning
SERIES: Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface
ISBN13: 9789004365445,9789004341999
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3627.html
EDITOR(S): Bonami, Olivier; Boyé, Gilles; Dal, Georgette; Giraudo, Hélène;
Namer, Fiammetta;
TITLE: The lexeme in descriptive and theoretical morphology
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Language Science Press
ISBN13: 9783961101108
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3708.html
AUTHOR(S): Mehlhorn, Grit; Brehmer, Bernhard;
TITLE: Herkunftssprachen
SERIES: Linguistik und Schule 4
YEAR: 2018 PUBLISHER: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG
ISBN13: 9783823391661,9783823381662
ANNOUNCED IN: http://linguistlist.org/issues/29/29-3750.html
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