29.3805, Calls: Historical Linguistics, Morphology, Phonology, Semantics, Syntax/Germany
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Wed Oct 3 05:44:32 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-3805. Wed Oct 03 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.3805, Calls: Historical Linguistics, Morphology, Phonology, Semantics, Syntax/Germany
Moderator: linguist at linguistlist.org (Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2018 01:44:05
From: Remus Gergel [remus.gergel at uni-saarland.de]
Subject: Particles in German, English and Beyond
Full Title: Particles in German, English and Beyond
Date: 21-Jan-2019 - 22-Jan-2019
Location: Saarbrücken (Saarland University), Germany
Contact Person: Remus Gergel
Meeting Email: remus.gergel at uni-saarland.de
Web Site: http://pragmatics.uni-saarland.de/particles/
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Morphology; Phonology; Semantics; Syntax
Call Deadline: 04-Nov-2018
Meeting Description:
We invite contributions that concentrate on the meaning-based and interface
properties of particles (including the areas of semantics, pragmatics,
mophosyntax, and phonology). Our starting point are discourse particles of the
type that have been characterized as modal particles in the traditional
literature on German (cf. Grosz forthc. for an overview), but interesting
analyses and case studies of other types of particles are just as welcome
(e.g. focus, degree-based, conjunctive etc.). Crucially, the main focus of the
workshop lies on a contrastive stance. That does not mean that all papers
necessarily need to consider more than one language. But rather than just
describing, for example, Standard German particles system-internally, as on
the traditional view, the goal should rather be to find out about the relevant
underlying meaningful properties, as has been done for a number of languages
and varieties in the meantime (cf. e.g. Büring 2017, Gyuris 2009, Matthewson &
Kratzer 2009, Hinterwimmer & Ebert 2018, Zimmermann 2011, Zobel 2017, among
others). Diachronic case studies and analyses are a fortiori also particularly
Confirmed invited speakers:
Volker Gast, Patrick G. Grosz
Beáta Gyuris
Ans van Kemenade
Main organizers:
Remus Gergel
Ingo Reich
Augustin Speyer
Call for Papers:
Abstracts should not exceed two pages (Times New Roman, 12p, PDF), including
examples and references. Sources cited in the body of the abstract should also
be included in a reference list. Please do not indicate author name(s) and
affiliation(s) in the abstract file.
Submission deadline: November 4, 2018 either by using the form on the
conference website or via email to particles2019 at gmail.com. Expected date for
acceptance/rejection notification: December 4, 2018.
Büring, D. (2017). Ja doch! In Festschrift für Martin Prinzhorn, ed. by C.
Mayr and E. Williams. Wiener Linguistische Gazette 82: 23-35.
Grosz, P. (forthc.). Discourse particles. In Companion to Semantics, ed. by L.
Matthewson, C. Meier, H. Rullmann, and T. E. Zimmermann. Oxford: Wiley.
Gyuris, B. (2009). Sentence-types, discourse particles and intonation in
Hungarian. In SinSpeC Volume 5, Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 13, ed. by
T. Solstad and A. Riester. Stuttgart University.
Hinterwimmer, S. & C. Ebert (2018). A Comparison of the Modal Particles fei
and aber. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 22, 469-486.
Matthewson, L. & A. Kratzer (2009). Anatomy of two discourse particles.
Handout SULA 5, Harvard.
Zimmermann, M. (2011). Discourse particles. Semantics: An international
Handbook of Natural Language Meaning 2, ed. by K. v. Heusinger, C. Maienborn,
P. Portner, 2011-2038. Berlin: DeGruyter.
Zobel, S. (2017). '''Eh' is eh anders'' - 'eh' and 'sowieso' in Federal German
and Austrian German. In Festschrift für Martin Prinzhorn, ed. by C. Mayr and
E. Williams. Wiener Linguistische Gazette 82: 323-330.
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