29.3853, Calls: Applied Ling, Disc Analysis, Lang Acquisition, Lexicography, Ling & Literature/France
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Sun Oct 7 22:25:22 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-3853. Sun Oct 07 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.3853, Calls: Applied Ling, Disc Analysis, Lang Acquisition, Lexicography, Ling & Literature/France
Moderator: linguist at linguistlist.org (Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2018 18:24:45
From: Christine Copy [christine.copy at univ-pau.fr]
Subject: Lexicon and Genre Boundaries
Full Title: Lexicon and Genre Boundaries
Date: 10-Oct-2019 - 12-Oct-2019
Location: Bayonne, Basque Country, France
Contact Person: Christine Copy
Meeting Email: christine.copy at univ-pau.fr
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Language Acquisition; Lexicography; Ling & Literature
Call Deadline: 15-Oct-2018
Meeting Description:
This conference aims to tackle two subjects that have often been dealt with as
independent matters: the question of genres and that of lexicon, two fields of
research that have raised a number of similar questions such as issues
concerning boundaries, units, associations, modes of association, chunking,
implementation, storage, treatment, etc. and finally production.
Important Dates:
Conference: 10, 11, 12 octobre 2019, at the Université de Pau et des Pays de
l’Adour (campus de Bayonne, Pays Basque), France.
A selection of contributions will be published in 2020
The conference is sponsored by the following research groups : EA 7504
ALTER-UPPA, UMR 5478 IKER-UPPA-Bordeaux Montaigne, FoReLLiS EA 3816-Université
de Poitiers, EA4223 CEREG-Paris 3, EA 7345 CLESTHIA-Paris 3.
Submissions: 1,5 page maximum (bibliography included)
Deadline: Oct 15, 2018 to the members of the organizing committee.
Notification: 30 octobre 2018
Organizing committee:
Sandrine Bédouret, sandrine.bedouret at univ-pau.fr
Jon Casenave, jean.casenave at u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr
Christine Copy, christine.copy at univ-pau.fr
Raluca Nita, raluca.nita at univ-poitiers.fr
Scientific Committee:
Jean-Michel Adam, Université de Lausanne
Isabelle Chol, Université de Pau& Pays de l’Adour
Hortènsia Curell, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Amanda Edmonds, Université Montpellier 3
Lucie Gournay, Université Paris-Est-Créteil
Emilie Guyard, Université de Pau & Pays de l’Adour
Sylvie Hanote, Université de Poitiers
Ramon Marti-Solano, Université de Poitiers
Bérengère Moricheau-Airaud, Université de Pau & Pays de l’Adour
Iva Novakova, Université Grenoble Alpes
Argia Olçomendy, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Freiderikos Valetopoulos, Université de Poitiers
Jeanne Vigneron-Bosbach, Université de Caen
Tuija Virtanen, Åbo Akademi University
Sarah de Vogüé, Université de Paris Nanterre
Call for Papers:
The genre of texts has been continuously questioned at different levels
throughout a continuum of studies, theoretical positions, attempts at better
defining what we may intuitively perceive as being text specific and belonging
to a particular category, from Aristotle who, in his Poetics, deals with the
way to write stories to J.M Adam who tackles the issue in terms of dynamics,
effects of genre and generic tensions, claiming that a text always belongs to
one or more genres, be it during output and/or input phases.
A great number of studies on genre have enabled reseachers to move forward
namely with the identification of what falls within the scope of genre
effects, from editing formats, paratext and peritext, to text type markers
(once upon a time, amen), as well as the identification of specific
lexico-grammatical features (rhematic subjects, passive diathesis, compound
adjectives, etc.) while taking into account quantitative data as well as
co-occurrences in relation to the pragmatic conditions of production, but also
enunciative studies that connect the situation of enunciation, and
co-enunciation to text genres. For instance, studies have revealed the link
between co-enunciative protocol and syntactic structures in recipes for
instance, as well as in stage directions, road signs, in descriptions whether
its scope be narratives or informative, and consequently showing that text
typologies cannot do without including enunciative parameters.
To what extent lexicon is genre sensitive, in terms of cohesion as defined by
Halliday and Hasan (Cohesion in English, 1976), and also in terms of the
possibility of identification of text genres by means of specific lexical
patterns. Is there a link between generic features and word-formation
processes (neologism and plays on words using amalgamation, truncation,
acronymisation, compounding, derivation) or the construction of meaning, from
literal sense to figurative sense, used for instance in metaphors and
metonymies, symbols and euphemisms.
A second question could be to what extent genre influences lexical
representation: the study of the lexicon has now widely spread to the field of
phraseology and fixed relations between lexical units: co-occurrences,
collocations, colligations, patterns, formulae, phrases motifs, routines, etc.
put forward by corpus linguistics. Are collocations language or genre
specific? Are the same collocations to be found in literature and in academic
writing for instance? On the contrary, does variation within fixed expressions
occur in specific genres only?
The subject of lexicon is also relevant to oral data whether from the
perspective of a comparison with written data (for instance, conference vs.
academic paper, sports commentary vs. sports article, oral tale vs. written
tale, etc.) or when it comes to taking into account prosodic markers related
to lexicon (intonation, accentuation and rhythm influence the interpretation
of lexical units, which leads us back to the question of the specificities
of genres: do political speeches, news broadcasts, electoral debates resort to
the same prosodic markers ?).
Finally, we might also question the cognitive status of these different
representations: to what extent does the relationship between these two fields
shed light on language acquisition and language learning phenomena?
All these questions and the answers that may be provided should reinforce the
study of text genres, whatever the field of research (literary, scientific,
legal), both oral and written, in relation to lexicon and vice versa.
Abstracts should be sent to bayonne.fall2019 at gmail.com before Oct 15, 2018
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