29.3670, FYI: Call for Book Chapters: Revisiting the Interfaces between Language Learning and Assessment

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Mon Sep 24 16:39:01 UTC 2018

LINGUIST List: Vol-29-3670. Mon Sep 24 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 29.3670, FYI: Call for Book Chapters: Revisiting the Interfaces between Language Learning and Assessment

Moderator: linguist at linguistlist.org (Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
Homepage: https://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>

Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 12:37:50
From: Sahbi Hidri [sahbihidri at gmail.com]
Subject: Call for Book Chapters: Revisiting the Interfaces between Language Learning and Assessment

Revisiting the Interfaces between Language Learning and Assessment  

Editor: Sahbi Hidri 


Assessment has always been perceived as leading to outcomes and accountability
in all official documents as administered by policy makers. Assessment is said
to support students’ learning outcomes at their different educational levels,
thus reflecting students’ experiences in making progress as learners and as
future users of the language. It is commonly believed that assessment plays a
key role in language learning and teaching and most often teachers face the
plethora of how and when to assess learners’ in a given course unless such
assessment tasks are explicitly stated in an official document. In many
educational contexts, ELT practitioners have been grappling with the dilemma
of intertwining assessment with learning. Such an interface has been debated
in research. Yet, it has remained arguable whether assessment provides
feedback for learners at the right time with the right amount and quality of
information so that learners can attain their learning autonomy. Standardized
exams have been gaining territory for practical reasons. At the same time,
other alternative forms of assessment, such as formative assessment,
learning-oriented assessment, assessment for learning, assessment of learning,
have been gaining territory to check whether assessment can improve learning.
Therefore, it is at this level that ELT practitioners, such as testing
experts, educators, applied linguists and researchers, should be aware of the
intricacies of the link between learning and assessment.  


This book aims to explore the interface between assessment and learning. Also,
it addresses the problem-solving contexts, for instance, that learners,
teachers and test designers might face in integrating assessment with
learning. In general, the book is both theoretical and practical, as it
highlights the ways assessment and learning are integrated to build fair
assessments for learners in ESL and/or EFL contexts. 
Target Audience:

The book is targeted towards many stakeholders, such as policy makers,
students, teachers, test designers, ELT professionals and practitioners,
program evaluators, curriculum designers and many others. Recommended topics
include, but are not limited to, the following areas:  

- Assessment literacy  
- Modern vs.  classical test theories  
- Assessment for learning  
- Assessment of learning  
- Learning-oriented assessment 
- Validation of test specifications 
- Standard vs. Standardized assessment 
- Continuous assessment  
- Summative assessment 
- Formative assessment 
- Classroom-based assessment  
- Diagnosing learners’ -SLA and language assessment 
- Dynamic assessment  
- Alternative assessment 
- Issues in types of tests: diagnostic, placement, progress, achievement,
- Assessing critical thinking  
- Washback in language testing 
- Test usefulness qualities 
- Test fairness 
- Assessment ethics 
- Assessment accountability 
- Formative role of continuous assessment assessment needs 
You are invited to submit a 250-word abstract to explain the topic under study
before September 30, 2018. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified
about the status of their proposals by October 15, 2018. All submitted
chapters will be double-blind reviewed. 

Contributors to this book may be requested to serve as reviewers of the

Chapter guidelines: 

Chapter length should be 6000 to 8000 words inclusive of tables, figures,
appendices and references.  Authors should use the APA style, 6th edition
(http://www.apastyle.org/) and they should follow these guidelines:  
- Title: 10-15 words maximum  
- Abstract: 200-250 words  
- Keywords: 5 to 7 
- Introduction 
- Theoretical Background 
- Research Problem 
- Rationale (including the research questions) 
- Method  
- Data Analysis 
- Discussion 
- Implications (pedagogical, research & methodological 
- Recommendations  
- Conclusion  
- Appendices, if any 
- References


This book will be published by IGI, a Scopus-indexed publisher. 

Important dates: 

1st Proposal submission deadline: September, 30, 2018 
Notification of acceptance: October 15, 2018 
Full chapter submission: December 20, 2018  
Review process: January, 2019 
Revised chapter submission: February, 2019 
Final acceptance notifications: March, 2019  
Publication release: April, 2019 

Please send your inquiries to Sahbi Hidri: sahbihidri at gmail.com

Linguistic Field(s): Not Applicable

Subject Language(s): English (eng)



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LINGUIST List: Vol-29-3670	

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