30.926, Calls: Cog Sci, Neuroling, Philosophy of Lang, Pragmatics, Psycholing/Italy

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Wed Feb 27 04:59:00 UTC 2019

LINGUIST List: Vol-30-926. Tue Feb 26 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 30.926, Calls: Cog Sci, Neuroling, Philosophy of Lang, Pragmatics, Psycholing/Italy

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Peace Han, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Julian Dietrich
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>

Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2019 23:58:36
From: Valentina Bambini [valentina.bambini at iusspavia.it]
Subject: 3rd Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference

Full Title: 3rd Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference 
Short Title: XPRAG.it 2019 

Date: 19-Sep-2019 - 20-Sep-2019
Location: Cagliari, Italy 
Contact Person: Francesca Ervas
Meeting Email: ervas at unica.it
Web Site: http://xpragit2019.it/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Neurolinguistics; Philosophy of Language; Pragmatics; Psycholinguistics 

Call Deadline: 31-Mar-2019 

Meeting Description:

The XPRAG.it 2019 Conference is organized at the University of Cagliari under
the auspices of XPRAG.it (https://www.xpragit.com/), a research network
founded in 2017, with the aim of providing an Italian venue for discussing –
at the international level – empirical research on pragmatic processing. 

Invited Speakers:

- Raymond Gibbs (Cognitive Scientist and former Distinguished Professor of
Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz), ''The Past, Present and
Future of Experimental Pragmatics: A Very Personal View''
- Courtenay Norbury (University College London), ''Connections between
pragmatics and structural language skills in typical and atypical
- Martin Pickering (University of Edinburgh), ''Understanding dialogue:
Language use and social interaction''
- Deirdre Wilson (University College London), ''Understanding Metonymy''

Participation is Free.

No fees are required, thanks to funding available to the Local Organizing
Committee (granted by the Department of Education, Psychology, Philosophy of
the University of Cagliari and Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, research project
“Science and its Logics: The Representation’s Dilemma”, n° F72F16003220002).
We hope that this would encourage a larger participation, in the spirit of
inclusive science.

Please visit the XPRAG.it 2019 Conference website (xpragit2019.it) for
upcoming news.
Info: ervas at unica.it

Organizing committee:

Francesca Ervas (University of Cagliari, Italy & Institut Jean Nicod, ENS,
Paris, France)
Valentina Bambini (University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia, Italy)
Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa, Italy)

Local organizing committee:

Barnali Chaudhary, Roberta Cocco, Francesca Ervas, Roberta Fadda, Rachele
Fanari, Elisabetta Gola, Alice Guerrieri, Amitash Ojha, Maria Grazia Rossi,
Antonio Ledda, Antonio Pierro, Pietro Salis, Giuseppe Sergioli, Pietro
Storari, Daniela Francesca Virdis.

2nd Call for Papers:

3rd Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference (XPRAG.it 2019)
September 19-20, 2019
University of Cagliari - Department of Education, Psychology, Philosophy
website: xpragit2019.it

We invite submissions of abstracts in any area of experimental pragmatics,
including neuropragmatics, developmental pragmatics, and clinical pragmatics.

Three types of submission are accepted:

- oral presentation
- poster presentation
- pre-registration poster

A Novel Submission Type:

Pre-registration poster is a novel type of submission, offering the
opportunity to present plans for studies yet to be undertaken, rather than
work that has been already completed.
The aim of pre-registration posters is to promote the integrity and the
reproducibility of experimental research in pragmatics, in the spirit of Open
Science (see Tibon et al. 2018 Title TBA: Revising the Abstract Submission
Process, Trends Cogn. Sci. 22: 4, 271-274). Pre-registration posters will also
offer the opportunity to receive feedback on early stages of the research,
when it is most needed.
For similar initiatives, see BNA 2019
and CLShelf19

Young Researcher Award:

Submitters might also choose to candidate for the XPRAG.it young researcher
award, consisting in a monetary prize, granted by the Organizing Committee to
the best presentation (of any type) from a PhD or early post-doc (no more than
2 years from PhD).

Instruction for Submission:

The abstracts must not exceed 1000 words for the text, 10000 characters for
references, 2 figures. Abstracts should be submitted in PDF format, with 2.54
cm margins on all sides and 12 point font size, single spaced. Abstracts must
be written in English and should include a clear title but no information
revealing the author(s). 

Abstracts for pre-registration posters must respect the same word limits and
should include the following sections:
- Introduction (background, reasons for carrying out the study, hypotheses…);
- Methods (how the hypothesis will be tested);
- Approach for statistical analysis (what statistical tests will be used).
Accepted pre-registration posters should include the sections above, plus any
data collected since submitting the abstract, and any initial statistical
analysis or conclusions.

The number of submissions is limited to maximally one as first (or sole)
author (plus joint submissions where the author is not first author).

Abstract submission deadline: March 31, 2019, by midnight Central European
Time (23:59 CET).
We expect to make notifications of acceptance by the end of May, 2019.

Abstracts can be submitted through EasyChair at the following link:


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