30.1052, Calls: Linguistic Theories, Phonetics, Phonology/Poland
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LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1052. Wed Mar 06 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 30.1052, Calls: Linguistic Theories, Phonetics, Phonology/Poland
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Peace Han, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Julian Dietrich
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2019 19:21:17
From: Ewelina Wojtkowiak [ewojtkowiak at wa.amu.edu.pl]
Subject: Modern Phonetic Research & Phonological Representation
Full Title: Modern Phonetic Research & Phonological Representation
Date: 16-Sep-2019 - 18-Sep-2019
Location: Poznań, Poland
Contact Person: Ewelina Wojtkowiak
Meeting Email: ewojtkowiak at wa.amu.edu.pl
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Phonetics; Phonology
Call Deadline: 15-Apr-2019
Meeting Description:
(Session of 49th Poznań Linguistic Meeting)
PLM 2019 Session Title: Modern phonetics and phonological representation: a
new outlook on an old controversy.
Convenors: Ewelina Wojtkowiak and Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk
Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Irrespective of which units are used – distinctive features (e.g. Chomsky and
Halle 1968), elements (e.g. Backley 2011), or articulatory gestures (e.g.
Browman and Goldstein 1992), to name a few – phonological representations in
general possess a certain level of abstraction in which phonetic detail is
oftentimes disregarded. The dissonance between representation and realisation
has been the topic of a heated debate for quite some time. In fact, it can be
traced back to Trubetzkoy, who saw phonetics and phonology as two separate
disciplines which study two completely different phenomena and as such should
be kept strictly apart ([1939] 1962: 10). Some phonologists argue that
phonetics “is relatively uninteresting” and as such “has no place in
linguistics proper” (cf. Pierrehumbert 1990 for an overview; also: Gussmann
2004). In turn, phoneticians argue that phonological representations are not
subject to enough scientific research to tell us anything about the sound
structure of languages and as such is “an uninteresting subfield of
humanities” (Pierrehumbert 1990: 375). Problems with these disagreements
between the two sides of this issue arise when we cross-check phonological
accounts with empirical data. For instance, Polish has been described as a
language in which word-final obstruents undergo devoicing (Gussmann 2007), a
claim which has been taken for granted. Phonetic research, however, provides
evidence that Polish native speakers seem to be surprisingly accurate in
perceiving the contrast between underlyingly voiceless and voiced obstruents
in this position and, while less robust, the contrast is also by and large
maintained in their productions (Schwartz et al. 2018). Studies on
cross-linguistic influence show that L1 productions change under the influence
of one’s L2 and Lns (e.g. Chang 2012, Sypiańska 2016). Therefore, if
phonological representations fail to refer to phonetic research, they may fail
to accurately encapsulate linguistic phenomena (cf. Ohala 1990). While some
progress in this respect has been made, “phonetics as a motivating force for
phonology remains controversial” (Dziubalska-Kołaczyk 2012).
Call for Papers:
This workshop invites all papers that investigate the issue relating to the
extent to which phonetic detail should affect our decisions about phonological
representations, with respect to current phonological models. They may present
original empirical studies that have been conducted to test phonological
hypotheses, discuss some ideas as to how we can refine our phonological
representations, but do not have to be limited to those issues.
Abstract submission deadline: 15 April 2019
Submit your abstract via EasyChair:
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