30.1087, Calls: Anthro Ling, Applied Ling, Disc Analysis, Socioling/Poland

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LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1087. Mon Mar 11 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 30.1087, Calls: Anthro Ling, Applied Ling, Disc Analysis, Socioling/Poland

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Peace Han, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Julian Dietrich
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>

Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2019 21:02:17
From: Malgorzata Fabiszak [fagosia at wa.amu.edu.pl]
Subject: Linguistic Landscape and Memory

Full Title: Linguistic Landscape and Memory 

Date: 16-Sep-2019 - 18-Sep-2019
Location: Poznań, Poland 
Contact Person: Malgorzata Fabiszak
Meeting Email: fagosia at wa.amu.edu.pl

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Applied Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Sociolinguistics 

Call Deadline: 12-Apr-2019 

Meeting Description:

(Session of 49th Poznań Linguistic Meeting)

Linguistic Landscape and Memory: Linguistics, geography and cultural studies
in urban research
Conveners: M. Fabiszak, I. Buchstaller

Place names provide the daily spatial framework for human activities. But
beyond their mundane indexical importance as spatial reference landmarks,
place names are inevitably loaded with history and ideology, reflecting the
present and the past of people, places and nations. As Moszberger et al.
(2002:5) point out, naming practices are particularly revelatory for tracing
changes in representational politics. In cases of massive renamings, there is
often a breach in the cultural transmission of collective memory, when younger
generations treat the reworked cityscape as timeless and natural (Fabiszak &
Brzezińska 2016, 2018). What for older generations is a revolutionary wiping
out of old heroes and values they stood for, becomes the “natural order of
things” (Fairclough 2003:2) for the younger generation.

To date, research on street name changes has been conducted in different
academic disciplines. LL studies and historical geography document and analyze
commemorative renaming of streets following ideological shifts in recent
history (Borowiak 2012, Karolczak 2005). Critical toponymy explores “power
relations, public memory [and] identity formation” in commemorative renaming
(Azaryahu 2012:388). More recently, researchers in collective memory have
appealed for research to transgress disciplinary boundaries (Kaltenberg-
Kwiatkowska 2011:138, Brzezińska & Chwieduk 2012:20-23). Similar calls for a
rapprochement between research traditions have been voiced in LL research
(Soukup & Amos 2016, Buchstaller & Alvanides 2016) and critical geography
(Azaryahu 2011).

In this thematic session we invite linguists, geographers, sociologists,
ethnographers and representatives from related disciplines to contribute
presentations revolving around the following questions:

(1) What are the new trends in place / street (re-)naming practices? Who are
the agents behind these (re-)namings? How do these renamings influence the
“ideological robe of the city” (Zieliński 1994)?
(2) How are these changes reported, legitimized and critiqued in the media?
How are they received by grassroots inhabitants?
(3) How can various disciplines researching place/street (re-)namings
contribute to our understanding of these semiotic changes? How can we
integrate the results received from different methods of data gathering and
analysis into one holistic approach?

2nd Call for Papers:

Deadline for abstract submission has been extended to April 12, 2019.
Abstracts should be submitted via the Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM) Easy
Chair system.

More details on the PLM website:


Selected Bibliography:

Azaryahu, M. 2011. “The Critical Turn and Beyond: The Case of Commemorative
Street Naming”. ACME 10: 28-33.
Arazyahu, M. 2012. “Hebrew, Arabic, English: The politics of multilingual
street signs in Israeli cities”. Social & Cultural Geography13:1-19
Backhaus, P. 2007. Linguistic Landscapes: A comparative study of urban
in Tokyo. Multilingual Matters.
Berg, L. D. and J. Vualteenaho (eds.) 2016. Critical Toponymies. Routledge.
Borowiak, P. 2012. “Nazewnictwo miejskie Poznania …”. In A. W. Brzezińska & A.
Chwieduk (eds.) Miasto Poznań ... TIPI. 55-60.

Buchstaller, I. & S. Alvanides. 2013. “Employing Geographical Principles for
Sampling in … Dialectological Projects”. Journal of Linguistic Geography,
Fabiszak, M. & A. W. Brzezińska. 2018. Cmentarz, park, podwórko. Poznańskie
przestrzenie pamięci. [Cemetery, park, yard. Poznan spaces of memory].
Fairclough, Norman. 2003. Analysing discourse. Routledge.
Kaltenberg-Kwiatkowska, E. 2011. “O oznaczaniu i naznaczaniu przestrzeni
miasta”. Przegląd Socjologiczny 60: 135-165.
Moszberger, M., Th. Rieger & L. Daul. 2002. Dictionnaire historique des rues
de Strasbourg. Verger.
Rose-Redwood, R., D. Alderman & M. Azaryahu (eds.) 2017. The political life of
urban streetscapes. Routledge.


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