30.1173, Calls: Anthro Ling, Applied Ling, Gen Ling, Historical Ling, Socioling/Ghana

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu Mar 14 04:04:33 UTC 2019

LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1173. Thu Mar 14 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 30.1173, Calls: Anthro Ling, Applied Ling, Gen Ling, Historical Ling, Socioling/Ghana

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Peace Han, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Julian Dietrich
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>

Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2019 00:03:48
From: Reginald Duah [raduah at ug.edu.gh]
Subject: 3rd School of Languages Conference

Full Title: 3rd School of Languages Conference 
Short Title: SOLCON III 

Date: 02-Oct-2019 - 24-Oct-2019
Location: University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana 
Contact Person: Ildiko Csajbok-Twerefou
Meeting Email: solcon at ug.edu.gh
Web Site: https://www.ug.edu.gh/solcon/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Sociolinguistics 

Call Deadline: 31-Mar-2019 

Meeting Description:

The colonial epoch motivated a culture of global crossings which involved
diverse peoples, bodies of knowledge and traditions ushering in the era of
gloablization. Starting from the geo-political terrian, there has since been
massive contacts of languages and cultures, producing an unregimented global
atmosphere of linguistic and cultural hybridity, discursivity and literarity.
Contemporary thought is effectively shaped by this long tradition of global
exchange. In this regard, Africa has co-evolved with other parts of the world
a rich lode of linguistic, cultural and literary relationships that is worth
acknowledging, interrogating and celebrating. In pursuit of the above, the
School of Languages and the Language Centre of the College of Humanities,
University of Ghana, invite proposals for individual papers, panels and poster
sessions for the 3rd School of Languages Conference (SOLCON III), to be held
from 22 - 24 October, 2019 at the University of Ghana, Legon Campus, Accra.

Call for Papers:

The School of Languages and the Language Centre of the College of Humanities,
University of Ghana, invite proposals for individual papers, panels and poster
sessions for the 3rd School of Languages Conference (SOLCON III), to be held
from 22 - 24 October, 2019 at the University of Ghana, Legon Campus, Accra.

The conference which is on the theme, ''Languages, Cultures and Literatures
across Barriers: African and the World in Context and Contact'' seeks to bring
together researchers, scholars, students and public speakers to discuss the
theme and its domains through theoretically-nuanced interdisciplinary papers
and presentations.

As part of the conference, a colloquium on the theme ''Non-African Languages
in Africa: Impacts on Afrian Modernity and Development'' will be organized.

The following formats are available:
20 minutes presentation followed by 10 minutes discussion
120 minutes panel with four presenters
Poster presentation

To submit an abstract, please go to the conference website


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LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1173	

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