30.1213, Books: Problem solving activities in post-editing and translation from scratch: Nitkze

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Fri Mar 15 23:19:50 UTC 2019

LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1213. Fri Mar 15 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 30.1213, Books: Problem solving activities in post-editing and translation from scratch: Nitkze

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Jeremy Coburn <jecoburn at linguistlist.org>

Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 19:19:32
From: Sebastian Nordhoff [Sebastian.Nordhoff at langsci-press.org]
Subject: Problem solving activities in post-editing and translation from scratch: Nitkze


Title: Problem solving activities in post-editing and translation from
Subtitle: A multi-method study 
Series Title: Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing  

Publication Year: 2019 
Publisher: Language Science Press

Book URL: http://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/196 

Author: Jean Nitkze

Electronic: ISBN:  9783961101313 Pages: 325 Price: Europe EURO 0 Comment: Open Access


Companies and organisations are increasingly using machine translation to
improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and then edit the machine
translated output to create a fluent text that adheres to given text
conventions. This procedure is known as post-editing.

Translation and post-editing can often be categorised as problem-solving
activities. When the translation of a source text unit is not immediately
obvious to the translator, or in other words, if there is a hurdle between the
source item and the target item, the translation process can be considered
problematic. Conversely, if there is no hurdle between the source and target
texts, the translation process can be considered a task-solving activity and
not a problem-solving activity.

This study investigates whether machine translated output influences
problem-solving effort in internet research, syntax, and other problem
indicators and whether the effort can be linked to expertise. A total of 24
translators (twelve professionals and twelve semi-professionals) produced
translations from scratch from English into German, and (monolingually)
post-edited machine translation output for this study. The study is part of
the CRITT TPR-DB database. The translation and (monolingual) post-editing
sessions were recorded with an eye-tracker and a keylogging program. The
participants were all given the same six texts (two texts per task).

Different approaches were used to identify problematic translation units.
First, internet research behaviour was considered as research is a distinct
indicator of problematic translation units. Then, the focus was placed on
syntactical structures in the MT output that do not adhere to the rules of the
target language, as I assumed that they would cause problems in the
(monolingual) post-editing tasks that would not occur in the translation from
scratch task. Finally, problem indicators were identified via different
parameters like Munit, which indicates how often the participants created and
modified one translation unit, or the inefficiency (InEff) value of
translation units, i.e. the number of produced and deleted tokens divided by
the final length of the translation. Finally, the study highlights how these
parameters can be used to identify problems in the translation process data
using mere keylogging data.

Linguistic Field(s): Translation

Written In: English  (eng)

See this book announcement on our website: 


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