30.1344, Support: General Linguistics; Romance: PhD, Stockholm University

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Mon Mar 25 18:54:16 UTC 2019

LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1344. Mon Mar 25 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 30.1344, Support: General Linguistics; Romance: PhD, Stockholm University

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Yiwen Zhang <yiwen at linguistlist.org>

Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 14:53:56
From: Fanny Forsberg Lundell [fanny.forsberg.lundell at su.se]
Subject: General Linguistics; Romance: PhD, Stockholm University, Sweden

 Institution/Organization: Stockholm University, Sweden 
Department: Romance Studies and Classics 
Web Address: https://www.su.se/romklass/ 

Level: PhD 

Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics 



Project description
The doctoral dissertation will be conducted within the Romance languages for
which we offer education at the research level, namely French, Italian,
Portuguese or Spanish (literature or linguistics). It is also possible to
choose Romance languages: general orientation. 

The project should, in addition, be carried out within one of two themes
offered by the Faculty’s Doctoral School, Space and Place in the Humanities or
The Dynamics of Multilingualism. For more information see:

Qualification requirements
In order to meet the general entry requirements, the applicant must have
completed a second-cycle degree, completed courses equivalent to at least 240
higher education credits, of which 60 credits must be in the second cycle, or
have otherwise acquired equivalent knowledge in Sweden or elsewhere.

In order to meet the specific entry requirements, the general syllabus for
doctoral studies in the field of Romance languages stipulates that applicants
must have:

successfully passed advanced level courses of at least 30 hp in French,
Italian, Spanish or Portuguese including a degree project of at least 15 hp.
knowledge of English equivalent to the level of English 6. This does not apply
to students who have undergone university education where English is one of
the entry requirements.
The entry requirements must also be met by persons who acquired corresponding
skills within or outside the country.

The qualification requirements must be met by the deadline for applications.

The primary assessment criteria in appointing a doctoral student should be the
capacity to benefit from the training. The selection among the eligible
candidates will thus be based on the following criteria: 

- Education. Assessment of both depth and breadth of previous education.

- Scientific production. The assessment also takes into consideration the
aspect of time, that is, to what extent the applicant has shown the ability to
meet his or her previous scientific obligations within given time constraints.
In addition, the scientific progress of the applicant is considered. Based on
a Bachelor’s thesis, a Master’s thesis or other academic papers, the ability
of the applicant to benefit from the education is considered according to
critical ability, analytical ability, creativity and independence.

- Research plan. The applicant should enclose a research plan, which should
cover the research problem and an outline of the research project. The
research plan is assessed according to relevance, originality and completion
within given time constraints (that is full-time work during a four-year
period of doctoral studies). Connection to the above mentioned themes are
given considerable weight.

- Available competence among the Department’s supervisors.

- Ability to collaborate. The ability of the applicant to be collaborative is
determined by personal references, certificates or interviews.

Terms of employment
Only a person who will be or has already been admitted to a third-cycle
programme may be appointed to a doctoral studentship.

The term of the initial contract may not exceed one year. The employment may
be extended for a maximum of two years at a time. However, the total period of
employment may not exceed the equivalent of four years of full-time study.

Doctoral students should primarily devote themselves to their own education,
but may engage in teaching, research, and administration corresponding to a
maximum of 20 % of a full-time position.

Application Deadline: 15-Apr-2019 

Web Address for Applications: https://www.su.se/english/about/working-at-su/phd?rmpage=job&rmjob=8698&rmlang=UK 

Contact Information: 
	Associate professor Fanny Forsberg Lundell
	fanny.forsberg.lundell at su.se  


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LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1344	

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