30.1434, Calls: Language Acquisition, Language Documentation, Sociolinguistics/Canada

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Sat Mar 30 02:01:07 UTC 2019

LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1434. Fri Mar 29 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 30.1434, Calls: Language Acquisition, Language Documentation, Sociolinguistics/Canada

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Peace Han, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Julian Dietrich
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>

Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 22:00:22
From: Heather Sparling [heather_sparling at cbu.ca]
Subject: A' Chanain Cheolmhor [The Musical Language]: Language Revitalization through Music

Full Title: A' Chanain Cheolmhor [The Musical Language]: Language Revitalization through Music 

Date: 08-Oct-2019 - 11-Oct-2019
Location: Mabou, NS, Canada 
Contact Person: Heather Sparling
Meeting Email: heather_sparling at cbu.ca
Web Site: https://languageinlyrics.com/events/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition; Language Documentation; Sociolinguistics 

Call Deadline: 30-Apr-2019 

Meeting Description:

This workshop will bring together a mix of scholars and community
organizations all working on language revitalization through music. We welcome
proposals relating to any language although the event will focus especially on
Irish and Scottish Gaelic.
Sociolinguists agree that of the world’s approximately 6,000 languages spoken
today, 50% will disappear within 100 years. It is essential that we develop a
robust, varied, and effective toolkit to support language revitalization
efforts, regardless of the language at stake. While sociolinguists have long
been researching which languages are threatened, what happens to a language in
decline, and how to reverse language decline, the focus is almost always on
the spoken language. This workshop offers a unique perspective in its emphasis
on music as the primary point of encounter with language and, as such, it
offers a previously unrecognized and undervalued means of supporting
threatened languages.
We invite community groups and cultural activists to present on projects and
initiatives that connect music and language, especially where language
learning and development is a primary aim but music is the means by which it
is achieved. We invite scholars to present on research that addresses how
language revitalization can be driven by music, song, and/or dance, or that
otherwise considers the intersections between music and language
revitalization. Presentations could address, for example,

- teaching language learners to transcribe song recordings in another language
or write original songs in another language;
- integrating language instruction into music lessons;
- documenting song lyrics as the basis for language-oriented projects (e.g.,
- drawing on movement or sound to learn language or linguistic elements (such
as rhythm);
- using traditional music contexts (such as the ceilidh) to inform language
learning contexts and methods.

The workshop will be held in beautiful Mabou – the heart of Gaelic Nova Scotia
– at the newest facilities of the Gaelic College (gaeliccollege.edu). There
will be opportunities to interact with the local community, as well as to
share music and songs within the context of the workshop. Key to this event
will be daily sessions for brainstorming and planning collaborative projects,
events, and research. The workshop will end the day that the Celtic Colours
International Festival starts (celtic-colours.com) and just ahead of Canadian
Thanksgiving weekend. We hope that delegates will take the opportunity to stay
on beyond the workshop to enjoy this really quite magical time on the island.
Funding is currently being sought to support travel, food, and accommodation
expenses, particularly for those who might not otherwise have access to
conference travel funds (such as graduate students, part-time faculty, and
non-profit organizations). We strongly encourage anyone having expertise or
experience with using music to support language learning and revitalization to
submit a proposal, regardless of ability to pay for travel.

Call for Papers:

Participants should submit proposals by April 30. Proposals, including paper
or presentation title, presenter name, brief biographical sketch, and a
250-word abstract should be sent to Heather Sparling, Department of
Literature, Folklore and The Arts, Cape Breton University, PO Box 5300, 1250
Grand Lake Rd, Sydney, NS, B1P 6L2 (heather_sparling at cbu.ca). This call is
also available online: languageinlyrics.com/events. Information on
registration, accommodations and possible travel funding will follow during
the coming months.


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LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1434	

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