30.1936, Calls: Applied Ling, Cog Sci, Disc Analysis, Psycholing, Socioling/Spain
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Tue May 7 04:29:43 UTC 2019
LINGUIST List: Vol-30-1936. Tue May 07 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 30.1936, Calls: Applied Ling, Cog Sci, Disc Analysis, Psycholing, Socioling/Spain
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Peace Han, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Julian Dietrich
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 07 May 2019 00:29:10
From: Miguel-Angel Benitez-Castro [mbenitez at unizar.es]
Subject: Languaging Diversity 2019
Full Title: Languaging Diversity 2019
Short Title: LD2019
Date: 24-Sep-2019 - 27-Sep-2019
Location: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, Universidad de Zaragoza, TERUEL, Spain
Contact Person: Miguel-Angel Benitez-Castro
Meeting Email: ld2019 at unizar.es
Web Site: http://langdiv2019.unizar.es/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science; Discourse Analysis; Psycholinguistics; Sociolinguistics
Call Deadline: 02-Jun-2019
Meeting Description:
Following the five successful events hosted by the Universities of Naples
(2013), Catania (2014), Macerata (2016), Cagliari (2017) and Antwerp (2018),
the I-Land Interuniversity Research Centre brings the sixth edition of its
Languaging Diversity annual conference (LD6) to the University of Zaragoza,
Spain, at the Campus of Teruel. The beautiful historic city of Teruel, a
UNESCO world heritage site, boasts mesmerising examples of the Mudejar
architectural style, and is home to the tragic and deeply moving story of
Diego de Marcilla and Isabel de Segura, the so-called ‘lovers of Teruel’.
LD6 builds on the themes of the previous editions (i.e. diversity, alterity,
power, social class and globalisation) to propose a research strand linked to
persuasion, the pragmatic or communicative intention whereby identity is
enacted, power communicated and societal patterns reproduced.
The three Aristotelian modes of persuasion (i.e. ethos, pathos and logos) have
traditionally been associated with such typically persuasive genres as
political speeches, editorials or opinion articles, which are claimed to shape
power relations where those at the helm were a selected few (politicians,
journalists, lawyers, renowned scholars, etc.). The age of social media and
the Internet of Things, however, forces academics to study this phenomenon
from a new perspective and try to answer questions such as the following: Who
holds the power to persuade nowadays? How do certain people become
influential? What channels are most effective when trying to persuade others?
What are the underlying motives behind persuasion nowadays? Which persuasive
strategies work best in each community of practice? Which of our various
identities are most likely to be moulded and/or reinforced as a result of
persuasion? All these questions arise in a world order of increasing
hybridization, at a time when there are fewer boundaries between the written
text and the (audio)visual, between seemingly factual genres and those where
opinion is markedly present; in short, between truth and fabrication. In this
setting, our active participation as global citizens in the consumption,
production and transmission of information, or ‘prosumption’ (Weeks et al.
2017), has also blurred the boundaries between persuader and persuadee.
In LD6, we set out to cast light on the intricacies of persuasive discourse
and the manifold reactions it may engender in today’s globalised and
multicultural societies. At the core of this endeavour is a genuine
willingness and commitment to tease out the nature of persuasion in diverse
contexts (e.g. art, education, business, sport, companies, the private sphere,
etc.), through diverse channels (e.g. face-to-face interaction, on-line
communication, published articles, performances, etc.), and as more or less
relevant to diverse identities (e.g. linguistic, political, gendered, etc.).
As in previous LD editions, interdisciplinarity will also be key for us. This
time, in LD6, the collaboration and cross-fertilisation of knowledge will show
in an organising and scientific team encompassing Philology, Psychology,
Education, Business and Fine Arts, five areas representing the extremely
enriching interdisciplinary make-up of the Faculty of Social and Human
Sciences in Teruel.
Final Call for Papers:
We are pleased to inform you that the 3rd Call for Papers for the
International Conference Languaging Diversity 2019 (University of Zaragoza,
Teruel, SPAIN - September 24-27, 2019) is out now. The 6th edition of
Languaging Diversity (LD6) builds on the themes of the previous editions (i.e.
diversity, alterity, power, social class and globalisation) to propose a
research strand linked to persuasion, the pragmatic or communicative intention
whereby identity is enacted, power communicated and societal patterns
We are looking forward to a varied programme and invite abstracts in any of
the conference languages (English, Spanish, French and Italian) for full
workshops, papers, posters, short work-in-progress reports in the pecha kucha
format, as well as panels adhering to any of the conference's broad research
Key Dates:
Deadline for submission of proposals: 2 June 2019
Notification of acceptance/rejection of proposals: 17 June 2019
Early bird registration: Before 14 August 2019
Confirmed Plenary Speakers:
Laura Alba Juez (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, UNED, Spain)
Francesca De Cesare (University of Naples ''L'Orientale'', Italy)
Matteo Fuoli (University of Birmingham, UK)
José Martín-Albo Lucas (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Pascual Pérez-Paredes (University of Cambridge, UK)
Adelina Sánchez Espinosa (University of Granada, Spain)
Invited Artists:
Rani Drew (https://ranidrew.wordpress.com/) and John Drew
For Details:
Conference website: http://langdiv2019.unizar.es/
Conference e-mail: ld2019 at unizar.es
EasyChair submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ld2019
Follow us on:
Twitter: @LangDiv2019, #LangDiv2019
Facebook: https://goo.gl/2AniEo
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