30.2064, Calls: General Linguistics / Lingvisticae Investigationes (Jrnl)
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Wed May 15 21:32:32 UTC 2019
LINGUIST List: Vol-30-2064. Wed May 15 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 30.2064, Calls: General Linguistics / Lingvisticae Investigationes (Jrnl)
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Peace Han, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Julian Dietrich
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Editor for this issue: Sarah Robinson <srobinson at linguistlist.org>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2019 17:32:09
From: Aude GREZKA [grezka at lipn.univ-paris13.fr]
Subject: General Linguistics / Lingvisticae Investigationes (Jrnl)
Full Title: Lingvisticae Investigationes
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 01-Jan-2020
Special Issue of Lingvisticæ Investigationes ''Les variations diatopiques dans
les expressions figées''
Authors of the proposal:
Grezka, Aude (CNRS/Université Paris 13, Laboratoire LIPN, France)
Mogorrón, Pedro (Universidad de Alicante, Spain)
Traditionally, in the study of languages, or even in teaching, variation has
been conceived as a secondary subject. However, all languages regardless of
their linguistic, historical and social features, and their geographic areas
where they are spoken, are subjected to many changes as reported by Gadet
(2003, 13): ''Il n'est pas de langue que ses locuteurs ne manient sous des
formes diversifiées''.
All languages are born under the sign of variability and linguistic and
extralinguistic variation. The variability equates to the ability of all
natural languages to produce/generate variations when updating during the
speech. The variation is therefore the inherent and direct consequence of all
natural languages variability, especially in the case of oral language, the
variation place par excellence. It is well-known that speakers of different
linguistic or geographic communities employ different strategies in order to
describe the same situation, and every community has created or completed its
own lexical and semantic system. In this way: ''Como no podía ser de otra
manera, la influencia indígena es tan tangible en el español de hoy que no
podríamos entenderlo sin ella. Pensemos, por ejemplo, en la vida cultural y en
la naturaleza del mundo físico que incorporan y hacen suyo en el ámbito del
español. Mejor dicho, los horizontes y límites del español actual no tendrían
cabida en la vieja provincia que lo vio nacer : Castilla. La extraordinaria
realidad del español sería impensable sin la aportación de los países
americanos'' (Sánchez Lobato, 1994, 558).
They are subjected in their functions of transmission, communication and
socio-cultural exchange to two main types of variation:
- linguistic variation, which affects lexical, syntactic, textual and
communicative levels;
- extralinguistic variation, which is studied in the diachronic, diatopic or
diastratic dimensions (Labov, 1972 ; Gadet, 2003).
Many research studies on frozen expressions have emphasized the fact that
these sequences were frozen in relation to free constructions because their
constituent(s) and their structure(s) remained generally invariable(s), since
these complex units constituted components as stable as the rest of the simple
free lexemes of the language.
In this issue of the journal, we wish to deal in depth with the different
cases of variation(s) and linguistic(s) creation(s) and extralinguistic(s)
phraseology(s) that occur in a language, including case of geographical
We are then inviting proposals for papers presenting innovative research on
the area of:
- Phraseology and Contrastive Phraseology
- Phraseology and Corpus Linguistics
- Phraseology in Discourse
- Phraseology and foreign language
- Varieties (geographical, sociological, historical…)
- Variations (lexical, morphological, syntactical…)
Public call for papers: 15 May 2019
Submission of papers: 1 January 2020
Notification to authors: 1 March 2020
Final version of papers: 1 August 2020
Publication: October 2020
Manuscripts must be submitted in English or in French.
Reviewing procedure:
The guest editors of the volume will ensure that each contribution will be
anonymously reviewed by at least two members of the scientific committee.
Send papers to:
grezka at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
pedro.mogorron at ua.es
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