30.3300, Review: Romance; Language Acquisition; Phonetics; Phonology: Gibson, Gil (2019)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-30-3300. Tue Sep 03 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 30.3300, Review: Romance; Language Acquisition; Phonetics; Phonology: Gibson, Gil (2019)
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Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2019 11:18:49
From: Joshua Griffiths [j.griffiths at utexas.edu]
Subject: Romance Phonetics and Phonology
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Book announced at http://linguistlist.org/issues/30/30-814.html
EDITOR: Mark Gibson
EDITOR: Juana Gil
TITLE: Romance Phonetics and Phonology
PUBLISHER: Oxford University Press
YEAR: 2019
REVIEWER: Joshua M Griffiths, University of Texas
This edited volume presents current research in Romance phonetics and
phonology, focusing primarily on methodological advancements in the speech
sciences and how these advancements have improved our understanding of one of
the most well-studied and well-documented language families. This collection
is divided into five parts, not including the introductory Chapter. Part I
(Chapters 2-5) focuses on acoustic analyses of a wide variety of segments in
certain Romance languages including fricatives in Portuguese, Spanish rhotics,
and French and Spanish vowels. The next section of the book (Chapters 6-9)
also highlights phonetic and laboratory methodologies. Part II is dedicated
to articulatory analyses of Romance. Devoted to studies in perception, Part
III (Chapters 10-13) begins to blur the lines between phonetics and phonology
by focusing on perception. The section on perception serves as an effective
transition into Part IV (Chapters 14-16) which looks at outstanding issues in
Romance phonology. Finally, Part V (Chapters 17-20) looks at both phonetic and
phonological acquisition of the Romance languages, primarily by speakers of
other Romance languages (with the exception of Chapter 18 which considers
English learners of Spanish and Portuguese.) Part V serves as an effective
concluding section of the book combining many of the principles of speech
science presented in Parts I-III with some of the theoretical issues addressed
in Part IV in an applied, unified phenomenon: language acquisition.
Chapter 1: Romance sounds: New insights for old issues – Mark Gibson and Juana
The introductory chapter of this volume serves as means for the editors to not
only present the collection, but also situate the relevance of this volume
outside of Romance phonetics and phonology, but in linguistics as a whole.
Gibson and Gil briefly summarize the findings of the other chapters of this
volume and explain the new methodological insights employed by the other
offers to address outstanding problems in Romance phonetics and phonology.
While Gibson and Gil present in their introduction a discussion on the
“shifting and blurring… of the boundaries between [phonetics and phonology]”
(p. 3) , it is clear that this book will be largely focused on current
advancements in applications of the speech sciences to Romance phonetics and
phonology with non-laboratory approaches to phonology at times coming across
as an after-thought. Even in their presentation of the chapters which focus
on phonology, Gibson and Gil discuss phonology as a phonetically-grounded
system, and in presenting Part IV of the book which focuses on “Phonological
Issues,” they present the chapters almost in isolation from the rest of the
volume. Despite this, the introductory chapter serves as an effective
presentation of the volume and does situate this book as a relevant collection
in linguistics as a whole, not just in studies pertaining to the sounds of
Chapter 2: Rhotic variation in Spanish codas: Acoustic analysis and effects of
context in spontaneous speech – Beatriz Blecua and Jordi Cicres
The first chapter of Part I presents a welcome acoustic analysis of a
contested instance of a phonologically variable process in Spanish: the
realization and neutralization of rhotics in coda position. Blecua and Cicres
investigate spontaneous speech obtained from interviews with six speakers of
Central Peninsular Spanish. The authors should be commended for the clear
presentation of such robust results. The chapter is rich in spectrograms,
graphs, and tables, facilitating the ease of following the analysis of such a
complex phenomenon. Their results confirm what has been found in controlled
laboratory studies, further suggesting that the realization of these rhotics
is quite gradient, ranging from elision of the rhotic segment to complex
trills, as well as distributional and apparent compensatory lengthening
effects. This analysis not only fills a gap in our understanding of Spanish
phonology, but also further supplements research in phonological variation,
which has resorted to more quantitative approaches to phonology.
Chapter 3: The phonetics of Italian anaphonesis: Between production and
perception – Silvia Calamai
Calamai approaches the diachronic process of anaphonesis through the use of
production and perception experiments with speakers of Italian. Citing
(Castellani 1952), Calamai specifies one particular type of anaphonesis, the
process which resulted in unstressed Latin /i/ and /u/ variably being
maintained as [i] and [u] in Italian as opposed to the expected [e] and [o]
when preceding velar consonants (i.e. vĭnco ‘I win’ > vinco ; punctum ‘point’
> punto). The results of Calamai’s experiments taken in their totality suggest
that anaphonesis is a much more phonetically grounded process related to the
articulation of the nasal consonant as opposed to a phonological result of
nasality. Calamai’s use of experimental methods to better understand a
diachronic phonological process is a case study of how current trends in
speech sciences can be used to inform historical linguistics.
Chapter 4: A crosslinguistic study of voiceless fricative sibilants in
Galician and European Portuguese – Xosé Luís Regueira Fernández and María José
Regueira Fernández and Ginzo’s chapter is the first chapter in the volume to
feature a lesser-studied Romance language (Galician) in addition to the more
well-studied Portuguese. This chapter seeks to fill the gap in the literature
of acoustic studies of (Romance) fricatives. Their analysis of [s] and [ʃ] in
these two closely related languages has several important implications,
particularly for acoustic phonetics. They find a great deal of both inter-
and intra-speaker variability in the articulation of these sounds,
predominantly in the case of [s], and particularly in the case of Galician.
Furthermore, they find greater differences in Galician than in Portuguese,
which they attribute to a lesser leveling of standard Galician. They
ultimately conclude that the observed differences in their analyses indicate a
distancing between Galician and Portuguese.
Chapter 5: Acoustic realization of vowels as a function of syllabic position:
A crosslinguistic study with data from French and Spanish – Cédric Gendrot,
Martine Adda-Decker, and Fabián Santiago
The study conducted by Gendrot, Adda-Decker, and Santiago complements existing
cross-linguistic laboratory phonology work on French and Spanish (see e.g.
Colantoni and Steele 2005; Dupoux et al. 2001; Solé 2018). Gendrot et al.
focus on an under-researched aspect of the phonetics-phonology interface, that
is the interaction between the acoustics of vowels and syllable position, and
their methodology is corpus-driven as opposed to experimental which has made
up most of the work on these differences. Gendrot et al.’s findings further
augment the current understanding of the differences between French and
Spanish phonology. While both languages saw stronger vowels with longer
durations, they found key differences in how the syllable position in the word
affects these vowels between the two languages. They possibly attribute these
differences to the sentential stress in French as opposed to the lexical
stress in Spanish or to the differences in the size of the vowel inventories
of the two languages.
Chapter 6: An articulatory account of rhotic variation in Tuscan Italian:
Synchronized UTI and EPG data – Chiara Celata, Alessandro Vietti, and Lorenzo
The first chapter on the volume to focus entirely (or at least primarily) on
articulatory analyses focuses on the variability of rhotics in Tuscan. In
order to better understand the degree to which rhotics in Tuscan vary in their
pronunciation Celata et al. make use of articulatory (electropalatographic and
ultrasound tongue imaging) data as well as acoustic data. The results of both
types of articulatory data taken in conjunction with the results from their
acoustic analysis indicate a great degree of variability in the realization of
rhotics. This variability is across and within-speakers and is also subject
to phonological context including the class of the preceding or following
vowels and syllable position.
Chapter 7: Vowels and diphthongs: The articulatory and acoustic structure of
Romanian nuclei – Ioana Chitoran and Stefania Marin
Chitoran and Marin employ acoustic and articulatory data to juxtapose Romanian
diphthongs with comparable instances of hiatus both word-internally and across
word boundaries. Since they are studying vowels as opposed to consonants,
Chitoran and Marin must make use of articulatory data that differs from those
used in the preceding chapter, in this case electromagnetic articulography
(EMA.) Chitoran and Marin support the previous phonological research which
asserts that there are indeed three different types of syllabic nucleus
organization in Romanian: isolated monophthongs, diphthongs, and vowels in
Chapter 8: Temporal organization of three-consonant onsets in Romanian –
Stefania Marin
Romanian allows four three-consonant syllable onsets (/spl/, /skl/, /skr/,
/skl/.) Making use of EMA data, Marin’s chapter investigates the timing and
c-center organization (cf. Browman and Goldstein 1988) of three-consonant
onset clusters in comparison to CC onsets and singleton liquid onsets. She
finds that there is no difference in timing between CC and CCC onsets and the
timing to the nucleus; however, she does find differences between the internal
timing within the cluster and effects of the liquid in the cluster. She
concludes by suggesting that the timing of complex onsets is conditioned by
their underlying forms as well as the coarticulatory properties of the
consonants in the clusters.
Chapter 9: Articulatory setting, articulatory symmetry, and production
mechanisms for Catalan consonant sequences – Daniel Recasens and Meritxell
The final chapter in the production section of this collection addresses the
case of articulatory symmetry of sibilants (/s, ʃ, ts, t ʃ/) and various
clusters of these four phonemes in three different varieties of Catalan.
Recasens and Mira present articulatory symmetry as an effect by which two
phones (consonant or vowels) share similarities in their articulatory settings
despite differing in manner of articulation or frontness for example. Making
use of acoustic data (specifically COG) and EPG data, Recasens’ and Mira’s
findings corroborate the existing literature on articulatory symmetry and show
evidence for the symmetry of sibilants in the three varieties of Catalan.
They also find evidence supporting the existence of a regressive assimilation
process in which /sʃ/ and /tsʃ/ are realized as [ʃ(:)] and [tʃ] respectively
in Eastern and Western Catalan and nearly identical articulations of /ʃs/ and
/s/ as well as /tʃs/ and /ts/ in Valencian Catalan due to a well-documented
anterior realization of [ʃ] in this particular variety.
Chapter 10: Perceptual cues for individual voice quality – Marianela Fernández
Trinidad and José Manuel Rojo Abuin
The first chapter to address perception in this volume looks at a relatively
understudied phenomenon in speech sciences: voice quality, in particular the
perceptual cues employed by a listener in identifying Italian speakers’
intentional disguising of the modal voice in falsetto. An AX discrimination
task showed that listeners were able to identify speakers’ falsettos above
chance level. They conclude from their experimental design that voice quality
is determined from more than just changes in glottal features, which they open
up as a direction for further research.
Chapter 11: Perception of lexical stress in Spanish L2 by French speakers –
Joaquim Llisterri and Sandra Schwab
This chapter is the second of the volume to discuss cross-linguistic
differences between Spanish and French focusing on the well-documented
phenomenon of stress ‘deafness’ (Dupoux, Peperkamp, and Sebastián-Galles 2001;
Dupoux, Sebastián-Galles, Navarrete, and Peperkamp 2008), through which French
learners of Spanish struggle in identifying and producing lexical stress in
Spanish. Through the results of three perception and discrimination tasks,
Llisterri and Schwab suggest that French learners of Spanish are able to
phonologically encode lexical stress. These results are contrary to the
longstanding position on stress deafness, leading Llisterri and Schwab to
suggest that stress deafness is acoustic in nature, not phonological.
Chapter 12: Brazilian Portuguese rhotics in poem reciting: Perceptual,
acoustic, and meaning-related issues – Sandra Madureira
While Chapter 2 of this volume focused on the acoustic characteristics of
Spanish rhotic and Chapter 6 used Tuscan rhotics as a case study for adapting
articulatory methodologies, Chapter 12 also addresses rhotics, this time
through the lens of perception, and in a much more complicated case of rhotic
variability. The variability of rhotics in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) is
notoriously complex. It is not only conditioned allophonically but can be
variable in certain phonological environments with articulations ranging from
taps, trills, approximants, fricatives and even a zero realization (cf. Mateus
and d’Andrade 2000; Silva and Albano 1999). Madureira analyzes how the
realization of BP rhotics interfaces with emotion and sound symbolism through
a poetry reading. Her unorthodox methodology uses acoustic data in an
emotionally controlled setting as a means of informing perception. Her
results indicate that as the tone of the poem changes so does the realization
of the rhotic consonants with more trills being realized in passages relating
to intensity and anger.
Chapter 13: Perceived phrasing in French: A survey of some sentence structures
– Caroline L. Smith
Stress and intonation in French serve a purely demarcative function, dividing
the language into its prosodic phrases (Delattre 1938). Much of the work on
the prosody-syntax interface in French has been theoretical in nature;
therefore, Smith’s chapter is welcome as it fills a gap in the literature by
investigating how speakers actually perceive and differentiate these prosodic
demarcations in terms of three different sentence structures. Smith finds
that listeners perceive a prosodic boundary separating dislocated phrases from
the matrix sentence as well as sentences with long NPs. Listeners perceive
dislocations as prominent but not sentences with long NPs. Finally, she found
that speakers do not differentiate broad- from narrow- focus sentences, which
she attributes to the nature of the task being experimental as opposed to in
actual discourse, in which speakers would be encouraged to acoustically mark
Chapter 14: Modeling assimilation: The case of sibilant voicing in Spanish –
Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza
The first chapter to focus exclusively on phonological issues looks at voicing
assimilation in Spanish. Campos-Astorkiza frames her analysis of
pre-consonantal /s/ in Articulatory Phonology (Browman and Goldstein 1992).
Through acoustic analyses, she finds that stress, manner of the following
consonant and prosodic boundaries all have an effect on the voicing of /s/,
ultimately supporting a more gradient model of voicing assimilation at the
phonological level.
Chapter 15: Adjusting to the syllable margins: Glides in Catalan and Spanish –
Jesús Jiménez, Maria-Rosa Lloret, and Clàudia Pons-Moll
This is the first chapter in the volume that is primarily theoretical in
nature. Jiménez et al. present the wide range of repair strategies that can
affect the realization of glides in several varieties of Catalan and Spanish.
They frame their presentation in Optimality Theory. Jiménez et al. are
explicit in stating that the goal of the chapter is “not [to] offer a
description of all the phenomena affecting glides in Catalan and Spanish, but
just [to] make use of specific cases that exemplify the range of repair
strategies in which the two glides /j/ and /w/ are involved” (pp. 276-277),
but the chapter at times feels incomplete,offering no synthesis of their
constraint hierarchies, little justification for the selected constraints, and
no reason that the hierarchies must be adjusted between the surveyed varieties
of Catalan. To fully understand their analysis, the reader must devote a
great deal of time engaging with the tableaux,since little explanation for
their OT analyses is offered.
Chapter 16: Galician mid-vowel reduction: A Stratal Optimality Theory account
– Fernando Martínez-Gil
The second and final chapter developed in a constraint-based grammar analyzes
reduction of unstressed mid-vowels in Galician. Martínez-Gil offers a very
thorough analysis of this phenomenon through Stratal-OT. Whereas the
preceding chapter seemed incomplete in its analysis of glides, Martínez-Gil is
to be commended for his thorough treatment of this phenomenon, which may seem
simple at face-value. Martínez-Gil not only presents his constraint-based
analysis in Stratal-OT, but he supplements his data and justifies his
constraint selection with morphological data and diachronic data. His chapter
not only provides a thorough treatment of the vowel reduction but also
presents a convincing argument for the use of Stratal-OT as opposed to other
constraint-based grammars like Parallel OT and grammars incorporating
Output-to-Output Correspondence.
Chapter 17: Language proximity and speech perception in young bilinguals:
Revisiting the trajectory of infants from Spanish-Catalan contexts – Laura
The final section of this volume deals with issues related to acquisition:
including L1 acquisition, L2 acquisition, and simultaneous bilingual
acquisition. In a careful and thorough review of the recent body of
literature that has emerged on simultaneous bilingual acquisition in infants,
Bosch finds that those who are acquiring similar languages such as Catalan and
Spanish differ from those acquiring a pair of different languages like English
and French or Spanish and English. The synthesis of this research leads Bosch
to conclude that language proximity does affect how bilinguals acquire their
languages in terms of phonetic categorization and word segmentation.
Chapter 18: Production and perception in the acquisition of Spanish and
Portuguese – Jaydene Elvin, Polina Vasiliev, and Paola Escudero
Elvin et al. highlight an interesting phenomenon in second language research:
while there may be a great deal of research on the acquisition of one group of
speakers acquiring another language, the inverse case may not be
well-documented at all. They frame this discrepancy in reviewing the little
bit of literature that exists on English speakers acquiring Spanish and/or
Portuguese after citing the large body of work on Spanish and Portuguese
speakers acquiring English. Elvin et al. present some of the most prevalent
models in L2A and frame some of the existing literature on L1 English speakers
acquiring Spanish and Portuguese. They conclude with a synthesis of this work
and directions for further research.
Chapter 19: Production of French close rounded vowels by Spanish learners: A
corpus-based study – Isabelle Racine and Sylvain Detey
Corpus-based approaches to phonology have become more mainstream in recent
years (cf. Durand, Gut, and Kristoffersen 2014 for an overview), but this
chapter presents a database as well as a corpus-based analysis of L2
phonological acquisition. The Interphonologie du français contemporain (IPFC)
(Detey and Kawaguchi 2008) draws inspiration from the large scale Phonologie
du français contemporain corpus (Durand, Laks, and Lyche 2002) to establish a
large database of L2 French gathered through a Labovian socio-phonological
methodology. After presenting the corpus, Racine and Detey present the case
study of Spanish speakers acquiring the French /y/-/u/ contrast as well as
three different methodologies for studying the corpus data. They conclude
with both methodological and pedagogical implications from the IPFC corpus.
Chapter 20: Phonetic behavior in proficient bilinguals: Insights from the
Catalan-Spanish contact situation – Miquel Simonet
Simonet concludes this volume with a review of the literature on
Catalan-Spanish bilinguals. While this population is well-researched,
Simonet’s chapter concludes that there is still a great deal of work to be
done. He highlights that the unique sociolinguistic situation in which both
languages share similar degrees of prestige and use provides an ideal
microcosm through which balanced bilingualism can be studied in large numbers.
While Simonet shows that much of the research focuses on age of acquisition
(AoA) of the second language, he concludes by providing avenues of further
research pertaining to several different questions relating to this population
that have yet to be pursued.
This volume provides an overview of many different issues in Romance Phonetics
and Phonology, some of which have received more attention than others. Some
of the articles presented in this volume would be welcome additions to
graduate courses in phonetics and laboratory phonology, particularly those
that focus on issues in contemporary Romance.
The title of Gibson and Gil’s introductory chapter (Romance Sounds – New
Insights for Old Issues) seems to be a more fitting title for the volume than
“Romance Phonetics and Phonology.” The volume has such a large focus on
speech science that the two chapters focused on theoretical phonology
(Chapters 15 and 16) feel somewhat out of place. The first three sections of
the book (Chapters 2—13) do focus on new insights that can be offered by
advancements in speech science methodologies. This focus on speech science
can’t help but leave the reader feeling that the volume is somewhat limited in
scope. While there is a large focus on variation, a great deal of emerging
research on several Romance languages including Spanish (Erker 2010), Catalan
(Simonet 2010), and French (Dalola 2015) has focused on sociophonetics, a
sub-discipline which is missing in this volume.
There also appears to be little cohesion between Parts I-IV and Part V of this
volume. While Part V feels typical of what is often included in an edited
volume offering reviews, critiques, and syntheses of existing literature,
Parts I-IV feel more like a special edition of a typical academic journal.
Many of the chapters in this volume could effectively stand alone as journal
articles, but as an edited volume the disjunction between Parts I-IV and Part
V, as well as the large focus on speech science methodologies, make the reader
wonder what place the volume holds as a volume of phonetics and phonology
proper instead of as a volume on speech science methodologies applied to
Romance linguistics, as well as who the target audience for the volume
actually is.
The volume does offer a welcome and timely survey of phonetic variation and
how it ties in with phonology. Variation in both phonetics, phonology, and
the phonetics-phonology interface is currently a fruitful area of research
(ie. Coetzee and Pater 2013 and Flemming 2013). The tools and methodologies
adapted from the speech sciences offer much potential to explore some of the
outstanding issues and questions in phonetic/phonological variation. In sum,
while this edited volume suffers from some issues of cohesion as an edited
volume, the presented chapters all offer some degree of new and welcome
insight into Romance phonetics and phonology and innovative ways to integrate
speech science methodologies into the study of complex linguistic questions.
Browman, Catherine P., and Louis Goldstein. 1992. Articulatory phonology: An
overview. Phonetica 49.155-180.
Castellani, Arrigo. 1952. Nuovi testi fiorentini del Dugento. Florence:
Coetzee, Andries and Joe Pater. 2013. The place of variation in phonological
theory. The handbook of phonological theory, ed. by John Goldsmith, Jason
Riggle, and Alan Yu.
Colantoni, Laura and Jeffrey Steele. 2005. Phonetically-driven epenthesis
asymmetries in French and Spanish obstruent-liquid clusters. Amsterdam Studies
in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science Series.
Dalola, Amanda. 2015. The role of vowel type, preceding consonant and lexical
frequency on final vowel devoicing in Continental French. ICPhS.
Delattre, Pierre. 1938. L’accent final en français: Accent d’intensité, accent
de hauteur, accent
de durée. French Review 12: 141–145.
Detey, Sylvain and Yuji Kawaguchi. 2008. Interphonologie du français
contemporain (IPFC): an récolte automatisée des données et apprenants
japonais. Journées PFC: Phonologie du français contemporain: variation,
interfaces, cognition. Paris.
Dupoux, Emmanuel, Sharon Peperkamp, and Núria Sebastián-Gallés. 2001. A robust
method to study stress “deafness”. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America 110: 1606-1618.
Dupoux, Emmanuel, Núria, Sebastián-Gallés, Eduardo Navarrete, and Sharon
Peperkamp. 2008. Persistent stress ‘deafness’: The case of French learners of
Spanish. Cognition 106: 682-706.
Durand, Jacques, Ulrike Gut, and Gjert Kristoffersen. 2014. The Oxford
handbook of corpus phonology. New York: Oxford.
Durand, Jacques, Bernard Laks, and Chantal Lyche. 2002. La phonologie du
français contemporain : Usages, variétés, et structure. Romanistische
Korpuslinguistic – Korpora und gesprochene Sprache/Romance Corpus Linguistics
– Corpora and Spoken Language ed. by Claus D. Pusch and Wolfgang Raible,
93—106, Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
Erker, Daniel G. 2010. A subsegmental approach to coda /s/ weakening in
Dominican Spanish. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 203:
Flemming, Edward S. 2013. Auditory representations in phonology. Routledge.
Mateus, Maria Helena and Ernesto d'Andrade 2000. The phonology of Portuguese.
New York: Oxford.
Silva, Adelaide HP and Eleonora Albano. 1999. Brazilian Portuguese rhotics and
the phonetics/phonology boundary. Proceedings of the XIVth ICPhS, San
Francicso: 2211-2214.
Simonet, Miguel. 2010. Dark and clear laterals in Catalan and Spanish:
Interaction of phonetic categories in early bilinguals. Journal of Phonetics,
Solé, Maria-Josep. 2018. Articulatory adjustments in initial voiced stops in
Spanish, French and English. Journal of Phonetics 66: 217-241.
Joshua M. Griffiths is a PhD. candidate in French Linguistics in the
Department of French and Italian at the University of Texas at Austin. His
research interests focus on corpus approaches to phonological variation in
French, with a particular focus on the schwa vowel. His current research
employs tools from machine learning and cognitive science to better understand
the highly variable French schwa. He is interested in understanding how
large-scale corpora annotated for phonology in conjunction with a better
understanding of sociolinguistic factors can be used to further our
understanding of phonologically variable structures
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