30.3422, Confs: Applied Ling, Lang Acquisition, Ling Theories, Semantics, Text/Corpus Ling/Spain
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Thu Sep 12 07:46:23 UTC 2019
LINGUIST List: Vol-30-3422. Thu Sep 12 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 30.3422, Confs: Applied Ling, Lang Acquisition, Ling Theories, Semantics, Text/Corpus Ling/Spain
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 03:46:10
From: Lucía Hernández [lucia.quintana at dfesp.uhu.es]
Subject: Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2, Huelva 2019
Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2, Huelva 2019
Short Title: TAML2
Date: 14-Nov-2019 - 15-Nov-2019
Location: Huelva, Spain
Contact: Lucía Quintana Hernández
Contact Email: lucia.quintana at dfesp.uhu.es
Meeting URL: http://eventos.uhu.es/27735/detail/tense-aspect-and-modality-in-l2-taml2.html
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Linguistic Theories; Semantics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Meeting Description:
The conference responds to a widely recognized need for an updated knowledge
base and innovative methodological tools in the study of temporal and modal
representations in a second language (L2). It aims to complement previous
research perspectives by providing a dynamic exploration of recent, up-to-date
issues in contemporary research. We expect that the outcome of this conference
will allow us to improve our TAML2 vision of linguistic theory, second
language learning, second language acquisition (SLA), language teaching and
the study of heritage languages. Both theoretical and pedagogical implications
of the research on acquisition and learning of TAM will be discussed. This
conference will also allow us to strengthen networks of scholars working on
SLA from different perspectives.
Invited speakers:
Dr. Alejandro Castañeda Castro, University of Granada, Spain
Dra. Paz González, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Dr. Akira Murakami, University of Birmingham, UK
Dra. Roumyana Slabakova, University of Southampton, UK
For any submission-related questions please email Lucía Quintana Hernández
(lucia.quintana at dfesp.uhu.es).
14 noviembre
Opening Session
Plenary session 1: Language Variation Research Meets SLA Research in TAML2
Paz González, Leiden University
10:30: Coffee Break
5 oral presentations
Aula 1
Developing, testing and assessing research hypotheses across theoretical
Rafael Salaberry, Rice University
The Aspect Hypothesis Revisited: Theoretically motivated vs general questions
Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig Llorenç Comajoan-Colomé Indiana University Universitat
de Vic
Lack of actuality entailments in a second language
Maria J Arche Laura Domínguez University of Greenwich University of
Examining the development of viewpoint aspect in advanced English learners of
Amy Wallington Laura Domínguez, University of Southampton
Cross-linguistic differences in the expression of aspectuality – how can L2
data contribute?
Tim Diaubalick Lukas Eibensteiner, University of Mannheim
5 oral presentations
Aula 1
Audio Description as a Didactic Tool to Promote Morpho-Syntactic Competence in
L2 Spanish
Ángeles Escobar, Anne Vermeulen UNED, Ghent University
Contextualizing past tenses in L2: Combined effects and interactions in the
present perfect vs. simple past alternation
Sandra C. Deshors, Michigan State University
The acquisition of the Spanish future tenses at the interface between aspect,
modality and instructed language learning
Tim Diaubalick University of Mannheim
La enseñanza del tiempo-aspecto en catalán L2 desde la perspectiva de la
gramática cognitiva
Ares Llop Llorenç Comajoan-Colomé Cardiff University Universitat de Vic
L2 temporality and crosslinguistic influence: insights from cognitive theories
Franka Kermer, University of Eastern Finland
17:30: Coffee Break
Plenary session 2: The role of metonymy in teaching the Spanish verbal system
to foreign learners
Alejandro Castañeda Castro, Universidad de Granada
Conference Dinner
15 noviembre
6 oral presentations
Aula 1
Use and acquisition of tense and aspect in Spanish EFL writing at advanced
levels: a four-year longitudinal study
María Belén Díez-Bedmar, Universidad de Jaén
Imperfect Spanish meanings acquisition by advanced proficiency Russian
Iban Mañas, Elisa Rosado, Natalia Fullana Universitat de Barcelona
Frequency vs. accuracy: A quasi-developmental perspective on tense and aspect
in learner Englishes
Valentin Werner Robert Fuchs, University of Bamberg, University of Hamburg
Aula 2
(Non-) Prototypical combinations of grounding and lexical aspect. A pilot
study on German learners of L3 Spanish
Tim Diaubalick, Lukas Eibensteiner, Rafael Salaberry, University of Mannheim,
Rice University
The influence of L1 German and L2 English on the acquisition of perfective and
imperfective aspect in L3 Spanish
Lukas Eibensteiner University of Mannheim
The aspectual interlanguage: Task effects in relation to the L1. A pilot study
among Dutch learners
Paz González Tim Diaubalick, Leiden University University of Mannheim
Plenary session 3: Systematicity and variability in L2 development of English
grammatical morphemes: insights from learners corpora
Akira Murakami, University of Birmingham
10:30: Coffee Break
Visit to some Columbus sites
5 oral presentations
Aula 1
L1 Transfer in the L2 Acquisition of Spanish Grammatical Aspect: A Case Study
of L1 Chinese Mandarin Learners
Bo Zhang, Lucía Quintana Hernández, Universidad de Huelva
L1 Influence in the reassembly of aspect-related features onto new L2 forms: a
bidirectional study with learners of Chinese and Spanish
Kefan Yang Laura Domínguez, University of Southampton
Aula 2
The implications of variability in the input: the present perfect in Spanish
Carmen Kleinherenbrink Paz González Leiden University
Conjectural future in L2 Spanish: will L1 French speakers get it?
José Amenós-Pons Aoife Ahern Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes, Universidad Complutense
de Madrid, Universidad Islas Baleares
Acquisition of passives and ergatives in L2 English by L1 Spanish learners:
Evidence for the Bottleneck Hypothesis (The roles of morphology and UG in the
acquisition of passives and ergatives)
M Angeles Escobar, Ivan Teomiro, UNED
16:00: Coffee Break
Poster session
1. The pretérito perfecto simple and the pretérito imperfecto in Spanish – Not
only differences in aspectuality and temporality but also in modality and
evidentiality (!)
Anja Hennemann University of Potsdam
2. The teaching of ambiguous modal expressions within an integrated language
Irene Balza Universidad del País Vasco
3. How to escape murder in L2 Chinese: A study on non-culminating telic
predicates in L2 Mandarin and English
Fangyu Lou University of Southampton
Plenary session 4: Why is Aspect so hard to acquire in a second language?
Roumyana Slabakova, University of Southampton
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