30.3666, FYI: Call for Chapters: Home Language in the Classroom
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Sat Sep 28 19:36:15 UTC 2019
LINGUIST List: Vol-30-3666. Sat Sep 28 2019. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 30.3666, FYI: Call for Chapters: Home Language in the Classroom
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2019 15:34:36
From: Jason Siegel [jason.siegel at cavehill.uwi.edu]
Subject: Call for Chapters: Home Language in the Classroom
IGI Global: Disseminator of Knowledge
announces the forthcoming publication:
''Transformative Pedagogical Perspectives on Home Language Use in
Edited by Dr Janice E. Jules & Dr. Korah Belgrave,
Faculty of Humanities & Education, The University of the West Indies.
Chapter Proposal deadline: October 22, 2019. (1000 - 1500 words)
Linguists, researchers and other practitioners in language education
acknowledge that the resolution of language problems associated with breaking
down language and cultural barriers which hinder the growth of learners’
self-identity and national identity is on-going. In fact, even with decades of
research in home language use in the classroom there are still classrooms
worldwide where learners are deprived of the opportunity of building their
self-esteem, confidence and autonomy by communicating with their
mother-tongue. Such instances draw attention to the global nature of
communication which requires speakers who are able to use all the languages in
their repertoire effectively for communication rather than sacrificing one
language for another. These details reinforce the point that classroom
instruction which negates use of home language requires the type of
repositioning and application of (Pai, Adler & Shadiow, 2006; Edwards, 2009) a
model of critical pedagogy associated with transformative pedagogy.
When applied in the classroom, transformative pedagogy enables learners to
draw on their background experiences to create an awareness of the various
barriers, inclusive of language barriers, that retard their progress. This
positive pedagogical shift motivates and encourages learners to make effective
use of their home language in their quest to become effective communicators in
another language or in the standard variety of their first language. This
edited book provides the opportunity for readers to view home language as a
valuable asset for each learner rather than a deterrent to his or her language
development and social progress. Ideally, the content informs and motivates
teachers who have avoided or ignored the shift to using home language in their
classroom as well as lends further support for those individuals who are
already members in this transformative movement.
About the Editors...
Dr Janice Jules & Dr Korah Belgrave are linguists. They are lecturers in
Linguistics in the Department of Language Linguistics & Literature in the
Faculty of Humanities & Education at The University of the West Indies, Cave
Hill Campus, Barbados. They are authors of articles and chapters in applied
Theme 1: Revisiting Home Language in the Classroom
- Insights into Home Language
- Current Status of Home Language in Language Teaching
- Linguistics Situations & Emerging Home Languages
- Teaching-learning Contexts &Home Language
- Home Language in the Contemporary Classroom
- Teachers’ Competence in Learners’ Home Language
- Developing Literacy using Home Language
- Revisiting Language Policies
- Language Policy and Home Language
- Home Language in the Absence of Language Policy
Theme 2: New Paradigm for Transformative Pedagogy in Language Teaching
Innovations in Transformative Pedagogy in the Language Classroom
- Repositioning to Transformative Pedagogy with Home Language
- Teachers’ Autonomy with Home Language
- Developing the Autonomous Learner
- Redefining Identity with Transformative Pedagogy
- Assessing Teachers’ Pedagogy
- Assessing Learning in the Home Language Classroom
- Critical Thinking in the Home Language Classroom
- Teacher Training/ Professional Development for Transformative Pedagogy
Theme 3: The Social Construct of Transformative Pedagogy
Interrelation between Language and Culture
- Cultural Awareness and Its Impact on Language Use
- Culture and Language Diversity
- Cultural Beliefs and Home Language
- Learners’ Perceptions of Home Language
- Stereotyping Home Language
- Re-evaluating Built-in Stereotypical Notions on Home Language
- School Culture versus Home Culture- the Impact on classroom instruction
- Institutional Awareness and use of Home Language
- Cultural Mores and the Link to Language Policies
- Parental Support for Home Language
- The Community as a Resource
- Redefining Communicative Competence
Theme 4: Transforming Home Language Strategies for the Contemporary Classroom
- Home Language in the Second Language Classroom
- Home Language with Vernacular Speakers
- Home Language and the Bilingual/Multilingual Learner
- Technology in the Home Language Classroom
- Using Home Language in the Digital Age
- Teacher/Learner Resources for the Home Language Classroom
- Parents’ Resources for Home Language Use
Important Deadlines:
Chapter Proposal: October 22, 2019
Notification of Acceptance: November 5,2019
Full Chapters: February 19, 2020
Review results due to editor: April 4 - May 16, 2020
Review results due to authors: April 18, 2020
Revisions due from authors: May 16, 2020
Final acceptance/rejection notification due to authors: May 30, 2020
All final accepted materials due from authors: June 13, 2020
Publication: July 2020
Contact Information
Email Address:
julesjanice (at) gmail.com
Email Address:
belgravekorah (@) gmail.com
Please visit
https://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/4382 for more
details regarding this publication.
Guidelines for manuscript submissions at
Submit Chapters to:
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
General Linguistics
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