31.2575, Calls: Pragmatics/Switzerland

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Fri Aug 14 14:23:29 UTC 2020

LINGUIST List: Vol-31-2575. Fri Aug 14 2020. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 31.2575, Calls: Pragmatics/Switzerland

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Lauren Perkins, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Joshua Sims
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Editor for this issue: Lauren Perkins <lauren at linguistlist.org>

Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 10:23:06
From: Annelie Ädel [annelie.adel at du.se]
Subject: Risk, security, responsibility: Focus on evacuation and quarantine discourse

Full Title: Risk, security, responsibility: Focus on evacuation and quarantine discourse 

Date: 27-Jun-2021 - 02-Jul-2021
Location: Winterthur, Switzerland 
Contact Person: Jan-Ola Östman
Meeting Email: janola.ostman at gmail.com

Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics 

Call Deadline: 10-Oct-2020 

Meeting Description:

The aim of this panel is to bring together scholars from different fields of
research who have investigated risk communication, where aspects of
responsibility form an important ingredient. Analyses of discourse and
communication involving risks and security in a broad sense are welcome, but
we particularly welcome presentations that focus on evacuation and quarantine,
and the role of discourse, including multimodal resources.
Responsibility is central in risk communication. For instance, in relation to
evacuation signs: official agencies or collectives are responsible for putting
up relevant signs, individuals are most often themselves responsible for
obeying these signs, but challenged people need the help of responsible
carers. And where is the line to be drawn between moral and legal
responsibility in emergency situations? (On responsibility, cf. Östman & Solin
We want panel participants to jointly strive for a deeper knowledge base for
understanding how discourse (including pictures, symbols, colors; cf.
Forceville & Kjeldsen 2018) affects people’s dispositions to take in and make
use of information about security in their everyday lives. Risk and security
affect us on both a personal and societal level. But what do we know about the
“ontology” of risks and security? Do risks and security exist before they are
deemed as such (cf. Rasmussen 2013), is (non-)risk distribution as important
as wealth distribution in late modern societies (cf. e.g. Boholm 2018), to
what extent is security in a “risk society” a mere theoretical construct (cf.
Candlin et al. 2016)? And what are really the semantics we have access to in
relation to concepts like RISK (cf. Fillmore & Atkins 1992)?
Evacuation comes to the fore in fire hazards, in relation to risks of
explosions, in terror attacks, in outbreaks of virus diseases, etc. The
relationship between the notions evacuation and quarantine is not simply that
of antonymy; for one thing, evacuation signs require agency on the part of the
evacuator, and even though people in quarantine also need to be (passive)
agents, (signs indicating) the status of a quarantine are typically aimed at
people outside of quarantines. Still, instructions for both evacuation and
quarantine involve ways of saving community lives.
The panel will focus on evacuation and quarantine information in a broad
perspective, including what policies and attitudes lie behind specific
information that guide the public, and how efficient this information is. This
entails bringing together researchers working on questions related to (a) risk
and security; (b) ideology and responsibility; and (c) multimodality.
We welcome presentations from a variety of pragmatically oriented approaches
and methodologies, e.g. discourse analysis, narrative analysis, social
semiotic analysis, easy-to-read analysis, linguistic landscape and onomastic
analyses, psycholinguistic analysis, sociolinguistic analysis (e.g. the
effects of age and education on understanding), communication and medicine,
sign-language discourse, Braille discourse, etc.

Call for Papers: 

This is an open call for contributions from scholars working on risk,
security, responsibility, evacuation, quarantine and related issues. The
general deadline for submitting the final version of your abstract to IPrA is
October 25, 2020. (See instructions at
https://pragmatics.international/page/CfP.) If you want your presentation to
be considered for the panel on “Risk, security, responsibility: Focus on
evacuation and quarantine discourse”, please send your abstract to
janola.ostman at gmail.com no later than October 10, 2020. The panel is organized
by Jan-Ola Östman, Catharina Nyström Höög, and Annelie Ädel (Dalarna
university, Sweden).


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