31.109, Calls: Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Syntax, Text/Corpus Linguistics/Germany

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LINGUIST List: Vol-31-109. Wed Jan 08 2020. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 31.109, Calls: Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Syntax, Text/Corpus Linguistics/Germany

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Peace Han, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Julian Dietrich
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>

Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 08:51:58
From: Robert Van Valin Jr [vanvalin at buffalo.edu]
Subject: Information Structure in Spoken Language Corpora IV

Full Title: Information Structure in Spoken Language Corpora IV 
Short Title: ISSLaC IV 

Date: 20-Jul-2020 - 21-Jul-2020
Location: Düsseldorf, Germany 
Contact Person: Anja Latrouite
Meeting Email: latrouite at phil.uni-duesseldorf.de

Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis; Pragmatics; Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 30-Jan-2020 

Meeting Description:

ISSLaC is a biennial platform for researchers interested in the
grammar-discourse interface in typologically diverse languages. In many papers
on information structure (IS) a strict top-to-bottom approach with predefined
IS-categories is adopted, so that the role of IS research often boils down to
the identification of the structures that express the assumed categories. The
ISSLaC workshop series concentrates on the discourse-roots of information
packaging, i.e. its relation to rhetorical structure, intentionality of
communication, the cognitive states of the interlocutors, different discourse
genres and narrative strategies.

This means that we look at IS from a bottom-up perspective. ISSLaC III was
concerned with different empirical approaches to the typological study of
information packaging in discourse. ISSLaC IV will keep pursuing the question
as to which empirical and analytical tools are best for IS research.

2nd Call for Papers:

- Invited speaker: Nomi Erteschik-Shir, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

ISSLaC is a biennial platform for researchers interested in the
grammar-discourse interface in typologically diverse languages. In many papers
on information structure (IS) a strict top-to-bottom approach with predefined
IS-categories is adopted, so that the role of IS research often boils down to
the identification of the structures that express the assumed categories. The
ISSLaC workshop series concentrates on the discourse-roots of information
packaging, i.e. its relation to rhetorical structure, intentionality of
communication, the cognitive states of the interlocutors, different discourse
genres and narrative strategies. This means that we look at IS from a
bottom-up perspective. ISSLaC III was concerned with different empirical
approaches to the typological study of information packaging in discourse.
ISSLaC IV will keep pursuing the question as to which empirical and analytical
tools are best for IS research.

In addition to abstracts on the general topic of IS, we also wish to solicit
comparative papers that deal with different construction-choice inducing
narrative strategies depending on discourse genre or language type.  We are
especially interested in the question whether different languages or text
genres exhibit different defaults with respect to narrative strategies or
information structural packaging. We hope to solicit papers that address this
question as well as papers that give us more insight into all the devices used
to signal the assumptions about the hearer’s knowledge and attention, or to
render transparent rhetorical relations, or the current intentions of the
speaker. We are especially interested in abstracts addressing the following

- IS and construction choice: What differences in IS-interpretation do we find
between morphosyntactically identical or similar constructions in related and
unrelated languages? 
- IS and referent tracking: How are discourse referents with different degrees
of discourse relevance encoded? More specifically, looking at head-marking and
dependent-marking languages with extensive argument pro-drop, do we find a
difference with respect to the IS-function of realized arguments; is it always
about focality?
- IS categories and mode of realization: Even in topic- or
focus-configurational languages prosody has been shown to be relevant to a
certain sub-type of IS-categories. Do we find a more systematic correlation as
to what IS-categories morphosyntax in contrast to prosody is used for?
- Rhetorical relations between utterances and IS: Is there a conventionalised
connection between rhetorical relations such as elaboration, cause,
parallelism, etc. on the one hand and certain types of IS configurations on
the other?
- Intentional structure of discourse and IS: Do certain speaker intentions
regularly trigger certain types of IS? Is there a tendency for some types of
speech acts such as questions and answers, corrections, commands, etc. to be
associated with certain IS strategies?
- Interpersonal stance and IS: Are some linguistic structures, which appear to
be IS-related, also related to interactional aspects of the message such as
different types of politeness or hedging?

Abstracts should be anonymous and no longer than two pages, including data and

Please submit your abstract to:  altjohan at phil.uni-duesseldorf.de


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LINGUIST List: Vol-31-109	

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