31.1702, Calls: English; Disc Analysis/Italy
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LINGUIST List: Vol-31-1702. Wed May 20 2020. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 31.1702, Calls: English; Disc Analysis/Italy
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Lauren Perkins, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Joshua Sims
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Editor for this issue: Lauren Perkins <lauren at linguistlist.org>
Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 12:19:55
From: Katherine Elizabeth Russo [kerusso at unior.it]
Subject: EASA PANEL: Antipodean Populism and the Fabrication of a Risk Society
Full Title: EASA PANEL: Antipodean Populism and the Fabrication of a Risk Society
Date: 29-Mar-2021 - 01-Apr-2021
Location: Napoli, Italy
Contact Person: Katherine Russo
Meeting Email: easanaples2020 at gmail.com
Web Site: http://www.unior.it/ricerca/20459/3/cfp-panels-@-international-easa-conference-2021.html
Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 15-Jun-2020
Meeting Description:
CFP Panel:
“Antipodean Populism and the
Fabrication of a Risk Society”
Over the past decades, populism has increasingly gained ground both on a
national and global scale, turning from an epiphenomenon into a structural
aspect of contemporary world politics. Despite its idiosyncratic features
within the manifold socio-historical contexts worldwide, at the core of
populism lies the constitution of an anti-establishment and anti-intellectual
group claiming sovereign powers for a putative homogeneous collectivity, “the
people” (Laclau 2005). As recent events have painfully demonstrated, the
communication of risk is far from being stable and unproblematic (Latour,
1987). While outcomes, such as car mortality and premature birth, are widely
defined as risks, outcomes such as human mobility, environmental
sustainability and climate change are often contested and their measurement
leads to controversies. Furthermore, risk communication faces the challenge of
conveying specialized information to lay people, and bridging the gap between
experts and lay decision-makers may be extremely difficult in the case of
‘contested science’. Experts adopt non-persuasive communication, trusting data
to speak for themselves, and describe both benefits and risks, often in
quantitative terms. In contrast, populist leaders explicitly address the fears
of the lay public in a language that leaves lingering emotional effects and
avoid technical terms, thus reaching a wider public. The nationalist drives
articulated by populist leaders are propagated within offline as much as
online settings, fostering in the latter case the diffusion and
intensification of “webpopulism” (Mojca and Birgit 2018). These rhetorical
strategies nevertheless risk disseminating manipulative propaganda and
alarmist discourses of fear and hatred among citizens, with the effect of
exacerbating stereotypical representations and hostility towards an imagined
Other. Amidst this scenario of uncertainty, Australia and New Zealand, among
other Antipodean countries, have not been spared from the populist surge.
However, while forms of traditional and digital populism have been
comprehensively explored in the European and American continent, other
sub-regional forms have been excluded from scholarly attention, substantiating
the so-called “Atlantic-bias” (Moffitt 2017).
Keynote speakers:
Monika Bednarek (University of Sydney)
Dany Adone (University of Cologne)
Panel Convenors:
Arianna Grasso and Katherine E. Russo
University of Naples, “L’Orientale”
Call for Papers:
The panel aims to offer a space of critical discussion on these still-to-be
thoroughly investigated aspects of Antipodean populism and invites
contributions on the following subjects:
- Ideologies and Populist Propaganda
- Populism and its Meanings
- Persuasion and Manipulation in the Cyberspace
- Hate Speech in Populist Discourses
- Refugee Crisis and Migration
- Hansonism
- Imagined Others
- Islamophobia and White Fundamentalism
- Neo- and Techno- Colonialism
- Telepopulism and Webpopulism
- Emotionality, Attitudes and Populism
- Post-Truth and Digital Era
- Indigenous Politics and Antipodean Populism
- Populist Narratives and Counter-Narratives
- Cross-National and Trans-National Populisms
- Multimodality of Populism
- Left versus Right Populisms
- Populism and Gender
- Populism and Identity Politics
Please send a 250-words abstract and a 100-words bio-note clearly identifying
the title of the
panel in the object of your email to the email address
easanaples2020 at gmail.com and
ariannagrasso at unior.it by June 15, 2020.
All accepted participants will be expected to become members of EASA as a
precondition to
presenting their papers. Details of EASA membership are available on the
association’s website at this address:
http://www.australianstudies.eu/?page_id=1083. A call for full-academic length
papers derived from conference presentations will be issued after the
conference for publication in the Association’s online journal JEASA
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