32.613, Calls: Applied Ling, Socioling/Online
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Thu Feb 18 21:07:06 UTC 2021
LINGUIST List: Vol-32-613. Thu Feb 18 2021. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 32.613, Calls: Applied Ling, Socioling/Online
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Lauren Perkins, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Joshua Sims
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Editor for this issue: Lauren Perkins <lauren at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 16:06:41
From: Giulia Isabella Grosso [giuliagrosso at gmail.com]
Subject: II International Conference of the journal ''Scuola Democratica''
Full Title: II International Conference of the journal Scuola Democratica
Date: 03-Jun-2021 - 05-Jun-2021
Location: Online, Italy
Contact Person: Giulia Isabella Grosso
Meeting Email: giulia.grosso at unica.it
Web Site: https://www.scuolademocratica-conference.net/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Sociolinguistics
Call Deadline: 04-Apr-2021
Meeting Description:
Promoters & partners: Scuola Democratica · Il Mulino · Centro
Interuniversitario per la Ricerca Didattica (Università di Cagliari and
Università di Sassari)
The second edition of the International Conference of the journal “Scuola
Democratica” (the most important Italian journal about education) is devoted
to the needs and prospects of Reinventing Education. The challenges posed by
the contemporary world have long required a rethinking of educational
concepts, policies and practices. The question about education ‘for what’ as
well as ‘how’ and ‘for whom’ has become unavoidable and yet it largely
remained elusive due to a tenacious attachment to the ideas and routines of
the past which are now far off the radical transformations required of
educational systems. Scenarios, reflections and practices fostering the
possibility of change towards the reinvention of the educational field as a
driver of more general and global changes are centerstage topics at the
Conference and will have a multidisciplinary approach from experts from
different disciplinary communities, including: sociology, pedagogy,
psychology, economics, architecture, political science, etc.
Call for Papers:
We invite you to submit an abstract/paper for your presentation at the Panel
Nowadays, old and new minorities (which have arrived with the most recent
migratory flows) share territories and community spaces, giving life to
dynamic and complex multilingual realities. The Minority Languages (MLs) that
characterize them have become the subject both of specific support and
research programs within international organizations (e.g. UNESCO and the
numerous EU projects dedicated to multilingualism and plurilingualism) and of
legislative interventions promoted by public authorities at national and
regional level.
Europe has paid increasing attention to languages in the processes of social
integration, in particular for new generations: the recognition of linguistic
diversity has given rise to a progressive institutionalization of MLs
(historical, regional and new migration languages) in learning and teaching
processes (Eurydice, 2019); pilot projects, networks of experts, and “best
practices”, together with policy recommendations, have mobilized public and
private actors around the idea of education as an important space for
protecting and enhancing the identities and cultures of MLs. Since the
experiences in the educational field of the last decades have produced very
little results compared to those expected from the linguistic policies that
guided them (see, for example, Iannàccaro 2010), the renewed interest of
institutions on the cultural value of the integration of old and new minority
groups in school and educational contexts represents an opportunity to finally
achieve this objective.
Policies for the protection and promotion of the use of MLs open up a space of
action possibilities that strongly depend on: the dynamics within the
educational fields and the political will of its actors; disciplinary cultures
and knowledge; didactic devices and existing teaching practices; the learning
processes of language competences inside and
outside educational institutions; the relationship between educational
institution and the social context in which they operate (see Marra, Dal Negro
2020). It is therefore necessary to rethink how the new political, social and
cultural scenarios affect the historical link between the processes of
linguistic socialization in the educational field, the relations of symbolic
power and the dynamics of reorganization of cultural hegemony, both nationally
and globally.
The aim of this panel is to initiate a reflection on linguistic policies in
the educational field, in order to open a debate on the increasingly complex
pluralism of languages and cultures in schools, an interesting issue about
processes of global-local hybridization and the assembly of polices.
The panel intends to collect contributions from an interdisciplinary
perspective, constituting a space for sharing linguistic, historical,
sociological and pedagogical points of view.
The key topics are:
- linguistic rights and management of multilingualism at school;
- institutional pathways of linguistic policies in the educational context;
- linguistic policies in schools between global and local dimensions;
- linguistic minorities and school inequalities;
- minority language teaching and citizenship;
- the teaching of minority languages: researches, perspectives, disciplinary
- teachers and the use of minority languages in schools: representations and
- linguistic minorities and education policies for foreign adults in different
educational contexts;
- the training of teachers and minority languages;
- multi/plurilingual repertoires, multi/pluricultural realities and school
- minority groups and languages: linguistic attitudes, representations and
identity in the school context.
ABSTRACTS/PAPERS should be submitted by April 4, 2021 (check Conference Dates
and Deadlines). ABSTRACTS/PAPERS should be submitted via the pre-conference
tool (https://www.scuolademocratica-conference.net/how-to-participate/).
Please do not submit your ABSTRACT/PAPER by e-mailing it to the Convenor(s) of
the Panel session you chose. Convenor(s) will receive submitted
ABSTRACTS/PAPERS automatically from the pre-conference tool and they are going
to reject ABSTRACT/PAPER submitted to their e-mail addresses.
Language for ABSTRACTS/PAPERS is English.
You can submit an ABSTRACT or in case you prefer a PAPER. Be careful: DO NOT
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