32.328, Calls: Psycholing/Online
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Tue Jan 26 19:26:01 UTC 2021
LINGUIST List: Vol-32-328. Tue Jan 26 2021. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 32.328, Calls: Psycholing/Online
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Lauren Perkins, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Joshua Sims
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Editor for this issue: Lauren Perkins <lauren at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 14:25:30
From: David Wirthmüller [wirthmue at uni-muenster.de]
Subject: Münster Conference Linguistic Representations and Language Processing
Full Title: Münster Conference Linguistic Representations and Language Processing
Short Title: LIRLAP
Date: 25-Mar-2021 - 27-Mar-2021
Location: Münster (Online), Germany
Contact Person: David Wirthmüller
Meeting Email: wirthmue at uni-muenster.de
Linguistic Field(s): Psycholinguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Feb-2021
Meeting Description:
The Graduate School of Empirical and Applied Linguistics (GSEAL) at WWU
Münster will be hosting a digital conference on Linguistic Representations and
Language Processing (LIRLAP) with a special focus on currently used methods
and approaches. Our 3-day conference will take place on March, 25-27, 2021 via
Zoom. We highly encourage junior/early stage career researchers interested in
psycholinguistics, language acquisition and cognitive linguistics to submit
their contributions. Our particular focus is methods currently used (or newly
introduced) for studying cognitive processes at different levels of language,
from phonological representations and syntactic processing to the processing
of pragmatic features and discourse structures. Our research interests include
but are not restricted to:
1. how variational linguistic features are being processed and acquired
2. the role of context in language processing, including processing of
discourse features
3. language processing and intonation
4. language processing and language acquisition in multilingual speakers
We welcome contributions focusing on the development of stimuli, useful tools
and software in research, as well as best practice examples in
interdisciplinary studies.
Keynote speakers:
We are delighted to announce that the following distinguished speakers have
agreed to give a keynote presentation at our digital conference:
- Professor Dr. Bettina Braun, University of Konstanz
Research areas: form and function of intonation, psycholinguistics,
experimental methods
- Dr. Stefanie Jannedy, Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS)
Research areas: Register knowledge in varieties of German, phonology
- Professor Dr. Katharina Spalek, Humboldt-University Berlin
Research areas: Focus alternatives, lexical competition
- Professor Dr. Sarah Schimke, TU Dortmund University
Research ares: Pronoun resolution, L2 acquisition of German syntax
Second Call for Papers:
now - 15.Feb.2021 – abstract submission;
19.Feb.2021 – notification of acceptance;
1.March.2021 – a complete conference program is available on the conference
website (currently under construction); For all the updates check our Twitter
account @LiRLaP.
March, 25-27, 2021 – we finally have a chance to attend your digital talks and
get together for fruitful discussions.
Abstract submission information:
Abstracts for 20-minute presentations in English or German should be submitted
as PDF-Files via EasyChair and should not exceed 400 words. Additional
information, e.g. references, examples, figures and tables may be provided on
an additional page and will not be included to the abstract word count. Make
sure your name and affiliation are not included in your abstract PDF-document.
You can submit your abstract here:
Academic programme:
We invite works aimed at exploring different disciplinary approaches to all
areas of cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics. The contributions should
provide insights into how the chosen linguistic phenomenon is represented in
the mental lexicon and/or how it is being processed or retrieved during speech
production and comprehension.
We are also interested in your contributions on how specific linguistic
categories evolve during the process of L1 and Ln acquisition and language
learning, including the research questions related to language processing in
multilingual speakers.
Our particular interest is methods currently used (or newly introduced) for
studying cognitive processes at different levels of language, from
phonological representations to discourse structures. Therefore we welcome
contributions focusing on the development of stimuli, useful tools and
software in research, as well as best practice examples in interdisciplinary
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