32.1822, Confs: Gen Ling, Lang Acq, Psycholing, Syntax/Online
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Tue May 25 17:47:51 UTC 2021
LINGUIST List: Vol-32-1822. Tue May 25 2021. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 32.1822, Confs: Gen Ling, Lang Acq, Psycholing, Syntax/Online
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Lauren Perkins <lauren at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2021 13:46:03
From: Deborah Foucault [dfoucaulteth at umass.edu]
Subject: Recursion Across Languages. The Intricacies of Babel. (Online Workshop)
Recursion Across Languages. The Intricacies of Babel. (Online Workshop)
Short Title: RecursionBabel
Date: 01-Jun-2021 - 02-Jun-2021
Location: Online, Bucharest, Romania
Contact: Adina Camelia Bleotu
Contact Email: cameliableotu at gmail.com
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics; Syntax
Meeting Description:
The online workshop “Recursion Across Languages. The Intricacies of Babel.”
will take place online: 1-2 June 2021
The online workshop aims at bringing into discussion recent theoretical and
experimental research on recursive structures across languages.
Recursion has been a part of grammatical theory since Chomsky (1965), being
considered a fundamental property of human language (Chomsky, Hauser & Fitch
2001). Two types of recursion have been distinguished in the literature
(Snyder & Roeper 2011): Direct Recursion, which simply merges items together
directly (in coordinative structures), and Indirect Recursion, which embeds
items within each other through linking nodes (in recursive structures).
Research in language acquisition has shown that children tend to go through a
stage where they reduce indirectly recursive structures to directly recursive
ones. This has been noticed for a variety of structures:
i. Compounds (Hiraga 2009): tea-pourer-maker= tea-pourer and maker
ii. Possessives (Gentile 2003, Limbach & Adone 2010, Roeper et al. 2012,
Pérez-Leroux et al. 2012, Giblin et al. 2019, Li et al. 2020): Jane’s father’s
bike= Jane’s and father’s bike
iii. Prepositional Phrases (Sevcenco, Roeper & Pearson 2017, Roberge,
Pérez-Leroux & Frolova 2018, Pérez-Leroux et al. 2018, Sevcenco & Avram 2018):
the parrot next to the hamster next to the bunny= the parrot next to the
hamster and next to the bunny
iv. Adjectives (Bryant 1982, Matthei 1982, Bleotu & Roeper 2021, Grohe, Schulz
& Yang 2021): second, green ball=second and green ball
v. Sentential and wh- complements (Hollebrandse et al. 2008, Hollebrandse &
Roeper 2014): John thinks that Bill thinks that…=John thinks and Bill thinks
Importantly, in spite of many similarities, these types of structures have
been shown to differ in various respects among each other and also
cross-linguistically, sometimes even in very significant ways. For instance,
there are no recursive possessives in German, while there are in English
(Saxon Genitive); there is no compound recursion in Romance, although there is
in English; there are languages where prepositional phrase recursion is marked
by specific cues (such as Romanian), making it easier to handle than in
English, there are recursive serial verbs in Mauritian and Bantu but
non-recursive verbal sequences in English (come play), a.o.
Many interesting questions arise. How does recursion emerge in acquisition?
Does it emerge all at once? Do left-branching and right-branching
constructions trigger each other? How big a role do intonation, overt
morphology, and lexical forms play? Is lexical recursion different from
syntactic recursion? (coffee-maker-maker versus the cat who is near the dog
who is near the mouse)? Do the semantic relations of set/subset (adjectives),
referential/generic (possessives), or infinitival/Tensed complements, and
their connections to Theory of Mind play a role?
Keynote speaker: Tom Roeper (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Organizers: Adina Camelia Bleotu, University of Bucharest; Deborah Foucault
Etheridge, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Committee: BAI Bing, Usha Lakshmanan, Emma Merritt, Tyler Poisson, Roehl
Program Information:
Day 1: 1 June 2021
2:45 p.m.-3 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 7:45 a.m.- 8 a.m. (Amherst)
Recursion in Language Acquisition. Crosslinguistic Perspectives Part I
3-5 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 8-10 a.m. (Amherst)
3-3:30 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 8-8:30 a.m. (Amherst): Anna Maria Di Sciullo
(University of Quebec)- Coordinate NPs, Recursion and the Acquisition Path
(long talk)
3:30-4 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 8:30-9 a.m. (Amherst): Terue Nakato (Kitasato
University)- Interface Properties: Their Roles on the Acquisition of Abstract
Syntactic Recursion (long talk)
4-4:30 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 9-9:30 a.m. (Amherst): Ana T. Pérez-Leroux
(University of Toronto), Yves Roberge (University of Toronto), Erin Pettibone
(University of Toronto), Anny Castilla-Earls (University of Houston)- What Can
Recursion Tell Us About Bilingualism (and Vice Versa...)? (long talk)
4:30-5 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 9:30-10 a.m. (Amherst): Short or Long: Amanda Rocha
(UFRGS), Gabriel de Ávila Othero (UFRGS), Ingrid Finger (CNPq, UFRGS)-
Recursion in Brazilian Sign Language (long talk)
5:10-6 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 10:10-11 a.m. (Amherst): Tom Roeper (UMass)- Finding
the Child’s Principles on the Acquisition Path of Recursive Structures
Recursion, the Acquisition Path and Pedagogical Approaches
6:10-7:30 p.m. (Bucharest)/11:10 a.m.-12:30 a.m. (Amherst)
6:10-6:40 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 11:10-11:40 a.m. (Amherst): Bing Bai (Soochow
University), Adina Camelia Bleotu (Unibuc), Deborah Foucault (UMass/Western
University), Usha Lakshmanan (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Emma
Merritt (Goethe University), Tyler Poisson (Springfield College), Tom Roeper
(UMass), Roehl Sybing (Doshisha University)- Relative Gradable Adjective
Recursion is More Challenging for Acquisition than Possessive Recursion (long
6:40-7:10 p.m. (Bucharest)/11:40-12:10 p.m. (Amherst): Roehl Sybing (Doshisha
University)- A Grounded Theory Approach to Identifying Teaching Experiences in
Acquisition of Recursion (long talk)
7:10-7:20 p.m. (Bucharest)/12:10-12:20 p.m. (Amherst): Tyler Poisson
(Springfield College)- The Kid’s Kid’s Bike: Generics in the Acquisition of
Recursive Possessives (short talk)
7:20-7:30 p.m. (Bucharest)/12:20-12:30 p.m. (Amherst): Adina Camelia Bleotu
(Unibuc), Tom Roeper (UMass)- The Recursive Set-Subset Ordering Restriction
Overrides Adjective Ordering Restrictions. Evidence from Romanian 4-year-olds
and Adults (short talk)
Insights into the Theory of Recursion
7:40-9:20 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 12:40-2:20 p.m. (Amherst)
7:40-8:10 p.m. (Bucharest)/12:40-1:10 p.m. (Amherst): Daoxin Li (University of
Pennsylvania), Kathryn Schuler (University of Pennsylvania)- Acquiring
Recursive Structures Through Distributional Learning (long talk)
8:10-8:40 p.m. (Bucharest)/1:10-1:40 p.m. (Amherst): Lydia Grohe
(Goethe-University Frankfurt), Petra Schulz (Goethe-University Frankfurt),
Charles Yang (University of Pennsylvania)- How to learn recursive rules:
Productivity of Prenominal Adjective Stacking in English and German (long
8:40-9:10 p.m. (Bucharest)/1:40-2:10 p.m. (Amherst): Charles Yang (University
of Pennsylvania)- Productivity and Recursion in English Compounding (long
9:10-9:20 p.m. (Bucharest)/2:10-2:20 p.m. (Amherst): Emanuele Bernardi
(University of Turin)- From Greenberg’s U(niversal) 20 to Language
Acquisition: New Considerations (short talk)
30 minutes of socializing (in break out rooms)
Day 2: 2nd June 2021
Recursion in Language Acquisition. Crosslinguistic Perspectives Part II
3-4 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 8-9 a.m. (Amherst)
3-3:30 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 8-8:30 a.m. (Amherst): BAI Bing (Soochow University),
Yang Caimei (Soochow University), Dong Xin (Soochow University), and Thomas
Roeper (UMass)- The Minimal Interface Works in Child Language Acquisition:
Evidence from Doubly-embedded Relative Clauses in Mandarin (long talk)
3:30-3:40 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 8:30-8:40 a.m. (Amherst): Yang Caimei, Hu Yafei,
Bai Bing, Dong Xin; Fan Jiabao (Soochow University)- A Theoretical and
Experimental Study of Children’s Acquisition of Recursive Relative Clauses
(short talk)
3:40-3:50 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 8:40-8:50 a.m. (Amherst): Dong Xin; Yang Caimei
(Soochow University)- Mandarin Children’s Acquisition of Relative Clauses with
Resumptive Pronouns (short talk)
3:50-4 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 8:50-9 a.m. (Amherst): Tiaoyuan Mao, Xiangyu Chang
(Soochow University)- On Mandarin-speaking Children’s Acquisition of deP
Recursion (short talk)
Recursion in Language Acquisition. Crosslinguistic Perspectives Part III
4:10- 5:40 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 9:10-10:40 a.m. (Amherst)
4:10-4:40 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 9:10-9:40 a.m. (Amherst): Vaijayanthi Sarma (IIT
Bombay, Mumbai, India)- Recursion and its Acquisition: A Case Study (long
4:40-5:10 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 9:40-10:10 a.m. (Amherst): Usha Lakshmanan
(Southern Illinois University Carbondale): Tamil Children’s Comprehension of
Recursive Phrases: Evidence from Possessives, Locatives and Relativized
Sentences (long talk)
5:10-5:40 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 10:10-10:40 a.m. (Amherst): Zoltán Bánréti, Ágnes
Langó-Tóth (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Institute for General
and Hungarian Linguistic)- Recursion in Children’s Hungarian – Complex PPs vs.
Recursive Possessives (long talk)
Biolinguistic and Psycholinguistic Perspectives on Recursion (Production and
5:50- 8 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 10:50 a.m.-13 p.m. (Amherst)
5:50-6:20 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 10:50-11:20 a.m. (Amherst): Qing Zhang (Sun
Yat-Sen University), Edward Ruoyang Shi (University of Barcelona)- Recursion
in Language and Beyond: A Biolinguistic Perspective (long talk)
6:20-6:50 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 11:20-11:50 a.m. (Amherst): Diego Guerrero (UMass,
Universidad del Valle), Tom Roeper (UMass), Joonkoo Park (UMass)- Does
Recursion in Language Trigger Recursion in Natural Numbers? (long talk)
6:50-7:20 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 11:50-12:20 p.m. (Amherst): Isabelle Roy
(University of Nantes / CNRS – LLING), Bridget Copley (University of Paris 8 /
CNRS – SFL), Lorraine McCune (Rutgers University)- Production Mismatches in
the Development of Recursion in English (long talk)
7:20-7:50 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 12:20-12:50 p.m. (Amherst): Thomas Morton (UMass),
Shota Momma (UMass), Tom Roeper (UMass), Joonkoo Park (UMass)- Children’s
Production of Embedded and Conjoined Recursive Possessives (long talk)
7:50-8 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 12:50-1 p.m. (Amherst): Sabrina Santos (Federal Rural
University of Rio de Janeiro), Tom Roeper (UMass), Marcus Maia (Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro)- PP Coordination, Embedding, and Feature
Sharing: Seeking the Connections Between Notation and Processing (short talk)
Insights into the Theory of Recursion
8:10-9 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 1:10-2 p.m. (Amherst)
8:10-8:40 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 1:10-1:40 p.m. (Amherst): Ayrthon Breder
(Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro) & Cilene Rodrigues
(Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)- Do Nominalizations Reduce
Syntactic Complexity by Avoiding Recursive Clausal Embedding? (long talk)
8:40-8:50 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 1:40-1:50 p.m. (Amherst): Satoshi Tomioka
(University of Delaware) & Keita Ishii (University of Delaware)- Morpho-syntax
Determines Embeddability of Politeness Markers in Japanese (short talk)
8:50-9 p.m. (Bucharest)/ 1:50-2 p.m. (Amherst): Carlo Cecchetto (University of
Milan-Bicocca and SFL -CNRS & Paris 8 University)- Identifying Recursion: The
Prefer Test (short talk)
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