32.3522, Confs: Syntax, Typology/France
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LINGUIST List: Vol-32-3522. Fri Nov 05 2021. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 32.3522, Confs: Syntax, Typology/France
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2021 21:36:32
From: Katharina Haude [khaude at uni-koeln.de]
Subject: Complex Sentences in South American Languages
Complex Sentences in South American Languages
Date: 17-Nov-2021 - 19-Nov-2021
Location: Villejuif (Online), France
Contact: Katharina Haude
Contact Email: katharina.haude at cnrs.fr
Linguistic Field(s): Syntax; Typology
Meeting Description:
In recent years, the research on Native South American languages has seen a
rising interest in complex sentence structure (van Gijn et al. 2011, van Gijn
et al. 2014, Amaral et al. 2018, Overall et al 2018, Zariquiey et al. 2019).
Languages of South America show phenomena that are challenging for the
traditional definitions of complex sentence structures. For instance, the
traditional definitions of adverbial, complement, and relative clauses are
questioned by so-called headless and internally-headed relative clauses, or by
adverbial clauses performing the predication function in copular sentences. A
further issue is establishing to what extent subordinate clauses are nominal
and whether subordinating conjunctions may be alternatively analyzed as
adpositions in some of these languages. In some language families of South
America, furthermore, the syntactic distinction between lexical classes such
as verbs and nouns is weak or diachronically young, which makes it more
difficult to grasp categories like relativization or nominalization.
This workshop, which will be organized at the research lab SEDYL
(CNRS–INALCO–IRD) in Villejuif/France and held via Zoom, intends to bring
together experts on Native South American languages from both a
functional-typological and a formalist background. The objective is to help
researchers from different backgrounds to find a common ground in the way they
describe the different phenomena involved in complex sentences.
Dear colleagues,
Please find below the program of the workshop ''Complex Sentences in South
American Languages'', which will take place online from November 17th to 19th,
If you are interested in attending, please register by sending an Email to
katharina.haude at cnrs.fr and storto at usp.br by November 15th at the latest. You
will then receive the book of abstracts and the Zoom link.
All best,
Katharina Haude & Luciana Storto
Workshop on Complex Sentences in South American Languages
November 17-19, 2021
SeDyL (CNRS), Villejuif, France
Wednesday, November 17th, Paris time:
14:00 Introduction to the workshop
Katharina Haude (CNRS-SeDyL, France) & Luciana Storto (Universidade de São
Paulo, Brazil)
14:30 Bora Co-referent Embedded Subjects: A Case Against Control.
Marcus Berger (University of Michigan, USA)
15:15 Nominalization and Clause Linkage in Yukuna.
Magdalena Lemus Serrano (Université Aix-Marseille, France)
16:00 Break
16:15 Reference Tracking in Complex Sentences in Quichua.
Mayra Juanatey (CONICET, Argentina)
17:00 Verbal and Nominal Predicates in Multi-Clausal Utterances in Yurakaré.
Sonja Gipper (Universität zu Köln, Germany)
17:45 Break
18:00 Invited Talk: Quotation as a diagnostic for productive syntactic
recursion: Evidence from Tuparí (Tupían family).
Adam Singerman (Harvard University, USA)
19:00 End
Thursday, November 18th, Paris time:
14:00 Complex structures and the CP domain in Oro Waram (Txapakura family).
Ana Calindro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Selmo Apontes
(Universidade Federal do Acre, Brazil) & Quesler Camargos (Universidade
Federal de Rondônia, Brazil)
14:45 Temporal Framing in Kuikuro.
Bruna Franchetto (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) & Gélsama
Mara Ferreira dos Santos (Universidade Federal do Amapá, Brazil)
15:30 Break
15:45 Subordination in the Cariban Family.
Spike Gildea (Oregon University, USA) & Natalia Cáceres (CNRS-SeDyL, France)
16:30 Counterfactual Conditionals in South American languages.
Jesús Olguín Martínez (University of California at Santa Barbara, USA)
17:15 Break
17:30 Invited Talk: Construction-based areal typology: subordination
strategies in South American languages.
Rik van Gijn (Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands)
18:30 End
Friday, November 19th, Paris time:
14:00 Focus and Subordination in Tupian languages.
Luciana Storto (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
14:45 Subordination and Nominalization in Karitiana.
Karin Vivanco (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
15:30 Break
15:45 Acquisition of Conjunctions: a production study in Yudja.
Suzi Lima (University of Toronto, Canada)
16:30 Reality Status Across Complex Sentences: Irrealis in Mbya Guarani
purpose constructions.
Estefania Baranger (CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
17:15 Break
17:30 Invited Talk: Restructuring and evidentiality in Mbyá.
Guillaume Thomas (University of Toronto, Canada)
18:30 Final discussion
19:00 End
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