32.3581, Calls: Applied Linguistics/Greece
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Fri Nov 12 02:34:07 UTC 2021
LINGUIST List: Vol-32-3581. Thu Nov 11 2021. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 32.3581, Calls: Applied Linguistics/Greece
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn, Lauren Perkins
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Nils Hjortnaes, Joshua Sims, Billy Dickson
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2021 21:33:10
From: Alexandra Galani [algalani at uoi.gr]
Subject: Education in the 21st century: Contemporary Challenges and Concerns
Full Title: Education in the 21st century: Contemporary challenges and concerns
Date: 13-May-2022 - 15-May-2022
Location: Ioannina, Greece
Contact Person: Organising Committee
Meeting Email: conf2022ptde at uoi.gr
Web Site: https://conf2022.ptde.uoi.gr/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Greek, Modern (ell)
Call Deadline: 28-Jan-2022
Meeting Description:
The Department of Primary Education of the University of Ioannina organises an
International Scientific Conference entitled “Education in the 21st century:
Contemporary challenges and concerns''. The conference will be held on campus,
on May 13-15, 2022.
Conference description
The modern political, social, humanitarian and cultural conditions formed at
the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century outline a dynamically
evolving and rapidly changing reality which is characterised not only by
crises, threats, uncertainties and concerns, but also by opportunities,
transformations and reversals. Education is a social phenomenon which
interacts directly with social life; it is influenced by it and it may also
influence it, play a leading role and meet modern challenges. It aims at:
• The exchange of experiences, fruitful reflection and creative dialogue
between the members of the educational community as far as modern challenges
are concerned.
• The publication/presentation of contemporary scientific assumptions and
research data with the ultimate goal of co-formulating proposals for a modern
educational reality.
• The presentation and promotion of innovative and alternative practices for
all levels of education, in the fields of formal, informal and non-formal
education as well as adult education.
• Teacher awareness, teacher role redefinition and teachers’ flexible
adaptation to the modern challenges imposed by technology, globalisation and
the constant changes of the social and cultural environment.
• The reassessment and record of educational reality towards a human-centered
and sociocentric education.
The Conference will include: Oral and poster presentations, thematic symposia,
experiential workshops, a special session entitled ''Students talk'' and
Parallel educational activities/sessions.
Special session “Students talk”: A special session which is addressed to
postgraduate and doctoral students will be organised as part of the
Conference. Students may present their completed or ongoing research work on
the afore-mentioned thematic areas and participate in fruitful discussions
onepistemology and methodology issues.
Call for Papers:
The Conference is addressed to:
- Education researchers
- Teachers of all specialties and levels of Education
- Education Executives
- Students (undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral, doctorate holders,
postdoctoral researchers)
- Friends of Education
Each delegate can:
- Participate in more than one conference scientific activity and up to three
in total.
- Present one paper as the main (first) author and up to three papers in total
as co-authors.
If you are interested in participating in the Conference (oral or poster
presentation or thematic panel), please submit your Abstract (200-400 words)
via the online form on https://conf2022.ptde.uoi.gr/ by January, 28 2022. All
abstracts will be reviewed anonymously.
Please submit two versions of your abstract (one with the author(s)
name(s)/affiliation(s) and one anonymous).
The abstract file with the author(s) name(s)/affiliation(s) information should
have the following format: Title – Conference Thematic Area – Author(s)
Name(s)/Surname(s) – Affiliation(s) – email – Abstract text – Keywords.
The anonymous abstract file should include all the above information EXCEPT
Author(s) Name(s)/Surname(s) – Affiliation(s).
More specifically, submit your abstract in Word2000+, TIMES NEW ROMAN, as
Title: 16pt, Bold
Postal and Email address and Author Affiliation: 12pt
The word «Abstract»: centered (12pt)
The text of the abstract: 200-400 words (11pt)
Keywords: up to 5 (11pt)
Line spacing: 1,5
Alignment: fully justified
Margins: Top/bottom 2,54 cm, lef/right: 3,17 cm
- Presentations will be 15 minutes.
- Thematic Symposia are organised by a Convenor and include 4-5 presentations
and a Discussant. The Convenor, who may also be a speaker, is responsible for
submitting the Title and the Abstract of the Symposium, the Discussant’s Name,
the speakers’ Names and the presentations’ Texts following the afore-mentioned
Delegates are invited to submit their papers for publication in the Conference
Proceedings, the deadline for which is July, 1 2022. Formatting and
publication guidelines will be announced once the abstract approval process
has been completed. Full papers submitted for publication in the Conference
Proceedings will be reviewed by the Conference Scientific Committee, prior to
acceptance for publication. Please note that if your abstract is accepted for
presentation at the Conference, it does not mean that your full paper is also
accepted for publication in the Conference Proceedings.
The Conference Programme will be emailed to the delegates and will be
announced on the Conference website: https://conf2022.ptde.uoi.gr/.
Important Dates:
Friday, 28 January 2022: Abstract submission deadline
Friday, 18 March 2022: Notification of acceptance
Friday, 1 July 2022: Full paper submission deadline (Conference Proceedings)
You may find additional information about the Conference, accommodation, etc
on the Conference website: https://conf2022.ptde.uoi.gr/
and on the website of the Department of Primary Education at the University of
Ioannina: https://ptde.uoi.gr/
Conference Fee:
- Presenters: 40 euros
- Attendees: 20 euros
- Students (undergraduates / postgraduates / doctoral): 10 euros
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