33.135, Review: Cognitive Science; Computational Linguistics: McShane, Nirenburg (2021)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-33-135. Mon Jan 17 2022. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 33.135, Review: Cognitive Science; Computational Linguistics: McShane, Nirenburg (2021)
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Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 11:55:09
From: Myrthe Reuver [myrthe.reuver at vu.nl]
Subject: Linguistics for the Age of AI
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Book announced at http://linguistlist.org/issues/32/32-2038.html
AUTHOR: Marjorie McShane
AUTHOR: Sergei Nirenburg
TITLE: Linguistics for the Age of AI
YEAR: 2021
REVIEWER: Myrthe Reuver, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
The book “Linguistics in the Age of AI” by Marjorie McShane and Sergei
Nirenburg identifies its main goal as providing an accessible,
multidisciplinary description of modelling language understanding for an
artificial agent, for readers with diverse backgrounds: linguistics, cognitive
science, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
It describes the process of developing an artificial agent with human-level
language ability: Language-Endowed Intelligent Agent (LEIA). The focus is on
the agent’s processing of language after speech processing, so of already
transcribed text. The book is not meant to be a textbook, but the authors have
used it as a textbook for linguistics students, and it does contain exercises
at the end of each chapter.
“Setting the Stage”
The book’s introduction explains the aim to build and assess an artificial
agent, and to do so in a holistic manner rather than a research focus on
sub-components or tasks (as is common in NLP). The book presents the authors’
work towards this goal, spanning several decades and problems. Its content
spans many linguistic subfields (syntax, semantics, and pragmatics) as well as
NLP tasks (coreference resolution, PoS tagging, and machine reasoning). The
focus is on knowledge-based systems rather than machine learning: machine
learning should only be used to extend knowledge bases, which is identified
here as the “most promising path” (p. xvi) for intelligent agents.
CHAPTER 1 – “Our Vision of Linguistics for the Age of AI”
This chapter covers what the book considers an intelligent language-endowed
agent: one able to extract meaning from utterances, process language input on
several levels (syntax, semantics, discourse), continuously learn new words
and concepts, and explain its decisions in natural language. The chapter then
details the complexities in processing language, such as different types of
ambiguity, showing that these goals are not trivial. What follows is a short
history of NLP. The chapter argues for knowledge-based systems over machine
learning, because this is argued to be more linguistically informed,
cognitively plausible (due to rule-based reasoning), and more explainable as
well as trustworthy than systems built with other (machine learning)
approaches. The approach is “deep Natural Language Understanding (NLU) with a
cognitive systems approach” (p. 37, but not the ‘deep’ of deep learning),
comparable to Cyc (Lenat, 1995) and TRIPS (Allen et. al., 2005). The used
theoretical framework is Ontological Semantics (Nirenburg & Raskin, 2004), and
a pre-defined ontology of 30,000 word senses is central to the agent’s
processing of language.
CHAPTER 2 – A Brief Overview of Natural Language Understanding by LEIAs
This chapter introduces the five steps of language processing by the
intelligent agent: (1) Pre-Semantic Analysis, (2) Basic Semantic Analysis,
(3) Basic Coreference Resolution, (4) Extended Semantic Analysis, and (5)
Situational Reasoning. Each of these is discussed in detail in Chapters 3 to
7. The agent’s goal is to process the input until the understanding is
“actionable”: assessing after each step whether processing has led to a
sufficient understanding for taking an action. The chapter also introduces the
term “micro-theories”: precisely defined linguistic problem spaces (such as
lexical disambiguation) that need to be tackled in order to have a
well-functioning agent. Microtheories identify *simple* versus *difficult*
examples in these problem spaces, with theoretical grounding on why they are
easy or difficult. The chapter also briefly introduces the lexicon: words are
connected to word senses, an example of use, and also to concept properties
(“red” is an attribute of “red car”).
CHAPTER 3 – Pre-Semantic Analysis and Integration
This chapter describes the processing of text before the semantic analyses:
tokenizing the text into separate words, part of speech (PoS) tagging of
individual words (into nouns, verbs, adverbs, etc.), mapping the words to
entries in the lexicon, and syntactic parsing. The chapter describes the use
of parsing tools developed by external parties, including Stanford CoreNLP,
and fuzzy matching of words with no clear lexicon match.
CHAPTER 4 – Basic Semantic Analysis
The Basic Semantic Analysis stage has the intelligent agent dealing with
linguistic phenomena present in the local dependency structure for the meaning
representation. These are phenomena like modality and aspect, as well as
understanding speech acts and the differences between questions and
imperatives. The meaning representation can also contain relation types (e.g.
“wolf” is EXPERIENCER of “fear”). The chapter also describes the agent’s
handling of metaphors and idioms: with templates of pre-defined meanings (e.g.
“Person X is running out of steam” is recorded as “Person X experiences
FATIGUE > .8 intensity”, p. 184). This chapter also addresses several forms of
ellipsis (verb phrase, noun phrase, and event), e.g. “[..] an environment in
which fruit existed, but candy didn’t __”, p. 192. One solution for ellipsis
is reconstructing full sentences from pre-defined templates in the lexicon
(e.g. re-adding an experiencer or agent). At this stage, unknown words receive
an underspecified semantic meaning based on the earlier syntactic processing.
CHAPTER 5 – Basic Coreference Resolution
Coreference resolution is the task of linking different mentions in a text
(e.g. “he”, “the bartender”, and “John”) to the same entity – the referent
can also be a verb phrase or event mention. The chapter starts with an
extensive introduction to coreference resolution with examples, and then dives
into several challenges for an artificial agent processing language, such as
ellipsis and non-referential relationships. The chapter details a step-wise
approach: first using Stanford’s CoreNLP for simple coreference resolutions,
and then using heuristics, templates, and rule-based solutions for complex
references with low confidence scores. Examples of such solutions include
sentence simplification by removing additional clauses, and checking for
mismatches in properties of entities (e.g. a red versus a blue car). These
solutions require no domain-specific knowledge or extensive processing power.
CHAPTER 6 – Extended Semantic Analysis
This stage of processing deals with issues that prevented a solved meaning
representation in earlier stages. For ambiguities, one strategy is to use
real-world knowledge, such as that a “cow” who eats grass likely refers to the
animal and is not meant as a derogatory term for a woman (p. 251).
Incongruencies can be solved with knowledge about metonymy (“the red hair did
it”) and templates without ‘typical’ prepositions. Atypical use of idioms can
be tackled with allowing modifiers in idiom templates. Indirect modification
(e.g. in a “bloodthirsty chase”, the ANIMAL is bloodthirsty, not the chase)
can be solved with semantic knowledge from the ontology. Simple
underspecification issues can be solved with ontology knowledge (e.g. a time
at night with flight means the concept “night flight”) or calculation (e.g. “3
hours later”). Fragments are processed as text strings that can carry some
semantic meaning.
CHAPTER 7 – Situational Reasoning
The chapter starts with outlining that while *human* communication is usually
aware of situational context and topic of conversation, an artificial agent’s
does not need to be for human-like performance. The chapter also discusses
details about the agent’s cognitive structure, called OntoAgent. Situational
reasoning solves the last difficulties in speech act ambiguity (a command is
more likely in one setting, and a question in another). It also aids
coreference resolution and disambiguation by using contextual information such
as the SOCIAL ROLE of different humans and other ontological knowledge (e.g.
Joe is PRESIDENT, so is more likely to give a speech).
CHAPTER 8 – Agent Applications: The Rationale for Deep, Integrated NLU
This chapter introduces a case study for the agent: the Maryland Virtual
Patient system, a simulation system for clinicians in training. The aim is an
explainable system that simulates clinically and behaviorally realistic (both
likely and unlikely) clinical scenarios. Physiology is modelled with an
ontology of diseases, symptoms, and clinical observations, with many causal or
other connections between symptoms and diseases, and an IF/ELSE decision
system. The chapter covers an extensive example on GERD (gastroesophageal
reflux disease) in this physiological system, and then describes how
individuals can design instances of patients with different genders, weights,
and personality traits. It may be possible for the agent to extract disease
aspects from text, for instance with filling in templates from case studies.
The chapter also discusses how virtual agents can help mitigate clinician’s
biases, and concludes that intelligent systems require complex and expensive
expert knowledge.
CHAPTER 9 – Measuring Progress
Chapter 9 cites Hobbs (2004) as work that addresses complex evaluation needs
of holistic approaches: demonstrations may “dazzle observers for the wrong
reasons.” However, the task-based evaluation that is common in NLP is also
deemed inadequate for measuring progress on intelligent agents. Such
conventional evaluation would mean separate evaluations for different tasks
(e.g. PoS tagging and disambiguation) by means of an annotated test set the
system is scored on. The chapter argues this does not translate to real-world
performance and usability. Instead, the chapter advocates for 6
microtheory-focussed evaluations as well as 2 holistic ones. Microtheory-based
evaluations are on problem spaces such as nominal compounding and verb phrase
ellipsis. These evaluation experiments were aimed at extensive post-hoc error
analysis with linguistic (theoretical) knowledge, without a test set with high
inter-annotator agreement. Holistic performance measurement meant the agent
processed English sentences from step 1 to 5 (that is, all except situational
reasoning). The meaning representation of these sentences was deemed to be
satisfactory in a qualitative analysis, with “quite a number” (p. 374) of
correct meaning representations.
EPILOGUE – The book concludes with how building an intelligent agent requires
to look beyond individual linguistic tasks and sub-fields, and how the agent,
like humans, will be set to learn new concepts and ideas continuously. The
book concludes that a linguistic focus in NLP has been under-explored, and
that this research program may excite linguists to work on language-endowed
intelligent agents.
This book describes a research agenda and efforts for designing an intelligent
agent that is also evaluated holistically. The book provides a convincing case
for how ambitious and exhaustive this goal is, with the many linguistic
examples illustrating the complexity of everyday language use. NLP is a field
with its roots in linguistics, and this book is strong in connecting NLP
problems and methods to precise linguistic problems and explanations.
“Linguistics in the Age of AI” demonstrates an extensive knowledge of
(theoretical) linguistics, both in syntax and semantics. I think this benefits
understanding of the specific problems and especially the errors that are
likely to occur in the language processing for artificial agents.
The small problem spaces the book calls “micro-theories” are an interesting
concept that indeed could lead to building computational tools and solutions
for linguistic problems, as indeed many current theories and hypotheses in
(theoretical) linguistic literature are not well-suited to building and
testing computational methods. However, there is recent research focussing on
linguistic knowledge in state-of-the-art neural models, with testing on
linguistic phenomena such as negative polarity items (Jumelet & Hupkes, 2018,
Weber et. al., 2021), and syntactic agreement mechanisms (Linzen et. al.,
2016, Finlayson et. al., 2021).
This book solely focuses on symbolic AI for the design of an artificial agent.
Current NLP state-of-the-art methods are not mentioned - such as the use of
machine learning and deep learning. One such method is pre-trained Transformer
contextual word embeddings (Devlin, 2019), which took the computational
linguistics field by storm due to its better performance (e.g. fewer errors)
compared to other approaches in tasks from coreference resolution (Joshi et.
al., 2019) to machine translation (Wang et. al., 2019). While the book does
provide arguments why these methods are not discussed (because knowledge-based
approaches are found to be less data-dependent, and more realistic for an
open-domain artificial agent), I find these arguments less convincing and not
a good reason for not mentioning these well-performing approaches at all. Deep
learning and machine learning are not only currently “receiving the most buzz”
(p. xvi) in the NLP field, but also have led to considerable improvements in
performance on many subtasks for the artificial agent’s processing of
language. Readers interested in how these latest developments work can consult
the latest (online) edition of the seminal NLP textbook by Jurafski & Martin
These methods also lead to the work on Event Coreference resolution by Zeng
et. al.(2020), which shows that machine learning based techniques such as
semantic embeddings help identify paraphrased event mentions. Methods based on
machine learning and deep learning are also found to perform best in
systematic comparisons of commercial systems for (subtasks of) dialogue
understanding, such as intent classification and entity recognition (Liu et.
al., 2021). While qualitative analysis and error analysis is very important,
such benchmarks and quantitative comparisons on the same test set allow us to
see which models perform better on subtasks of NLU such as coreference
Many chapters start with a detailed explanation of the task or sub-field in
question, with several sentences and linguistic examples to illustrate the
challenges for the artificial agent, to then dive into potential solutions.
Sometimes this is needed, but the explanations are sometimes so detailed that
readers from the AI and NLP fields without a strong background in (basic)
theoretical linguistics may feel lost. This appears to be the opposite of the
book’s intent. Linguists are also part of the book’s intended audience, but by
reading this book linguists do not receive the current state of the art in NLP
and AI, with few literature or approaches mentioned from after 2016.
Examples sometimes seem dissonant and inappropriate. The inspiration mentioned
in the beginning of the book is the agent HAL from Kubrick’s Space Odyssey
film – but this intelligent agent turns out to be malfunctioning and kills its
human team members. Another inappropriate example mentions disambiguation of
“cow” as either referring to a woman or an animal (example from p. 251). While
one could argue examples are only minor aspects of a scientific work, I would
argue they are crucial to the contextualization, understanding, and framing of
Additionally, one scenario the book extensively describes is an “autonomous
agent” used in combat and warfare situations, a scenario with considerable
social and ethical responsibility that goes undiscussed. Ethical and social
responsibility of conversational AI has been central to the NLP field, for
instance by Ruane et. al. (2019), who mention the importance of understanding
underlying values when designing a conversational system, and emphasize:
“Language is inherently social, cultural, contextual, and historical, which
means that the design of agent dialogue necessarily reflects a particular
worldview.” (p. 107), and the importance of taking responsibility for such a
worldview and its specific harms. This book does not consider these aspects,
while they are currently very prominent in the NLP field at large and in
conversational AI in particular.
“Linguistics for the age of AI” provides an extensive case study of designing
an artificial agent’s processing of language, grounded in especially knowledge
of linguistic theory. It also attempts to bridge the gap between theoretical
linguistics and language understanding for artificial agents. However, the
book does not mention current developments in NLP and NLU such as the use of
machine learning and recent attention to societal, cultural, and ethical
considerations, which makes it less suitable as a current overview of this
field and its current approaches. Also, its described evaluation practices
make it difficult to compare this system to similar systems. Additionally, the
book contains some examples and case study scenarios that appear less
thoughtful. Nonetheless, the book convincingly displays how complex processing
of dialogue is.
Allen, J., Ferguson, G., Stent, A., Stoness, S. C., Swift, M., Galescu, L.,
... & Campana, E. (2005). Two diverse systems built using generic components
for spoken dialogue (Recent Progress on TRIPS). In Proceedings of the ACL
Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions (pp. 85-88)
Devlin, J., Chang, M. W., Lee, K., & Toutanova, K. (2019). BERT: Pre-training
of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding. In Proceedings
of NAACL-HLT 2019 (pp. 4171–4186)
Finlayson, M., Mueller, A., Gehrmann, S., Shieber, S., Linzen, T., & Belinkov,
Y. (2021). Causal analysis of syntactic agreement mechanisms in neural
language models.
In: Proceedings of ACL-IJCNLP 2021 (pp. 1828-1843).
Hobbs, J. R. (2004). Some Notes on Performance Evaluation for Natural Language
Jumelet, J., & Hupkes, D. (2018). Do Language Models Understand Anything? On
the Ability of LSTMs to Understand Negative Polarity Items. In the Proceedings
of the BlackboxNLP Workshop, co-located at EMNLP 2018. (pp. 222-231).
Joshi, M., Levy, O., Zettlemoyer, L., & Weld, D. S. (2019). BERT for
Coreference Resolution: Baselines and Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2019
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th
International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)
(pp. 5803-5808).
Jurafsky, D. and Martin, J.H.. (2021). Speech and Language Processing: An
Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and
Speech Recognition. https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/slp3/
Lee, K., He, L., Lewis, M., & Zettlemoyer, L. (2017). End-to-end Neural
Coreference Resolution. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical
Methods in Natural Language Processing (pp. 188-197).
Lenat, D. B. (1995). CYC: A large-scale investment in knowledge
infrastructure. Communications of the ACM, 38(11), pp. 33-38.
Liu, X., Eshghi, A., Swietojanski, P., & Rieser, V. (2021). Benchmarking
natural language understanding services for building conversational agents. In
Increasing Naturalness and Flexibility in Spoken Dialogue Interaction (pp.
165-183). Springer, Singapore.
Linzen, T., Dupoux, E., & Goldberg, Y. (2016). Assessing the ability of LSTMs
to learn syntax-sensitive dependencies. Transactions of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, 4 (pp. 521-535).
Nirenburg, S., & Raskin, V. (2004). Ontological semantics. MIT Press.
Ruane, E., Birhane, A., & Ventresque, A. (2019). Conversational AI: Social and
Ethical Considerations. In AICS (pp. 104-115).
Weber, L., Jumelet, J., Bruni, E., & Hupkes, D. (2021). Language Modelling as
a Multi-Task Problem. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European
Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume (pp.
Wang, Q., Li, B., Xiao, T., Zhu, J., Li, C., Wong, D. F., & Chao, L. S.
(2019). Learning Deep Transformer Models for Machine Translation. In
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics (pp. 1810-1822).
Zeng, Y., Jin, X., Guan, S., Guo, J., & Cheng, X. (2020). Event coreference
resolution with their paraphrases and argument-aware embeddings. In
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
(pp. 3084-3094).
Myrthe Reuver is a PhD candidate in computational linguistics at the Vrije
Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, with as supervisors Antske Fokkens from the Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam and Suzan Verberne from Leiden University. Her research
interest is in societally and scientifically responsible Natural Language
Processing in complex domains, and her current research is into viewpoint
diversity in news recommendation.
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