33.2267, FYI: TALD (Typological Atlas of the Languages of Daghestan) v. 1.0.0 Now Public
linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu Jul 14 00:50:40 UTC 2022
LINGUIST List: Vol-33-2267. Thu Jul 14 2022. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 33.2267, FYI: TALD (Typological Atlas of the Languages of Daghestan) v. 1.0.0 Now Public
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Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 00:49:49
From: Chiara Naccarato [ch1naccarato at gmail.com]
Subject: TALD (Typological Atlas of the Languages of Daghestan) v. 1.0.0 Now Public
The Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, HSE University
(https://ilcl.hse.ru/en/) is happy to announce the first release of TALD
(Typological Atlas of the Languages of Daghestan) v. 1.0.0, available here:
TALD is a tool for the visualization of information about linguistic
structures typical of Daghestan. The scope of the project currently covers all
East Caucasian languages spoken in Daghestan and adjacent areas, as well as
non-related languages spoken in Daghestan.
The Atlas consists of:
- Chapters describing linguistic phenomena typical of the area
- Datasets with information on particular features
- Map visualizations of how these features are distributed
- A bibliography of literature on languages of the area
In its current version the Atlas consists of 28 datasets with information on
linguistic features mostly in the areas of phonology, morphology and - to a
lesser extent - the lexicon. New topics covering the areas that have not been
dealt with so far will be added in later versions.
Any comments, remarks or suggestions on how to improve the current form of the
Atlas and its contents can be sent via email to cauatlas at gmail.com or
submitted as issues on our GitHub page https://github.com/LingConLab/TALD.
If you carry out research on the languages of Daghestan and would like to
contribute a chapter or data to the Atlas, please contact us at
cauatlas at gmail.com.
Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, HSE University
Linguistic Field(s): Typology
Language Family(ies): East Caucasian
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