33.3298, FYI: SemEval-2023 Task 2: Multilingual Complex Named Entity Recognition - Call for Participation

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Fri Oct 28 01:20:54 UTC 2022

LINGUIST List: Vol-33-3298. Fri Oct 28 2022. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 33.3298, FYI: SemEval-2023 Task 2: Multilingual Complex Named Entity Recognition - Call for Participation


Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>

Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 01:19:46
From: Sudipta Kar [sudipta.kar.8080 at gmail.com]
Subject: SemEval-2023 Task 2: Multilingual Complex Named Entity Recognition - Call for Participation

We invite you to participate in SemEval-2023 Task 2: *Multi*lingual *Co*mplex
*N*amed *E*ntity *R*ecognition (MultiCoNER) II.

*Task Website:* https://multiconer.github.io/

This task focuses on the *fine-grained* detection of complex entities, such as
movie, book, music and product titles, in low context settings (short and
uncased text).

The task provides data in 12 language. Here are some examples in different
languages where entities are enclosed inside brackets with their type:

* *English: [wes anderson | Artist]*'s film *[the grand budapest hotel |
VisualWork]* opened the festival .
* *Spanish:* fue superado por el [aon center | Facility] de [los ángeles |
HumanSettlement] .
* *Ukranian:* назва альбому походить з роману « *[кінець дитинства |
WrittenWork]* » англійського письменника *[артура кларка | Artist]* .
* *Portugese: [tom hamilton | Artist]* amerikansk musiker basist i *[aerosmith
| MusicalGRP]* .
* *Swedish:* também é utilizado para se fazer *[licor | Drink]* e *[vinhos |
* *Hindi:* १७९६ में उन्हें *[शाही स्वीडिश विज्ञान अकादमी | Facility]* का सदस्य
चुना गया।
* *French:* l *[amiral de coligny | Politician]* réussit à s y glisser .
* *German:* in *[frühgeborenes | Disease]* führt dies zu *[irds | Symptom]* .
* *Bangla [লিটল মিক্স | MusicalGrp]* এ যোগদানের আগে তিনি *[পিৎজা হাট | ORG]* এ
ওয়েট্রেস হিসাবে কাজ করেছিলেন।
* *Italian*: è conservato nel [rijksmuseum | Facility] di [amsterdam |
HumanSettlement] .
* *Chinese:* 它的纤维穿过 [锁骨 | AnatomicalStructure] 并沿颈部侧面倾斜向上和内侧.
* *Farsi:*  مرکزاین استان شهر [ناگویا |HumanSettlement] است 

Additionally, a *multilingual NER track* is also offered for multilingual
systems that can process all languages. 

The task focuses on detecting semantically ambiguous and complex entities in
short and low-context settings. Participants are welcome to build NER systems
for any number of languages. And we encourage to aim for a bigger challenge of
building NER systems for multiple languages.

We have released training data for 12 languages along with a baseline system
to start with. Participants can submit their system for one language but are
encouraged to aim for a bigger challenge and build multi-lingual NER systems.

*Task Website:* https://multiconer.github.io/
*Mailing List:* multiconer-semeval at googlegroups.com
*Slack Workspace:*
*Training Data:* https://multiconer.github.io/dataset
*Baseline System:* https://multiconer.github.io/baseline

*Shared task schedule:*

* Evaluation start: mid-January, 2022
* Evaluation end: by January 31, 2023 (latest date; task organizers may choose
an earlier date)
* System description paper submissions due: February 1, 2023
* Notification to authors: March 1, 2023

*Task organizers*

* Shervin Malmasi (Amazon)
* Besnik Fetahu (Amazon)
* Sudipta Kar (Amazon) 

Please reach out to the organizers at
multiconer-semeval-organizers at googlegroups.com, or join the Slack workspace to
connect with the other participants and organizers.

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics



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