34.1157, Calls: Sociolinguistics / LL Journal (Jrnl)
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Sat Apr 8 21:05:02 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-1157. Sat Apr 08 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.1157, Calls: Sociolinguistics / LL Journal (Jrnl)
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Lauren Perkins
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Everett Green, Joshua Sims, Daniel Swanson, Matthew Fort, Maria Lucero Guillen Puon, Zackary Leech, Lynzie Coburn
Jobs: jobs at linguistlist.org | Conferences: callconf at linguistlist.org | Pubs: pubs at linguistlist.org
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Editor for this issue: Zachary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 07-Apr-2023
From: Mariel Acosta [lljournal.cuny at gmail.com]
Subject: Sociolinguistics / LL Journal (Jrnl)
Call for Papers:
Founded in 2006, LL Journal is an academic digital journal managed by
the students of The Ph.D. Program in Latin American, Iberian, and
Latino Cultures from The City University of New York (CUNY). LL
Journal is an interdisciplinary space of dialogue, conceived from two
articulation points: the linguistic studies and the literature and
culture studies in the iberoamerican context. Both points incorporate
diverse knowledge and fields such as sociolinguistics, anthropology,
philology, history, political sciences, education, philosophy, applied
linguistics, gender studies and feminisms, media studies, translation
and studies on visual culture.
The editorial committee from LL Journal calls for researchers and
students from all around the world to collaborate in the next issue
(volume XVIII, number 2), which will be published in the second
semester of 2023, with academic papers that approach the two
aforementioned points. We will also receive:
- Critical reviews
- Creative writing
- Visual pieces
- Translations
LL Journal receives contributions in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
This issue will have the thematic dossier Embodied languages.
In tune with the epistemological dualism between mind and body,
linguistics studies have traditionally constructed language as an
object of study separated from the body. However, in the present times
the field of linguistics, along with other social and human sciences,
is traversing an embodied turn that locates the body as the starting
point of social interaction and highlights the essentially material
quality of the language.
With the interest of contributing to this discussion, we are inviting
you to think about the link between body and language from two
principal points that make up the attempts to gather them (Bucholtz,
2016). First, by considering the body as a creative source of meaning,
given that the language is always produced and perceived by physical
bodies through eyes, ears, hands, tongues, and lungs; we highlight
that the language is conformed by gestures, gazes, touch and movements
that transmit meanings and affections. As a second point, we propose
to reflect about linguistic and discursive practices that produce
specific bodies and create subjectivities inscribed in particular
categories of race, gender and sexuality for the configuration and
maintenance of social, cultural and power structures.
We receive manuscripts from researchers that work in different
contexts and from sociolinguistic, anthropological and cultural topics
as diverse as languaging and translanguaging; multimodality and
transmodality; raciolinguistics; linguistic and semiotic landscapes;
discourse analysis; performance; aesthetic: embodied cognitivity:
language and gender; sign language; language and materiality;
kinesics, paralanguage and proxemics; language and disability studies;
language, body and technologies; affections and emotions; among
For submission guidelines and evaluation process information:
Manuscripts will be emailed to: lljournal.cuny at gmail.com
LINGUIST List is supported by the following publishers:
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Cambridge University Press http://www.cambridge.org/linguistics
Cascadilla Press http://www.cascadilla.com/
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Dictionary Society of North America http://dictionarysociety.com/
Edinburgh University Press www.edinburghuniversitypress.com
Equinox Publishing Ltd http://www.equinoxpub.com/
European Language Resources Association (ELRA) http://www.elra.info
Georgetown University Press http://www.press.georgetown.edu
John Benjamins http://www.benjamins.com/
Lincom GmbH https://lincom-shop.eu/
Linguistic Association of Finland http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/sky/
Multilingual Matters http://www.multilingual-matters.com/
Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG http://www.narr.de/
Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke (LOT) http://www.lotpublications.nl/
Oxford University Press http://www.oup.com/us
Springer Nature http://www.springer.com
Wiley http://www.wiley.com
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-1157
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