34.1335, Software: DinaVmouv base (V2): An Annotated Lexicon of Motion Verbs in French

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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-1335. Thu Apr 27 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 34.1335, Software: DinaVmouv base (V2): An Annotated Lexicon of Motion Verbs in French

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Date: 12-Apr-2023
From: Chiara Minoccheri [chiara.minoccheri at univ-tlse2.fr]
Subject: DinaVmouv base (V2): An Annotated Lexicon of Motion Verbs in French

Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to announce the release of a new extended version of the
DinaVmouv base, which is an annotated lexicon of motion verbs in
French. It includes more than a thousand of items and is freely
available at:


The lexicon is in the form of an interactive spreadsheet allowing you
to filter and/or to sort the data, organized in ten columns. In
addition to the list of French motion verbs, the DinaVmouv base
provides a minimal semantic description of each verb (type of motion
conveyed, lexical aspect, manner), as well as its definitions
extracted from two electronic dictionaries, namely the TLFi and/or the
GLAWI, which is based on the French Wiktionary. The lexicon offers
various possibilities of data visualization, such as displaying all
entries, searching for a single verb, or filtering the data of a given
column by choosing your criteria. The results obtained can be browsed
or downloaded in .csv format.

The DinaVmouv base is accompanied by a list of references and a
documentation explaining the structure of the tabular data, the
classification of motion verbs that has been adopted, as well as the
terms used for describing the verbs collected.

While the DinaVmouv base is indisputable proof of the richness of the
lexicon of verbs expressing motion in French, it is clearly anything
but exhaustive. It will continue to grow and to be updated in the
coming months and years: new entries – still not included in this
extended version – will thus be regularly added. You can also
contribute to enriching it by submitting missing motion verbs via an
online form.

The DinaVmouv base was created in 2017 by D. Stosic and M. Aurnague as
part of their extensive research on the expression of space in
language, conducted in the CLLE research laboratory (UMR 5263),
supported by CNRS and University Toulouse Jean Jaurès. In 2023 the
lexicon was extended and refined in collaboration with Chiara
Minoccheri, Stosic's and Aurnague's PhD student.

The lexicon is distributed under a Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license,
and is freely available for non-commercial academic purposes.

Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

With best regards,

Chiara Minoccheri, Dejan Stosic and Michel Aurnague

Linguistic Field(s): Semantics

Subject Language(s): French (fra)

Language Family(ies): Romance


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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-1335

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