34.2526, Confs: Shota Rustaveli in Jerusalem: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2526. Sun Aug 20 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.2526, Confs: Shota Rustaveli in Jerusalem: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zachary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 19-Aug-2023
From: Tinatin Bolkvadze [tinatin.bolkvadze at tsu.ge]
Subject: Shota Rustaveli in Jerusalem: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Shota Rustaveli in Jerusalem: International and Interdisciplinary
Short Title: SRJ
Date: 16-Jan-2024 - 19-Jan-2024
Location: Jerusalem (Israel), Israel
Contact: Tinatin Bolkvadze
Contact Email: tinatin.bolkvadze at tsu.ge
Meeting URL: http://rustavelihouse.org
Linguistic Field(s): Text/Corpus Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Georgian (kat)
Language Family(ies): Kartvelian
Meeting Description:
Full Title: Shota Rustaveli in Jerusalem: International and
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Short Title: SRJ
Date: 16-Jan-2024 - 18-Jan-2024
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Linguistic Field(s): Cross-cultural relationships
Call Deadline: 15-October-2024
Meeting Description:
Shota Rustaveli in Jerusalem: International and Interdisciplinary
Perspectives – is a conference organized collaboratively by the
Folklore Research Center of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Institute of Empirical Linguistics of the University of Frankfurt and
Rustaveli House (Tbilisi, Georgia). It will be held from January 16 to
January 19 2024 in Jerusalem (Israel) and we envisage this conference
as the first in a series of international meetings that will address
the challenges of Rustvelology in the 21st Century.
Call for Papers:
All papers and posters related to the topics listed below are welcome:
• Issues of Shota Rustaveli's biography
• Challenges of Rustvelology in the digital age
• Problems related to the philological (linguistic and literary)
analysis of The Knight in Panther's Skin including the impact of
oriental and western cultures on Rustaveli's poem and its impact on
Georgian literature;
• Georgian historical-cultural heritage of Jerusalem and holy
land including the topics related to architecture and iconography of
the Holy Cross;
• Contemporary political, economic and cultural relations
between Georgia and Israel
All Date: 16-Jan-2024 - 18-Jan-2024
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Queries can be addressed to the following contact Persons:
Prof. Tinatin Bolkvadze – tinatin.bolkvadze at tsu.ge
Prof. Vladimer Chelidze – vladimer1958 at yahoo.com
Dr. Dani Schrire – dani.schrire at mail.huji.ac.il
Prof. Dr. Manana Tandaschwili – tandaschwili at em.uni-frankfurt.de
Call Deadline: 15-October-2024
All proposals (for papers or posters) must be submitted no later than
15 October 2024. Notifications of acceptance will be made on 15
November 2024.
Proposals (consisting of a description of a maximum of 400 words,
including bibliography and up to five keywords) are to be submitted to
the following email address: Rustaveli.In.Jerusalem at gmail.com
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2526
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