34.2591, Confs: Conference has already had three calls
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Wed Aug 30 16:05:02 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2591. Wed Aug 30 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.2591, Confs: Conference has already had three calls
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Everett Green, Daniel Swanson, Maria Lucero Guillen Puon, Zackary Leech, Lynzie Coburn, Natasha Singh, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Zachary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 30-Aug-2023
From: Victoria Fendel [victoria.fendel at classics.ox.ac.uk]
Subject: Support-verb constructions in the corpora of Greek: between lexicon and grammar?
Support-verb constructions in the corpora of Greek: between lexicon
and grammar?
Date: 05-Sep-2023 - 06-Sep-2023
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom
Contact: Victoria Fendel
Contact Email: victoria.fendel at classics.ox.ac.uk
Meeting URL: http://svcoxford2023.com/
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; General Linguistics;
Historical Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Greek, Ancient (grc)
Greek, Cappadocian (cpg)
Greek, Modern (ell)
Greek, Mycenaean (gmy)
Meeting Description:
Support-verb constructions have received increasing interest in
academic and industry contexts in recent years, yet our dictionaries
and digital tools are lagging. From the general linguistic
perspective, they are of interest in the context of complex
predicates, from the computational perspective, in the context of
machine translation. For Greek, interest has focussed on the verb
ποιέομαι and/or literary classical texts. The workshop ‘Support-verb
constructions in the corpora of Greek: between lexicon and grammar?’
will (i) highlight avenues for future research on support-verb
constructions, (ii) bring together specialists of diverse fields, and
(iii) produce a handbook of methodologies and robust data collections
on support-verb constructions in the corpora of Greek.
Final programme here: http://svcoxford2023.com/#
If you wish to participate in person, please register via the link:
n-lexicon-and-grammar (University store)
If you wish to join the zoom webinar to listen in, please email
victoria.fendel at classics.ox.ac.uk. In this case, please do not
register via the link.
Sidenote: The evening keynote lecture is open to everyone free of
charge. If you would like to attend in person, be there in plenty of
time as the in-person setting has an upper cap due to room size. If
you wish to participate online, please email
victoria.fendel at classics.ox.ac.uk.
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2591
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