34.3677, FYI: New insights on learning (foreign) languages with and through AI
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Tue Dec 5 23:05:05 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3677. Tue Dec 05 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.3677, FYI: New insights on learning (foreign) languages with and through AI
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Everett Green, Daniel Swanson, Maria Lucero Guillen Puon, Zackary Leech, Lynzie Coburn, Natasha Singh, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Justin Fuller <justin at linguistlist.org>
Date: 05-Dec-2023
From: Joana Duarte [j.duarte at rug.nl]
Subject: New insights on learning (foreign) languages with and through AI
The main aim of this edited volume is to promote pedagogically
responsive FL teaching practices that integrate AI technology into the
classroom through forging a dialog between practitioners and
researchers. We hope to advance a discussion of how to best connect
the acquisition of subsequent FLs with AI practices to create
culturally and linguistically inclusive FL classrooms with a more
personalized and engaging learning experience, and to strengthen the
connection between research on technological advances and FL teaching
practice that would prepare learners for the challenges and
opportunities of the digital age.
Each chapter should include a description of a pedagogical activity
co-developed by the collaboration between educational professionals
and researchers that would adopt a human-centred approach to AI based
on the topic it focuses on and which could be implemented in the FL
classroom. Chapters should report quantitative and /or qualitative
findings of classroom-based research, including case studies and
action research on the following topics:
• Applying/tailoring culturally and linguistically diverse principles
in the FL classroom with AI-enhanced tools and applications
•AI and multiliteracy
•AI and translanguaging, multilingual language use
•AI’s potential in improving learners’ writing/reading/speaking skills
•AI feedback and assessment
•Automatic grading systems in FL classrooms
•Personalized teacher education and learning materials through the
adoption of AI
•Adaptive learning
•Collaborative learning
•Ensuring course and assessment-aligned AI input
•Using AI with young VS older FL learners
•The application of AI in distance FL education
•Adaptive learning and learning efficiency
•The invasion of privacy posed by AI
•The future of AI in education
•Enacting an AI policy in FL classrooms
•AI and its role in addressing inequalities and fostering social
Proposed Schedule:
Sunday, 3 March, 2024
Expressions of interest and extended abstracts
December 2024
Successful authors will be invited to submit full papers for peer
January/February 2025
Peer review
April 2025
Revised chapters due
June 2025
Manuscript delivery to the publisher
Submission of abstracts:
If you are interested in contributing a chapter between 6500-8000
words, please send an abstract of 350-500 words (excluding references)
by email with subject field titled ‘Insights on learning languages
with and through AI’ by Sunday, March 3rd, 2024. Your abstract should
clearly indicate the unique contribution your chapter will make to the
volume, clarify your intended topic/research, and explain the nature
of teacher/researcher collaboration. Your submissions should include
the following: - Proposed title - Abstract of 350-500 words -
References - Keywords - A short biographical note (no more than 50
words) of the contributor(s)
Send proposals and inquiries about possible topics to:
georgios.neokleous at ntnu.no or j.duarte at rug.nl
To be published by Multilingual Matters (pending full proposal
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Please consider donating to the Linguist List https://give.myiu.org/iu-bloomington/I320011968.html
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Cascadilla Press http://www.cascadilla.com/
De Gruyter Mouton https://cloud.newsletter.degruyter.com/mouton
Dictionary Society of North America http://dictionarysociety.com/
Edinburgh University Press www.edinburghuniversitypress.com
Elsevier Ltd http://www.elsevier.com/linguistics
Equinox Publishing Ltd http://www.equinoxpub.com/
European Language Resources Association (ELRA) http://www.elra.info
Georgetown University Press http://www.press.georgetown.edu
John Benjamins http://www.benjamins.com/
Lincom GmbH https://lincom-shop.eu/
Linguistic Association of Finland http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/sky/
MIT Press http://mitpress.mit.edu/
Multilingual Matters http://www.multilingual-matters.com/
Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG http://www.narr.de/
Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics / Landelijke (LOT) http://www.lotpublications.nl/
Oxford University Press http://www.oup.com/us
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3677
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