34.3709, Books: Abridged Grammars of the Languages of the Cuneiform Inscriptions: Bertin (2023)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3709. Thu Dec 07 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.3709, Books: Abridged Grammars of the Languages of the Cuneiform Inscriptions: Bertin (2023)
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Editor for this issue: Maria Lucero Guillen Puon <luceroguillen at linguistlist.org>
Date: 26-Nov-2023
From: Ulrich Lueders [contact at lincom.eu]
Subject: Abridged Grammars of the Languages of the Cuneiform Inscriptions: Bertin (2023)
Title: Abridged Grammars of the Languages of the Cuneiform
Subtitle: Containing I. A Sumero-Akkadian grammar. II An
Assyro-Babylonian grammar. III. A Vannic grammar. IV. A Medic
grammar. V. An Old Persian grammar
Series Title: LINCOM Gramatica 227
Publication Year: 2023
Publisher: Lincom GmbH
Book URL: https://lincom-shop.eu/epages/57709feb-b889-4707-b2ce-c666fc
Author: George Bertin
Abridged Grammars of the Languages of the Cuneiform Inscriptions
I. A Sumero-Akkadian grammar. II An Assyro-Babylonian grammar. III. A
Vannic grammar. IV. A Medic grammar. V. An Old Persian grammar
George Bertin
The great difficulty I had to contend with is the fact that
these languages have been dead for many centuries, and the texts -
except for Assyro-Babylonian- are still very limited. For the
transcription I have adopted the principle that the inscriptions
themselves must be our sole guide, and that, rejecting all theories,
all words ought to be transcribed as they are actually written,
whatever might have been the pronunciation, as this cannot be stated
with certainty. I give these languages as they are found on the
inscriptions. All the forms - except stem-words, and, for Babylonian,
the infinitives of kal - given as examples in the following
pages, are actually found in the inscriptions. Particular attention
has, however, been given to the Syntax, often neglected in works of
this kind.
The Sumero-Akkadian grammar is practically the first written for this
language. The Assyro-Babylonian grammar I have adopted an entirely new
point of view, which has the advantage of making clear what could not
be rationa1ly explained before. The Vannic grammar is based on the
works of Professor A.H. Sayce, though I believe I have improved
certain parts. For the Medic I have followed my first master, Dr.
Oppert. In the Old Persian studies all is due to Sir H. Rawlinson, Dr.
Oppert, and Dr. Spiegel, and I follow them on the main points (adapted
from the preface. Re-edition, originally published 1888 in London).
ISBN 9783969391792. LINCOM Gramatica 227. 134pp. 2023.
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics
Written In: English (eng)
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