34.3714, Calls: Grammatikmodelle in der Sprachdidaktik / Models of Grammar in Language Didactics
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3714. Fri Dec 08 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.3714, Calls: Grammatikmodelle in der Sprachdidaktik / Models of Grammar in Language Didactics
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 07-Dec-2023
From: Ulrike Freywald [ulrike.freywald at tu-dortmund.de]
Subject: Grammatikmodelle in der Sprachdidaktik / Models of Grammar in Language Didactics
Full Title: Grammatikmodelle in der Sprachdidaktik / Models of Grammar
in Language Didactics
Short Title: LiDi 2024
Date: 24-Apr-2024 - 26-Apr-2024
Location: Dortmund, Germany
Contact Person: Ulrike Freywald
Meeting Email: ulrike.freywald at tu-dortmund.de
Web Site: https://islk.kuwi.tu-dortmund.de/lidi-2024/
Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition; Morphology; Syntax
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
German (deu)
Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2024
Meeting Description:
Both in linguistic theory and in language didactics modelling is used
to represent the validity of concepts and the systematic character of
language structures. This is achieved by abstracting away from
individual, singular cases or examples: models depict generalisations.
Thus, they permit to make predictions for unseen cases, and they help
comprehend complex and abstract matters.
The aim of this workshop is to induce discussions where and how these
assets are already used in language didactics and in which domains
there are still untapped potentials. The focus is both on didactic
models which were developed specifically for instructional purposes
and on scientific models and their didactic potentials.
This venture comprises, firstly, the evaluation of existing didactic
models in all grammatical domains, for example models of syllable,
word and sentence structures and models of grammatical forms,
functions and categories. This includes critical scrutiny of whether
these models reflect the current state of research or whether they
need to be revised or even newly designed, for example with regard to
topics which have not been covered yet (cf. Bredel 2022, Elsner 2022).
Secondly, it aims at fostering an exchange about the applicability of
modern linguistic theories and more recent grammatical models within
language didactics. This concerns models which are comparatively
well-established in didactics, such as models of topological fields or
valency models, but also models that are still quite new in language
didactics, e.g. within the framework of Construction Grammar (cf. Boas
2022, Amorocho & Pfeiffer 2023), and models which, up to date, have
not played an important part in language teaching.
Thus, the workshop provides an opportunity for continuing the ongoing
efforts to examine and explore the potentials of grammatical theories
and models with respect to their benefits for language didactics, cf.,
e.g., Dürscheid (2010), Felfe (2020), Struckmeier (2020) and, more
recently, the papers in Müller & Turgay (2022) and Topalović & Blachut
We are very happy to announce our keynote speakers:
Ursula Bredel (Universität Hildesheim)
Karin Madlener-Charpentier (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte
Conference languages are German and English.
Amorocho, S. & C. Pfeiffer. 2023. Konstruktionsdidaktik - Grundzüge
einer sprachdidaktischen Konzeption. Deutsch als Fremdsprache 60(3).
Boas, H. C. (ed.). 2022. Directions for Pedagogical Construction
Grammar. Learning and Teaching (with) Constructions. Berlin, Boston:
De Gruyter Mouton.
Bredel, U. 2022. Sprachreflexion und Orthographieunterricht. In H.
Gornik (ed.), Sprachreflexion und Grammatikunterricht. 2nd ed.
Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren. 257-272.
Dürscheid, C. 2010. Lateinische Schulgrammatik oder andere Modelle?
Welche Grammatik eignet sich am besten zur Beschreibung des Deutschen?
In M. Habermann (ed.), Grammatik wozu? Vom Nutzen des Grammatikwissens
in Alltag und Schule. Mannheim: Dudenverlag. 47-65.
Elsner, D. 2022. Grammatische Modelle in Deutschlehrwerken der
Unterstufe. In A. Müller & K. Turgay (eds.), Grammatische Modellierung
als Grundlage für sprachdidaktische Vermittlung. Hamburg: Buske
(Linguistische Berichte, Sonderheft 31). 11-23.
Felfe, M. 2020. Schlüssel oder Peitsche? Schulgrammatik im Spagat.
Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik 48(2). 336-388.
Müller, A. & K. Turgay (eds.). 2022. Grammatische Modellierung als
Grundlage für sprachdidaktische Vermittlung. Hamburg: Buske
(Linguistische Berichte, Sonderheft 31).
Struckmeier, V. 2020. Why are there growing divisions between
traditional grammars and theoretical and experimental linguistic works
(and how can they be overcome)? Pedagogical Linguistics 1(2). 211-233.
Topalović, E. & A. Blachut (eds.). 2023. Grammatische Modelle. Der
Deutschunterricht 3/2023 (Themenheft).
Call for Papers:
We invite papers for 25 min talks which approach the topic from
anywhere along a broad spectrum of perspectives, including various
languages, different theories and models, and different kinds of
didactics (first and second languages, native and foreign languages,
school and university settings).
The presentation format is 25 min talk + 15 min discussion. Conference
languages are German and English.
Abstract submission and important dates:
Length of abstracts: 500 words (excluding examples and references)
Call deadline: 15 January 2024
Notification of acceptance: 23 January 2024
Please send your anonymous abstract to:
grammatik-fachdidaktik.islk.fk15 at tu-dortmund.de
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