34.3791, Summer Schools: Seventh Groningen Spring School on Cognitive Modelling / Netherlands
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Sun Dec 17 17:05:05 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3791. Sun Dec 17 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.3791, Summer Schools: Seventh Groningen Spring School on Cognitive Modelling / Netherlands
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 12-Dec-2023
From: Stephen Jones [s.m.jones at rug.nl]
Subject: Seventh Groningen Spring School on Cognitive Modelling / Netherlands
Seventh Groningen Spring School on Cognitive Modelling
Host Institution: University of Groningen
Website: https://www.ai.rug.nl/springschool/
Dates: 08-Apr-2024 - 12-Apr-2024
Location: Groningen, Groningen
Focus: The course is suitable for anyone with an interest in modelling
cognition, who has at least a Masters degree in the area that they
would like to model. In previous years, faculty members, early career
researchers and PhD students have all successfully taken part.
Participants learn the theoretical basis underpinning a modelling
paradigm and practise building models that represent hypotheses about
mental representations and cognitive processes. These models generate
data that can be tested against human data, allowing the hypotheses to
be evaluated.
Minimum Education Level: MA
We are excited to announce the seventh Spring School on Cognitive
Modeling in Groningen, from 8-12 April 2024!
The Spring School will cover three different computational cognitive
modelling paradigms: ACT-R, Nengo, and PRIMs. Each of these topics
consists of a series of lectures, as well as a number of hands-on
exercises (tutorials). The paradigms can be used to model human
behaviour in a variety of tasks, including psycholinguistic
experiments. The course is taught in English.
Past years have shown that students get most out of the spring school
if they really immerse themselves into one modelling paradigm. We
therefore recommend you choose one topic for which you will attend
both the lectures as well as the tutorials. In addition, you can
select a second paradigm, for which you attend the lectures only.
To give students a broader picture, there will be multiple guest
lectures throughout the week. These lectures will give an introduction
to other modelling paradigms, as well as practical research examples
to show you what can be done with the modelling paradigms presented
(e.g. cognitive modelling of language processing). Everyone is
encouraged to attend those lectures.
To round off the program, there will be a poster session, where
students present themselves and their research, as well as a city
tour, and a dinner.
Registration is now open. Please feel free to forward the information
to anyone who might be interested in the Spring School, and let us
know if you have any questions.
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science
Tuition: 305.0 EURO
Tuition Explanation: For registrations after March 7, the fee is €355.
Registration: 12-Dec-2023 to 05-Apr-2024
Contact Person: Sönke Steffen
Email: springschool at rug.nl
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3791
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