34.330, Summer Schools: CARLA Summer Institute for Language Teachers / USA
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Fri Jan 27 22:28:46 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-330. Fri Jan 27 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.330, Summer Schools: CARLA Summer Institute for Language Teachers / USA
Editor for this issue: Sarah Goldfinch <sgoldfinch at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 22:26:26
From: Karin Larson [larso205 at umn.edu]
Subject: CARLA Summer Institute for Language Teachers / USA
CARLA Summer Institute for Language Teachers
Host Institution: Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition
Coordinating Institution: University of Minnesota
Website: https://carla.umn.edu/institutes/
Dates: 20-Jun-2023 - 28-Jul-2023
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Focus: The CARLA Summer Institute Program will offer the following topics in 2023:
Online Institutes—Asynchronous:
- Transforming the Teaching of Language Online (June 20–July 16, 2023)
- Using the Web: Engaged Learning for Today's Students (June 26–July 30, 2023)
- Teaching Linguistic Politeness and Intercultural Awareness (June 26–July 14, 2023)
- Practical Program Evaluation for Instructors of LCTLs (June 26–July 14, 2023)
- Culture as the Core in the Second Language Classroom (July 10–28, 2023)
Online Institutes—Synchronous:
- Integrating Career Readiness into Language Programs (June 20–22, 2023)
- Content-Based Language Instruction and Curriculum Development (June 26–30, 2023)
- Introduction to Dual Language Immersion (June 26–30, 2023)
- Teaching for Proficiency in Dual Language Immersion (July 18–20, 2023)
In-person Institutes at the University Of Minnesota:
- Creativity in the Language Classroom (July 10–14, 2023)
- Using Target Language Texts to Support Students' Literacies Development (July 10–14, 2023)
- Assessing Language Learners' Communication Skills (July 17–21, 2023)
- Critical Approaches to Heritage Language Education (July 17–21, 2023)
- Secondary Dual Language and Immersion (July 24–28, 2023)
- Teaching Language Through the Lens of Social Justice (July 24–28, 2023)
Minimum Education Level: BA
The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota, provides high-quality professional development opportunities for foreign/world and ESL/EFL language teachers through its annual summer institute program. Now in its 28th year, this internationally known program offers institutes on a wide range of topics that are all designed to link research and theory with practical applications for the classroom.
In 2023, CARLA will offer nine online (asynchronous and synchronous) institutes and six in-person institutes (held on the University of Minnesota campus in Minneapolis). See full list: https://carla.umn.edu/institutes/2023/schedule.html
Tuition: 350 USD
Tuition Explanation: Super Early registration fees vary from $150-500 USD/institute (if registered by February 24, 2023)
Early registration fees vary from $200-$550 (if registered by April 28, 2023)
See registration details:
Registration: 11-Jan-2023 to 20-Jun-2023
Contact Person: Karin Larson
Email: larso205 at umn.edu
Registration Instructions:
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