34.2288, Calls: AFALA 2023 - The African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023
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Tue Jul 25 13:05:53 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2288. Tue Jul 25 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.2288, Calls: AFALA 2023 - The African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: 22-Jul-2023
From: Nhan Huynh [glocal at soas.ac.uk]
Subject: AFALA 2023 - The African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023
Full Title: AFALA 2023 - The African Assembly on Linguistic
Anthropology 2023
Short Title: AFALA 2023
Date: 18-Oct-2023 - 21-Oct-2023
Location: University of Nairobi, Kenya, Kenya
Contact Person: Nhan Huynh
Meeting Email: glocal at soas.ac.uk
Web Site: https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/
Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Applied Linguistics
Call Deadline: 15-Aug-2023
Meeting Description:
The (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2023 is the annual conference,
workshops and lectures on the Linguistic Anthropology,
Sociolinguistics, and Language and Society, of Africa.
https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/ (2021 URL retained owing to COVID)
Call for Papers:
Final Call For Abstracts - The SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2023, the GLOCAL
African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2023
(SCOPUS / ISI (AHCI / SSCI / CPCI / WOS) indexed)
Website -
(https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/) (2021 retained owing to COVID),
https://afala2021.uonbi.ac.ke/all-links/ (Academia.edu, FB, GLOCAL
Hosts -
University of Nairobi, and SOAS GLOCAL, University of London
Structure -
Over 400 scholars globally will gather to present papers and to engage
in progressive discussion on the Linguistic Anthropology, the Language
and Society, and the Sociolinguistics, (and related fields) of Africa.
The SOAS GLOCAL is a fully Non-Profit unit at SOAS, University of
London, assisting scholars in impeded economic positions who require
funding to access the Conference, and who display strong scholarly
competence. The SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2023 proceedings are SCOPUS / ISI
(AHCI / SSCI / CPCI) indexed, thus contributing to ranked and cited
publications for those accepted to present and publish. The SOAS
GLOCAL AFALA 2023 will publish papers presented at the conference in
High Impact Journal Publication Special Issues.
Chronotope -
The University of Nairobi, Kenya, October 18-21, 2023
The Final Call For Abstracts is now open and closes on August 15, 2023
Submit your abstract through the following link:
Theme -
Mazingira Ya Lugha, Hali Ya Hewa Ya Kitamaduni, the GLOCAL AFALA 2023
theme, symbolizes the complexity of inter-subjective identities
throughout African (sib)urban centres. These complex climates offer a
fertile ground for Linguistic Anthropological attention, for which
scholars can draw from a range of pertinent fields, to study these
geographic and cultural localities. The SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2023 invites
work that addresses the complexity of African Linguistic Anthropology
and cultural climates. Papers and posters should acknowledge and
describe processes of linguistic complexity at these African cultural
Keynote Speakers -
- Lutz Marten (SOAS, University of London)
- Helga Schröder (University of Nairobi)
Publishing Company Talks -
Taylor and Francis, Springer
Partners -
Taylor and Francis Global Publishers, Springer Global Publishers SOAS,
University of London, Over 3000 academic institutions globally
(Stanford University, University of Hawai'i, Temple University,
University of Illinois, Montclair State University, Ohio State
University, University College London, Stockholm University, and so
forth), Scientific Committee of over 700 academics globally prominent
in Linguistic Anthropology and related fields
Publications -
Several (High Impact/Scopus/ISI) Journal Issues and Monographs are
planned with well ranked publications, from accepted papers that meet
requirements. Ample assistance is given to revise papers.
Anthropological Excursion -
Outside of Nairobi (October 21, 2023 final day)
Conference Format -
- General Papers (400+)
- Colloquia (30+)
- Poster Presentations (150+)
- Methodology / Analysis Workshops (Endangered Languages Network,
Globally Prominent Professors Teaching Methodology)
- Talks
- Keynotes
- Anthropological Excursion
- Cultural Performances
- Anthropological Exhibitions
- Linguistics Exhibitions
- Displays
- Proceedings Publications (SCOPUS / ISI / AHCI / SSCI / CPCI)
- Special Issue Publications in High Impact Journals
For all updates, please follow us at:
Samantha Emery
Nhan Huynh
Heads of Communications, SOAS GLOCAL
Professor W. Onyango-Ouma
AFALA 2023 Chair, University of Nairobi, Kenya
The (SCOPUS / ISI) GLOCAL AFALA 2023, October 18-21, 2023, University
of Nairobi, Kenya
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