34.1394, Calls: Exploring Multilingual Acquisition across Domains, Populations and Contexts (thematic session at PLM)
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Thu May 4 01:05:05 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-1394. Thu May 04 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.1394, Calls: Exploring Multilingual Acquisition across Domains, Populations and Contexts (thematic session at PLM)
Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: 04-May-2023
From: Magdalena Wrembel [magdala at amu.edu.pl]
Subject: Exploring Multilingual Acquisition across Domains, Populations and Contexts (thematic session at PLM)
Full Title: Exploring Multilingual Acquisition across Domains,
Populations and Contexts (thematic session at PLM)
Short Title: PLM
Date: 13-Sep-2023 - 15-Sep-2023
Location: Poznań, Poland
Contact Person: Magdalena Wrembel
Meeting Email: magdala at amu.edu.pl
Web Site: http://wa.amu.edu.pl/plm/2023/Home
Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition
Call Deadline: 30-May-2023
Meeting Description:
This thematic session aims to contribute to a greater understanding of
multilingual compe-tence and its acquisition and processing in
general, and specifically to examine the speech patterns of
Polish-Norwegian bi-/multilingual communities with different
constellations of stage and setting of acquisition. The session is
expected to bring together researchers working on language acquisition
from diverse perspectives, including child language and cognitive
development, foreign language acquisition in various domains and in
different workplace settings. We will present research findings from
ongoing Polish-Norwegian projects, including ADIM, CLIMAD, NorPol,
StarWords, and PolkaNorski research grants financed by Norway Grants,
NCN and the Research Council of Norway. Research reports will involve
both children and adult populations, acquiring Norwegian as L2 or L3
in instructed and naturalistic settings, at various stages of
acquisition. The projects are based on close international
co-operation between active research groups from Polish and Norwegian
universities (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, UiT The Arctic
University of Norway, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, University of Warsaw, Oslo Metropolitan University and
University of Oslo. We hope to create an open forum for exchanging
research ideas as well as addressing methodological and theoretical
challenges in multilingual investigations.
Call for Papers:
Thematic session at PLM 2023 – 13 Sept 2023
Exploring multilingual acquisition across domains, populations and
Convenors: Magdalena Wrembel (AMU), Marit Westergaard (UiT), Piotr
Garbacz (UiO)
PLM: Poznań Linguistic Meeting 13-15 September 2023
Deadline: May 10, 2023 – DEADLINE EXTENSION MAY 30, 2023
Guidelines for abstract submission (via Easychair) can be found at
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-1394
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