34.3485, Calls: 77th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference
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Sun Nov 19 14:05:08 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3485. Sun Nov 19 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.3485, Calls: 77th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 17-Nov-2023
From: Daniel Batten [kflc.admin at uky.edu]
Subject: 77th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference
Full Title: 77th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference
Short Title: KFLC
Date: 18-Apr-2024 - 20-Apr-2024
Location: Lexington, KY, USA
Contact Person: Daniel Batten
Meeting Email: kflc.admin at uky.edu
Web Site: https://kflc.as.uky.edu/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics;
Historical Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Translation
Call Deadline: 22-Nov-2023
Meeting Description:
The Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, the region's oldest
conference on languages, literatures, and linguistics, has a long
history of drawing hundreds of scholars from diverse specializations
to Lexington, Kentucky each spring. Since 2022 the KFLC has operated
in a hybrid format offering one virtual day of panels to support
scholarship from afar followed by two in-person days of panels and
events on the University of Kentucky campus in Lexington. Tracks
include Arabic and Islamic Studies, Eurovision Studies, French and
Francophone Studies, German-Austrian-Swiss, Global Asian Studies,
Hebrew and Jewish Studies, Hispanic Linguistics, Hispanic Linguistics:
History and Change, Indigenous Studies, Intercultural Studies, Italian
Studies, Language Studies for the Professions, Linguistics, Lusophone
Studies, Neo-Latin Studies, Russian and Slavic Studies, Scandinavian
and Nordic Studies, Second Language Acquisition, Spanish American
Studies, Spanish Peninsular Studies, and Translation Studies.
2nd Call for Papers:
The abstract submission deadline for the 77th KFLC has been extended
by one week to 11:59pm EST November, 22nd, 2023.
General Call for Papers 2024
April 18th-20th, 2024 · University of Kentucky · Lexington, Kentucky
The Challenges of Defining Diversity in a Globalized World
We encourage submissions for papers and panels guided by this theme
for the 2024 edition of the KFLC. As always, though, we welcome all
scholarly submissions relevant to our many tracks.
Hybrid Conference
Thursday, April 18th: virtual panels
Friday and Saturday, April 19th and 20th: in-person panels
Abstract Submission Deadline:
Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023, 11:59 PM EST
The KFLC 2024 Executive Committee is proud to open sessions devoted to
the presentation of scholarly research in the following areas:
Arabic and Islamic Studies
Eurovision Studies
French and Francophone Studies
Global Asian Studies
Hebrew and Jewish Studies
Hispanic Linguistics
Hispanic Linguistics: History and Change
Indigenous Studies
Intercultural Studies
Italian Studies
Language Studies for the Professions
Lusophone Studies
Neo-Latin Studies
Russian and Slavic Studies
Scandinavian and Nordic Studies
Second Language Acquisition
Spanish American Studies
Spanish Peninsular Studies
Translation Studies
Paper presentations are 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute question &
answer session. In addition to individual abstracts for paper
presentations, proposals for panels of 5 papers will be considered.
The KFLC has a tradition of attracting scholars from a broad range of
languages and specializations. This year we particularly encourage
submissions related to our theme⸺The Challenges of Defining Diversity
in a Globalized World⸺but, as always, we welcome all scholarly
submissions relevant to our disciplinary tracks.
Individually submitted abstracts should be no more than 250 words.
Participants should submit no more than one abstract as first author.
Panel proposals of 5 presentations should be submitted per the
following instructions:
The panel organizer MUST electronically submit a panel proposal. The
panel proposal cannot exceed one page in length and should include the
theme of the panel, the organizer's name and contact information, and
the names, contact information and affiliations of the panel
Each participant MUST submit an individual abstract using our online
system in addition to the panel proposal. Please indicate that your
presentation is part of a pre-organized panel and list the title and
organizer of the panel following the abstract.
Please visit our website for details pertaining to the track that
interests you. Be sure that your paper or panel is prepared according
to the track’s guidelines including, but not limited to, the format
and the language of presentation. Acceptance of a paper or complete
panel implies a commitment on the part of all participants to register
and attend the conference. All presenters must pay the appropriate
registration fee by Friday March 1st, 2024 to be included in the
program. Failure to pay by this deadline will result in the immediate
removal of your abstract from the conference program. We will attempt
to contact you before removing your presentation.
For general information about the conference and paper presentation
guidelines, and to submit abstracts and panel proposals BY NOVEMBER
22ND, 2023, at 11:59 PM EST, please visit our website:
Please consider donating to the Linguist List https://give.myiu.org/iu-bloomington/I320011968.html
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3485
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