34.3617, Calls: Workshop: From a Dictionary to a Construction—How to Represent the Syntax-Lexicon Continuum in a Digital Resource?
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Thu Nov 30 16:05:02 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3617. Thu Nov 30 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.3617, Calls: Workshop: From a Dictionary to a Construction—How to Represent the Syntax-Lexicon Continuum in a Digital Resource?
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 29-Nov-2023
From: Heete Sahkai [Heete.Sahkai at eki.ee]
Subject: Workshop: From a Dictionary to a Construction—How to Represent the Syntax-Lexicon Continuum in a Digital Resource?
Full Title: Workshop: From a dictionary to a constructicon—how to
represent the syntax-lexicon continuum in a digital resource?
Date: 19-Apr-2024 - 19-Apr-2024
Location: Institute of the Estonian Language, Roosikrantsi 6, Tallinn,
Contact Person: Ene Vainik
Meeting Email: Ene.Vainik at eki.ee
Web Site: https://www.rakenduslingvistika.ee/kevadkonverents/from-a-di
Linguistic Field(s): Lexicography
Call Deadline: 10-Mar-2024
Meeting Description:
The aim of the workshop is to exchange experiences and ideas on how to
start a systematic description and representation of constructions in
an existing lexical database.
The workshop will take place as part of the Estonian Association of
Applied Linguistics annual spring conference
(https://www.rakenduslingvistika.ee/kevadkonverents/). It will be
inaugurated by the invited keynote speaker Benjamin Lyngfelt from the
University of Gothenburg
The workshop is organized by the team of the Estonian Research Council
grant PRG1978 'Expanding the scope of a multi-purpose lexicographic
resource to grammar and L2 competence' (https://portaal.eki.ee/compone
Participation in the workshop is free of charge.
Call for Papers:
For almost twenty years now, the idea has circulated that more complex
linguistic units with variable components should be described in a
resource similar to an electronic dictionary – a constructicon
(Fillmore 2006, 2008). Put simply, the reason for this is that not all
complex linguistic units are regularly formed or have predictable
semantics or pragmatics based on their components. At the same time,
the lexicon cannot be described as a separate module: for instance,
lexical items may have meanings that they acquire only in specific
syntactic contexts. The idea of the constructicon stems from a
specific theoretical framework—Construction Grammar—according to which
all linguistic knowledge consists of units that have both form and
meaning, although they vary in terms of schematicity. Most
importantly, a continuum between lexicon and syntax has been
postulated, suggesting the impossibility of drawing a boundary between
lexicon and grammar (see e.g Goldberg, 2003; Hoffmann & Trousdale
The aim of the current workshop is practical—to exchange experiences
and ideas on how to start a systematic description and representation
of constructions from scratch, in an existing lexical database, which
has been under development for some time. We hope to learn from one
another's experiences, as similar projects have already been initiated
worldwide, for languages such as English, Swedish, Russian, Brazilian
Portuguese, Japanese, German (see e.g Lyngfelt et al., 2018; Ziem et
al., 2019; Boas et al., 2022), and Hungarian (Sass, 2023).
We look forward to presentations and discussions on, but not limited
to, the following topics:
* How to define a construction—narrowly or in a broader sense?
Should a constructicon encompass the most general phrase structure
constructions or be limited to idiosyncratic constructions?
* Which constructions should be included in the resource, i.e.,
how to arrive at a nomenclature?
* What should a constructional entry look like in the database?
* How to deal with constructions at different levels of
* What are the best practicies of identifying the constructions?
* How to describe the variability of constructions?
* How to describe the productivity and frequency of constructions?
* What relationships and how should be shown between
constructions, and between constructions and other units (i.e.,
lexical) in the same database?
* How to fit all constructional information into a data model
initially designed for representing lexical units?
* How to ensure that the meta-language of descriptions is
user-friendly for learners, native speakers, linguists, and NLP
applications simultaneously?
* What should be the relationship between the constructicon and
corpora—how can raw data, entries and examples be automatically
extracted from a corpus?
* How can users search for constructions in the
dictionary/database? Based on meaning, fixed components,
part-of-speech, etc.?
* How to represent constructions by proficiency levels?
Please follow the instructions of abstract submission on the main
conference webpage:
Abstract submission 01.02-10.03.2024
Notification of acceptance 24.03.2024
Workshop 19.04.2024
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