34.2938, Calls: Language and Belonging - 7th LRI-Workshop for Young Academics
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2938. Mon Oct 09 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.2938, Calls: Language and Belonging - 7th LRI-Workshop for Young Academics
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 09-Oct-2023
From: Aivars Glaznieks [lri at eurac.edu]
Subject: Language and Belonging - 7th LRI-Workshop for Young Academics
Full Title: Language and Belonging - 7th LRI-Workshop for young
Short Title: LRI 2024
Date: 06-Jun-2024 - 07-Jun-2024
Location: Merano, Italy
Contact Person: Aivars Glaznieks
Meeting Email: lri at eurac.edu
Web Site: https://www.lri.eurac.edu/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Sociolinguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
German (deu)
Italian (ita)
Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2024
Meeting Description:
The Linguistic Colloquium Language, Region, Identity aims to foster
scientific exchanges within the Alpine region and beyond. It is
specifically targeted at young researchers (PhD students and
post-docs). The colloquia, jointly organised by a team from six
universities and research centres in Austria, Germany, Italy, and
Switzerland, intend to offer a forum for discussing current and
recently concluded projects. The yearly editions are organised around
three keywords: language, region and identity.
Call for Papers:
The 7th edition of the LRI workshop series will address the topic of
"language and belonging". Despite often being equated with the notions
of identity and citizenship, the notion of belonging can capture
various different ways in which people may belong and form emotional
attachments. For several decades now, different fields of linguistic
research have tackled issues in relation to belonging with different
theoretical and methodological orientations. From variationist
sociolinguistics, which has attempted to work out how certain
linguistic features pattern around people’s belonging to certain
places, social classes or genders, research on language and belonging
received important contributions from orientations such as
Sociolinguistic Ethnography or Discourse Analysis that have conceived
of belonging as a resource that people employ strategically to
construct, claim or resist forms of social inclusion or exclusion.
We welcome contributions that deal with language and belonging in
relation to various intertwined social categories and groups (genders,
social status, (sub)cultural groups, nationalities, professional
groups, etc.) and investigate:
• how belonging is expressed, perceived, negotiated, resisted
and contested,
• how categories and groups of belonging form, change and
dissolve over time and in different spaces,
• how belonging links to authority, ownership and power,
• how the relation between language and belonging can be
conceptualised and tackled methodologically.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Rita Vallentin (University of Frankfurt
(Oder)), Florian Busch (University of Bern)
For further information, please refer to the LRI website
Submission of abstracts:
If you are interested in presenting your research project at the
workshop, submit an abstract of max. 500 words via ConfTool
(https://lt.eurac.edu/lri24/conftool/). Deadline for abstract
submission: 15th January 2024
All dates at a glance:
15.01.2024 Submission of abstracts
01.03.2024 Notification of acceptance
01.04.2024 Preliminary programme of the workshop
Presentation type: oral presentation (20 minutes speaking time plus 20
minutes discussion time)
Languages: German, English, Italian
Workshop format: The aim of the workshop is to facilitate constructive
discussion of the projects presented. For this purpose, there will be
20 minutes of discussion time after each presentation.
Fees: none
Contact: lri at eurac.edu
Organizing team:
Aivars Glaznieks (Eurac Research Bolzano, Italy)
Verena Platzgummer (Eurac Research Bolzano, Italy)
Stephanie Risse (Free University of Bolzano, Italy)
Monika Dannerer (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Andrea Ender (University of Salzburg, Austria)
Peter Mauser (University of Salzburg, Austria)
Claudia Maria Riehl (University of Munich, Germany)
Regula Schmidlin (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
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