34.2943, Summer Schools: Cluster Analysis on f0 Contours: Advantages, Pitfalls, Challenges / Online
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Mon Oct 9 16:05:04 UTC 2023
LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2943. Mon Oct 09 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.2943, Summer Schools: Cluster Analysis on f0 Contours: Advantages, Pitfalls, Challenges / Online
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 03-Oct-2023
From: Massimiliano Canzi [massimiliano.canzi at uni-konstanz.de]
Subject: Cluster Analysis on f0 Contours: Advantages, Pitfalls, Challenges / Online
Cluster Analysis on f0 Contours: Advantages, Pitfalls, Challenges
Host Institution: University of Konstanz
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cluster-analysis-on-f0-contour
Dates: 09-Nov-2023 - 10-Nov-2023
Location: Online, Online
Focus: Cluster analysis
Minimum Education Level: MA
When: November 9th and 10th, 2-4 pm Berlin time
Where: Online (hosted by LingLabs, University of Konstanz)
Who: Dr Constantijn Kaland
What: In this workshop you will learn to apply cluster analysis to f0
contours. This analysis is particularly useful when applied in early
stages of language research, i.e. when little to no knowledge about
the intonation of the language is available. The method has several
advantages over traditional approaches; such as its reproducibility,
representativeness, inclusivity and reliability.
Although the aim to come to phonological descriptions of intonation is
advanced to a great extent, there are still several challenges in the
application of this method.The workshop structure will reflect the
workflow proposed for contour clustering, covering the following order
of topics: measuring f0, preparing contours for analysis, data
cleaning, performing cluster analysis, evaluating the output,
interpreting the results.
The proposed method is available as a freely accessible tool that can
be run from R-Studio:
https://constantijnkaland.github.io/contourclustering/ and will be
used in the workshop. The website provides all necessary background
literature, scripts, a manual and a tutorial.Participants are highly
encouraged to bring their own data to the workshop.
To use the data directly in the tool, the data needs to have the form
of wave files (.wav) and accompanying Praat textgrids (.TextGrid) with
at least one interval tier with the unit of analysis annotated (this
can be any possible unit; e.g. syllable, word, phrase, etc).
Example data sets will be discussed and analyzed in an interactive way
during the workshop.
Tuition: EURO
Registration: 04-Oct-2023 to 08-Nov-2023
Contact Person: Massimiliano Canzi
Email: massimiliano.canzi at uni-konstanz.de
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2943
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