34.2971, Calls: 17th European Society for the Study of English Conference 2024 Lausanne
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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2971. Tue Oct 10 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 34.2971, Calls: 17th European Society for the Study of English Conference 2024 Lausanne
Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
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Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <zleech at linguistlist.org>
Date: 10-Oct-2023
From: Jacopo Castaldi [jacopo.castaldi at canterbury.ac.uk]
Subject: 17th European Society for the Study of English Conference 2024 Lausanne
Full Title: 17th European Society for the Study of English Conference
2024 Lausanne
Short Title: ESSE 2024
Date: 26-Aug-2024 - 30-Aug-2024
Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Contact Person: Jacopo Castaldi
Meeting Email: jacopo.castaldi at canterbury.ac.uk
Web Site: https://wp.unil.ch/esse2024/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Discourse Analysis;
Pragmatics; Sociolinguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2024
Meeting Description:
Call for Seminar Papers
Seminar Title: To Believe or not to Believe: Approaching Manipulation
in Current Discourses
Call for Papers:
Scholars wishing to present their paper in one of the seminars are
invited to submit c. 250-word abstracts (excluding references) of
their proposed presentations and a brief bio (c. 100 words) directly
to the convenors of the respective seminars by 31 January 2024.
Seminars consist of a varying number of academic papers and
discussions. The length of papers should be 20 minutes with an added
10 minutes for discussion. As the number of slots for seminars is
restricted for room reasons, the seminar
convenors have some flexibility and may ask seminar participants for
shortened papers in order to allow for more presentations in their
seminars. Please note that ESSE 2024 participants will only be allowed
to give one paper at the conference. This applies to both
single-author and co-authored papers
Seminar 4. To Believe or not to Believe: Approaching Manipulation in
Current Discourses [in person]
Given the difficulty to ascertain the intentions of text producers
(Maillat, 2013; Maillat and Oswald, 2009; Oswald, 2014), studying
manipulative discourses presents challenges at different levels.
Firstly, as a matter of definitions, manipulation and persuasion are
often difficult to differentiate (but see de Saussure, 2005 and
Sorlin, 2016 for some attempts). Secondly, at analytical and
interpretative levels, establishing whether manipulation occurs often
relies on speculative arguments on the part of the researcher. In view
of the above, the main aim of the seminar is to encourage
contributions that offer proposals of innovative analytical tools and
theoretical frameworks which:
1) would explore the nature of verbal and non-verbal (e.g.
pictorial/visual) manipulation and establish its definition;
2) could be applied to the study of various types and degrees of
manipulation (including fake news);
3) would enable to identify manipulation in various types of mono- or
multimodal discourses (in the sense of Forceville, 2020), and possibly
to find out whether or not manipulative techniques vary depending on
the genre.
We invite researchers working within various frameworks and engaged in
studying various types of English language media, including – albeit
not limited to – online portals, social media, television, the press,
or posters.
• Jacopo Castaldi (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK) -
jacopo.castaldi at canterbury.ac.uk
• Ewa Konieczna (University of Rzeszów, Poland) - ekonieczna at ur.edu.pl
• Bożena Duda (University of Rzeszów, Poland) - bduda at ur.edu.pl
• Paulina Mormol-Fura (University of Rzeszów, Poland) -
pmormol at ur.edu.pl
- Submissions of individual papers for seminars to seminar convenors:
31 January 2024
- Notification of acceptance: by 29 February 2024
- Conference registration will begin on 1 March 2024
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